Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 867 One against Four

Heixue is very strong, Xia Feng has known this for a long time.

But what he didn't expect was that that slender and petite body actually possessed such perverted toughness and the power to compete with him.

Although the transformation of the Origin Stone in his body was weakened by the influence of Hela's sword, this punch was still too outrageous to the extent that he was evenly matched.


After the punch, Xia Feng quickly pulled his body away.

At this point, all four divine envoys from [Deep Canon] have joined the battle. In a battle of this level, the Royal Knights can no longer play any role.

In a one-on-four situation, Xia Feng inserted the Red Demon Sword back and drew out the more flexible Shenyue Sword with his backhand.

The big guy just now has been severely injured by him. Hela's strength is temporarily unknown. Black Snow is undoubtedly his biggest threat. Moreover, there is a longbow on the city wall that is always aimed at him.

Holding the Shenyue Sword tightly, Xia Feng quickly adjusted the angle, trying to avoid facing the city wall with his back.

The Shenyue Sword itself has the function of absorbing the energy of the Source Stone. Of course, the energy stored in the sword at this time cannot support the consumption of the black and white twins on the 30th day of the growth period.

So in the next battle, he will use the source of energy respectively for the Shenyue Sword and the Source Stone on the ground.

The divine envoys of [Deep Code] did not give him much time to think. This was not a game. They knew very well that Xia Feng still had the ability to kill someone in an instant.


As the only being who could confront Xia Feng head-on, Hei Xue shattered the ground and charged forward first.

Standing firm, Xia Feng raised his knife and faced him.

The Shenyue Sword turned into a ray of cold light and swung it away towards the oncoming black snow.


Just like last time in Sami, Heixue once again caught the edge of the Shenyue Sword with his bare hands, but this time, Xia Feng observed some details.

A layer of dark gray scales grew on the inside of Kuroyuki's palm. It seemed that these scales had very high defensive power.

After the knife failed to produce any results, Xia Feng quickly sheathed the knife and kicked out fiercely at the same time.


This kick was also blocked by Kuroyuki's arm, and then she picked up her other hand and slammed it towards Xia Feng.

Obviously, neither Xia Feng nor Hei Xue are so-called fighting masters, and their simple and crude movements have no tricks at all.

Of course, in front of experts of their level, with full agility and insight, their moves have little meaning.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

After the two moves of meeting, Xia Feng and Hei Xue started a round of crazy fighting.

The punches from both sides were almost at the same speed. The only difference was that Xia Feng had a weapon in his hand.

The Royal Knights in the distance looked dumbfounded. The confrontation between the two was like flying sand and rocks. The surging shock waves exploded frequently with the two as the center, and a torrent of energy like substance poured out wantonly.

The Royal Knights are the best among soldiers, but in the face of this "fight between gods", it is difficult for them to intervene.


Another punch collided, and Xia Feng shook Hei Xue's body away. Then he held the Shenyue Sword backwards and quickly retracted it from his waist.

"Sad Qiu Liyu!"

If there is anything different between him and the last time he was in Sami, besides the different operating cycles of the black and white twins, he also learned sword skills.

Although he only knows this one move, with the support of the top black power at this moment, Bei Qiu Liyu's power has reached its limit.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!"

In less than half a second, Xia Feng fired six swords in a row. Each sword was struck and then withdrawn. It was half true and false, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

This is the power of Beiqiu Liyu. Because of his precise control, the speed of each knife exceeds the opponent's response speed. At the same time, these knives do not always contain the power to really hurt people.

In order to maximize his speed, only one of Xia Feng's six swords was real, and this sword was the one where Heixue chose to give up defense because he was overwhelmed.

Under this situation, he could no longer show mercy. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the speed of the last knife went up to another level, pointing directly at Kuroyuki's armpit.

He has already observed that Kuroyuki only has hard scales in his palms, while his armpits are joints. No matter what race he is, in order to allow his body to move flexibly, this area must be soft.

Coupled with the black power, the power of this knife is no longer just cutting power. As long as it can penetrate Kuroyuki's body, he is confident that he can immediately mobilize the black power to smash her into pieces.


The cold light came in an instant, and Heixue's panicked expression because she couldn't avoid it was already imprinted on Xia Feng's pupils.

But at the same time, the hateful hidden arrow on the city wall may be late, but it will not be absent.


After noticing the arrow shot at him, Xia Feng no longer wanted to be forced to stop. Once Bei Qiu Liyu drew his sword, he never stopped, all he wanted was speed.

Without any hesitation, the Shenyue Sword pierced Kuroyukihime's chest from the side.

The next second, the arrow also hit Xia Feng's shoulder.

"Pfft, pfft!"

Two muffled sounds came out almost at the same time.

Xia Feng gritted his teeth as a severe pain came from his shoulder.

The blade had already pierced the opponent's body. Next, he only needed to focus the black power on the blade and rotate his wrist.

However, when he wanted to trigger the movement of black power in his body, the supply of Source Stone energy stagnated again.

The arrow that hit his shoulder was also made of blue stone.

In his brief absence, Xia Feng had missed the best opportunity. The next second, Hela's figure appeared behind him.

There was no other way, so the Shenyue Sword that had penetrated into Heixue's body was immediately pulled out.


Blocking Hela's sneak attack with a backhand knife, Xia Feng took advantage of the situation and stepped back.

Before he could stand still, a strong wind roared behind his ears.


The punch hit his neck firmly, and the strong numbness almost made him black out.

Forcibly controlling his concentration, he turned around and saw the big man who had been seriously injured by his headbutt just now.

At this time, Turgor was bleeding from all over his body, but he still did not lose his fighting ability.

From the moment God's Mission started to the present, everything almost happened in less than 2 minutes.

But due to the huge consumption, Xia Feng felt that the energy density of both the Source Stone energy in the Shenyue Sword and the Source Stones scattered in the distance continued to decrease.

Because he faced different enemies, although his battles didn't look so gorgeous, the energy consumed was several times higher than usual.

From the beginning to now, his goal of killing one person in an instant has not been achieved. If he continues to fight one against four, he will undoubtedly fall into a slow death.

Enduring the numbness in his neck, Xia Feng was heartbroken.

Kuroyuki was already injured, and it was difficult to get close to the guy on the city wall who could only shoot arrows, so the target should be on the remaining two people.

Hela and the big guy, in order to win, he must kill one of them first at any cost!

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