Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 873 The Ultimate Darkness

[Have you ever heard of Biwingbird? 】

【Biyibird? Is that the bird with only one wing? 】

[Yes, it is a legendary creature. The winged bird has only one wing. The male has a left wing and the female has a right wing. When the male and female fly side by side, they can climb over the mountains and cross the ocean. They can fly faster than all other birds. Birds are far apart, black and white blend together, and they are twins. As long as they are together, their wings tower over all birds, and they are incomparably powerful. 】

[The combined power of the winged birds is indeed extremely powerful, but if separated, they will become extremely fragile. A single winged bird cannot fly. If it forcibly flaps its wings, it will lose its balance and fall into the abyss, eventually leading to death. 】

[The devil's anger can destroy the earth, and the goddess's last sorrowful wish cuts off the pain. The power of the twins that complement each other is the strength of black and white, but if a balance cannot be found, this will also become the fatal weakness of the black and white twins. The more The stronger you are, the more fragile you are. This is the principle of all things. 】

In Life on the Rhine, Yuan Shan analyzed the twins of black and white from another angle.

Later, Hemmer's experimental data also proved this.

If his body is compared to a microcosm of the world, then from beginning to end, he is repeating the endless reincarnation.

Just like The Truman World, as long as you don't break away from the established trajectory, you will never be able to see what is outside the "world".

Of course, there may be fatal dangers outside the "world", and you may be shattered into pieces in an instant, but if you never try, you will never know the answer.

Xia Feng knew very well that he was a human being. He came from another world and did not have any animal race characteristics.

There is no doubt that the white power in his right eye has been protecting him from beginning to end. If he loses the ability to reset, perhaps the black power will grow indefinitely.

Until the entire world becomes "black".

Of course, the world can never be assimilated by darkness, because before that, he himself will die because he cannot bear the expanding power.

If he dies, there will be nothing left, his story will come to an abrupt end, and the future of this world will have nothing to do with him.

But so what?

If he was afraid of death, he would not have come to Victoria in the first place.

All things have an end. He is not a savior, and he has never wanted to save everyone. For him, as long as he can save the people he wants to save before dying, that is enough.

As for what happens after that, it doesn’t matter anymore.

As the eyeball was driven out of its socket by the Shenyue Knife, the white light disappeared, replaced by endless darkness that shrouded the entire sky.

At this moment, both the army of millions of infected people and the central army that defended it to the death stopped their movements at the same time.

Everyone's expressions showed shock, as if countless illusory hands rose from the earth and locked their legs tightly, no one dared to move.

The noise of the battlefield stopped abruptly, and everyone stopped in place, not even daring to make a sound.

They felt like they were standing on an abyss, and a strong sense of fear had surrounded their souls.

Under the walls of Londinium.

Wei Na in the distance, Turtle next to her, including the members of Black Feather nearby, all stared at Xia Feng in horror with their eyes wide open.

Everyone is like relatives of Xia Feng. For them who understand the characteristics of the black and white twins, there is no need to say more about what the complete disappearance of the white power means.


"Brother Feng!"

"Xia Feng!!!"

Sincere and desperate cries were intertwined in the air, but Xia Feng could no longer hear anything at this moment.

With his eyes closed tightly, the last voice in his mind seemed to come from the depths of his soul.

【Snapped! 】

It was a sound like something breaking. After that, the world in his left eye had lost its original color.

Black blood flowed from the gap in the eye socket and covered his cheek, but the eye socket was already empty.

The scarred body was so overstretched that there was nothing left to consume. The next moment, the surface of the skin, which was already covered with wounds, condensed into a pure black crystalline epidermis, and at the same time, some unique pattern appeared on it.

This is a special pattern that I have never seen before, like some kind of symbol or some kind of writing from ancient times.

Of course, Xia Feng can no longer sense the changes in his body, which is not that important to him at this moment.

Those fatal wounds should have been healed by the white power, but now they were "sealed" by the black power.

At this moment, the air fell into dead silence.

Xia Feng, who lost his right eye, slowly opened his eyelids.


In the left eye, the black flame appeared a little weaker than before, but if you look closely, you will find that the flame is getting bigger at an extremely slow speed.

At the same time, with his current position as the center, strange changes occurred in every corner for several kilometers.

In Londinium City, the Originium-driven cars lost their power, and the equipment in shops and factories stopped running. Whether it was stored, mobilized, or in use, the Originium had lost its energy.

With Xia Feng as the center, huge amounts of Source Stone energy gathered from all directions, like a huge black hole that could swallow up all the energy that could be used by him.

The fluttering black flame in his left eye became deeper and deeper, so deep that it seemed like it could assimilate any color in the world.

On the city wall, feeling this huge energy that could no longer be described in words, the five people in [King's Staff] all trembled.

Bai's solemn voice came out from under the mask.

"These black and white twins can actually grow!"

At this point, the confusing story seems to have come to an end.

Without hesitation, following Bai's order, the five members of [King's Staff] quickly left the city wall. Victoria's final fate was already determined.

But no one saw Bai's last leaving figure, with a tear shed under the fox mask.

After taking a deep look at Londinium behind them, the five people disappeared into the wilderness.

Kuroyuki, who was fighting Skadi in the distance, also stopped moving.

The Victoria incident was single-handedly led by Hela, who was also a member of the [Deep Canon] God Envoy. In the end, she came to assist only on the order of the high priest.

The black pupils shone with a strange light, and Heixue's thin body faced the summer wind in the distance.

For her, Victoria is not her home ground. Unlike Hela, she will never allow this to happen in the process of what she really wants to achieve.

She was very aware of the violent rage rising from the earth at this moment.

Hela lost.

without hesitation,

Heixue turned around and didn't look at Xia Feng again. For her, she had already seen the result.

Then, ignoring Skadi's pursuit, she left Londinium as quickly as possible.

The figures of deep-sea hunters and prey disappeared into the wilderness.

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