Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 874 This sword gives meaning to their sacrifices

Facing the city wall built by the first king of Victoria, Xia Feng, who had broken through the black and white twins to the 31st day, put the Shenyue Sword back into its sheath.

Then, he slowly drew out the Red Demon Sword from behind.

Without his white power, it no longer mattered what would happen to him.

At this moment, Xia Feng could no longer feel any pain, or in other words, in the face of life and death, the physical pain had been selectively ignored by him.

A full 14 months, more than a year.

The black and white twins have changed his body to become tougher, tough enough to withstand the black power of the 31st day in a short time.

Xia Feng didn't know how long this state could last. It might be 10 minutes, it might be 1 minute, or it might be just a few seconds.

What he needs to do now is to use the limited time to accomplish what he couldn't do before.

Seeing Xia Feng's strange and unbelievable changes, Hela in the distance was stunned.

Soon, the shocked expression was replaced by strong resentment. She bent down and picked up the curved long sword made of blue stone that she had dropped on the ground.

Pointing her sword, she roared crazily.

"We can't lose this holy war. Kill us."

Hela's last word was not spoken and could never be spoken.

As if exceeding the speed of light, Hela felt that the scene in front of her was going dark and bright. The next moment, Xia Feng's eyes burning with black flames were so close to her, so close that she could almost see the black lines in the pupils clearly. .

A hoarse and hollow voice came.

"As long as I am alive, this world must become what I want to see, because this is my own tomorrow's Ark."

This was a force she could not resist. The moment she lost consciousness, the Red Demon Sword had penetrated her chest.

"Hela, goodbye."

This was the last sound Hela heard. Her eyes widened, and she didn't understand why she lost until she died.

For Hela, Victoria is a carefully planned chess game. It is a must-win game, or in other words, the game has already been won.

Verin made the choice she wanted to see, and the Empire's decision to expel the infected completely coincided with her purpose.

The infected's counterattack was indeed unexpected, but in a sense, it accelerated the creation of her ideal situation.

With the empire's military strength, she did not believe that the infected could successfully resist, even with the support of the Southern Military District and the regular troops of Sargon and Sami.

At this point, Hela can even take her people away from Victoria and choose the next "chessboard".

The only reason that kept her from leaving was that the successor to the black and white twins was still alive.

As it turns out, her hunch was right.

The death of the infected person is already doomed, just like the yellow sand falling due to the laws of physics, it is irreversible.

But in Xia Feng's last ditch effort, he used the last grain of sand in the bottle as a bargaining chip to turn the hourglass firmly fixed by the shackles upside down.

Feeling the severe pain of being penetrated by the Red Demon Sword, Hela still couldn't believe that this was true.

The carefully planned chess game, months of foreshadowing, was turned around by the man in front of him on his own?

Not only will she die, but everything she has done before will be wiped out by this sword?

Questions asked knowingly will never be answered.


The red demon sword that penetrated Hela's body erupted with strong black energy. Under the impact of this energy torrent, her body instantly exploded into pieces.


Seeing Hela being killed instantly by Xia Feng after the mutation, the envoy on the city wall who had been firing hidden arrows let out a roar.

It seems that Hela is very important to him.

This divine envoy named Yis did not choose to give up on Victoria as decisively as Heixue. He did not know what happened to Xia Feng. Although Hela was dead, they had not lost yet.


The black long bow was drawn again, Yisi gritted his teeth and stared at Xia Feng under the city wall with eyes full of cold murderous intent.

At the same time, the vast abyssal monsters gathered below him also let out an earth-shattering roar.


They were all brought by Hela. Although she is dead now, she no longer needs to be taught what to do.

Even if it comes from instinct, they will tear apart the man who killed Hela.

At this moment, everyone in Black Feather has moved away from the deep sea monster and retreated a hundred meters away.

Guigui was carried on his back by Brother ACE, looking at Xia Feng who was facing the city wall with tears in his eyes.

"Big Windmill, don't forget our agreement, we will always, always, always be together!"

This sentence did not receive a response from Xia Feng.

Feeling the breath of the deep sea rising into the sky from the direction of the city wall, Xia Feng raised his head slightly and cast his left eye filled with black flames at the huge deep sea camp.


The sharp arrow that had penetrated him many times before was shot at him from the city wall again.

But this time, he won't be hit again.

Still retaining the last trace of reason in his mind, Xia Feng clenched the Red Demon Sword and shouted loudly in the direction of the city wall.

"You despicable villain who shoots secret arrows, I have tolerated you for a long time, I will kill you!"

The next second, the entire land under Xia Feng's feet erupted with countless cracks. The black flames in his left eye spread to his whole body, and the air solidified at this moment until it lost its flow.

The dark red lines on the Red Demon Sword were replaced by black, and the surging black energy gathered into the sword body, merging, assimilating, interacting, and sublimating.


A wild black vortex exploded around Xia Feng, and everything nearby was torn into pieces.

The black red demon sword was raised high, and then it was swung hard towards the city wall of Londinium.

This sword not only carries the anger of the ancient demon, but also the faith of all those who died in this war.

The sacrifices of General Grissom, Aguang, and Mesha will all be given a new meaning by this sword.


Along with the roar of the summer wind that resounded throughout the world, the torrent of black energy swept out by the Red Demon Sword slashed towards the solid city wall.


Hundreds of deep-sea monsters under the city wall were instantly submerged by the torrent of energy, and their huge bodies were turned into dust under the raging terrifying destructive power.

The last divine envoy on the city wall had seen real death in his eyes.

This sword destroyed all the monsters from the deep sea, killed the divine envoys on the city wall, and at the same time penetrated the empire's last line of defense.

This sword is powerful enough to cut through all obstacles.

Walls crumbled and buildings collapsed.

The unparalleled huge destructive power split the huge city of Londinium in two from the middle.

Some years later.

The famous Victorian historian wrote this on the last page of his book "Review of the Dark Ages of Victoria".

[Looking at the entire dark age, it was very short, only two months long, but the traces it left in history can never be erased. The decadent empire far underestimated the power of the infected. The darkness was destined to be dispelled, and the light was bound to come, because no one could have imagined that the infected would start from Shendi City in the south and capture dozens of cities in the north. Finally, In the end, it was possible to roughly cut the huge Londinium in half from the middle. 】

The historian is famous, but the last sentence in the book has been questioned around the world.

Infected people are not a specialty of Victoria. To put it bluntly, almost all "insiders" know the limits of Originium's skills.

Split the massive Londinium in two? Why don't you go to heaven?

This is simply not something that humans can do.

Afterwards, when these foreigners visited the city of Londinium divided into two, everyone was more convinced of their previous doubts.

Everyone agreed.

The historian who wrote the book was bragging. This situation was obviously caused by a natural disaster.

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