Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 868 Black and white twins also have limits

Xia Feng inserted the Shenyue Sword tremblingly back into the scabbard at his waist, and stretched his hand to his shoulder.


Pulling out the arrow on his shoulder, the blood spilled out, leaving a piece of bloody skin.

If it were an ordinary person, this arrow would definitely penetrate him, but with the support of black power, this arrow would just get stuck in his body.

The black snow in the distance also covered the wound under his armpit, but his expression showed no trace of pain, as if he didn't feel anything.

Hela and Turgor stared at Xia Feng cautiously. In their opinion, Xia Feng's injury would definitely affect his next actions.

Xia Feng gasped for air, his shoulders and neck were severely injured, half of his clothes were dyed red with blood, and he knelt down.

Seeing that he seemed to be exhausted, Hela and Turgor immediately clenched their swords and fists.

From their point of view, Xia Feng's actual combat effectiveness was much higher than originally expected, and this opportunity must not be missed.

With a wink at each other, the two quickly rushed from the left and right sides towards Xia Feng, who was half-kneeling on the ground.

However, Hela did not notice that the Shenyue Sword in Xia Feng's hand had quietly lost its original silver luster.

Although he was hit by an arrow, the physical trauma was far from enough to make Xia Feng fall to his knees. Yes, this was a flaw.

At this moment, Xia Feng decided to go all out.

The black power in his body accelerated, and he grasped the Shenyue Sword tightly. He absorbed all the Source Stone energy stored in the sword in an instant.

The next second, the figures of Hela and Turgor were close at hand.

At the same time, Xia Feng also raised his head.

When Hela saw Xia Feng's expression at this moment, she already noticed something strange.

As Xia Feng stood up from the ground, the black flames in his left eye skyrocketed. Sensing the terrifying energy he had quietly condensed, Hela immediately changed direction and forced his way around.

However, Turgor on the other side is relatively "real".

He didn't change direction, but blankly punched Xia Feng with his fist.

For Turgor, who had just been promoted to the rank of Divine Envoy, this was his first fight with Xia Feng. In his opinion, this young man was very strong, but far from being as strong as Heixue.

The biggest difference is endurance.

But what he doesn't know is that endurance is sometimes not a good thing.

Just like the 100-meter sprint and the marathon, although the former is very short in terms of distance and time, its explosive power in a moment is unmatched.


Turgor's fist stopped abruptly in mid-air and was firmly held by Xia Feng in his right palm.

At the same time, Xia Feng's left hand was so fast that he couldn't react and pressed on Turgor's face.

A voice that sounded like it came from hell sounded in my ears.

"Bye, brother."

As expected, the hidden arrows on the city wall were shot again at a critical moment, but this time, Xia Feng wanted to kill the person in front of him no matter what.

The black air that exploded all over Xia Feng's body distorted the surrounding air, and then he pressed down hard with his palms, forcing the burly Tugor to the ground.

Then, black flames exploded with Xia Feng as the center, reaching straight into the sky.


This blow absorbed all the source stone energy in the Shenyue Sword. Under the violent destructive power, Turgor's strong body was instantly torn into pieces.


Almost at the same time that Tugor was killed instantly, Xia Feng's body was hit by a hidden arrow fired from the city wall.

This time, due to the different angle, the entire arrow entered from Xia Feng's back, and the arrow penetrated from the right chest.


Xia Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the next second, Hela's figure struck from the side like lightning.

Because she predicted Xia Feng's "play hard to get" at the last moment, Hela chose to betray her teammates.

Turgor died, but his death was well worth it, because this time Xia Feng was fatally wounded.


At the same time that Xia Feng was hit by an arrow, Hela finally took action.

The weird curved sword swept across, and Hela was ready to give Xia Feng the final blow at the moment when he had just finished his killing move and was hit by an arrow.

But unfortunately, she underestimated the limits of the black and white twins.

Even though he had just consumed all the energy of the Origin Stone, even after being hit by a piercing arrow, Xia Feng still did not lose his fighting power. Looking at his experiences along the way, this level of adversity is no longer unfamiliar to him. .

During the brief trauma, Xia Feng did not choose to absorb the energy of the Source Stone scattered in the distance, but chose his own body as the consumable.


The darkened left eye once again ignited black flames, and the entire left arm was instantly destroyed by the black power until it was bloody and bloody.

Facing the curved sword swung by Hela, the Shenyue Sword was instantly unsheathed.


Hela's face was filled with astonishment as she was so close, and the arm holding the sword had already flown into the air.

Without hesitation, Xia Feng eliminated Hela's fighting power with one blow, then quickly adjusted the position of the knife and stabbed her chest with the blade.

But this time, what hit him on the side was a punch as powerful as a giant's hammer.

At some point, the injured Kuroyukii had regained his mobility. Just when Xia Feng almost killed the broken-armed Hela, Kuroyuki punched him hard in the ribs.


This punch was hit steadily without any precautions. Xia Feng felt that all the bones in his body were broken. The next second, his whole body slid out against the ground as if he had been hit by a truck.

Killing two divine envoys with a sneak attack was indeed too much.

Of course, this result was worthy of being said. The big guy died on the spot, Hela had one arm cut off, and everything happened in a flash of lightning.

However, the price he paid was equally high, so high that he finally couldn't bear it.

Because of the two arrows, the blue stone on the arrow had invaded his body. At this moment, Xia Feng truly felt that he could no longer absorb the energy of the Source Stone scattered in the distance.


Hela in the distance covered the broken arm with one hand and let out a scream.

She seemed to be different from Kuroyuki, with her fingers connected to her heart, even if she came from the deep sea, the physical pain could not be cut off.

Then, supporting her body with her sword, Hela stood up with disheveled hair. Her eyes, which were usually flashing blue, were now scarlet.

Of course, although she looked miserable, she was lucky enough to bear Xia Feng's strongest blow head-on compared to the other divine envoy, and Turgor had turned into dust.

Hela stared closely at Xia Feng, who was knocked to the ground by Heixue's punch, and squeezed out a few words through her teeth.

"Is, kill him, immediately, immediately!"

Following Hela's voice, Is on the city wall opened the black long bow again, and the blue arrow was aimed at Xia Feng who fell on the ground.

At the same time, the Dongguo Assassin Group on the other side of the city wall also jumped off the city wall.

Following the lessons learned from the Royal Knights, they were not in a hurry to take action immediately, because the complete Xia Feng would easily tear them apart.

But now, Xia Feng has suffered countless heavy injuries and seems to have finally lost his fighting ability.

At this time, in order to respond to Frey's order, they must symbolically participate in the action of killing Xia Feng.

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on Xia Feng, as if they were ready to witness his tragic death in the next second.

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