Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 875 I still have a lot to say to you

Some people say that natural disasters are the most terrifying thing in the world of Terra. They can destroy cities and take away lives.

If we only look at it from this perspective, then in the late winter of 1094 in the Terra Calendar, a "natural disaster" also occurred in Victoria at this time point.

This natural disaster is not precise to a certain area, nor is it precise in type. Its scope covers the hearts and minds of everyone in the country.

The empire's order to kill infected people is far more terrifying than natural disasters. Just like a sudden disaster, the infected people who were living as usual suddenly lost the right to live.

Faced with injustice, some infected people may ask.

Why should we be discriminated against?

Why are we being expelled?

Why do infected people, the "derivatives" of natural disasters and Origin Stones, suffer such unequal treatment? We are also human beings.

This is an unsolvable problem. Human nature is selfish, just like animals with low intelligence.

As long as there is fresh meat to eat, they will not choose to eat carrion. The same is true for herbivores. As long as there is fresh and tender grass, they will not eat dead grass.

This is the selfish and greedy instinct of human nature, and instinct is unreasonable.

The infected cannot get the answer to this question. They can only choose to escape or resist in vain.

However, a man named Xia Feng answered this question perfectly with practical actions.

Why are infected people ostracized?

That's because you're not strong enough.

Outside Londinium, the entire city was split in two in the middle of the torrent of dark energy.

The city walls collapsed, the neighborhoods were destroyed into ruins, civilians, military police, officials, nobles, everything, no existence was special in the face of the wrath of the ancient evil.

Until finally, the power of this sword penetrated the palace located in the middle of the north of the city.

This sword cut off all the entanglements of love and hate in Xia Feng's heart, and also cut off the empire's confidence.

This sword seemed to cut off the sky and the earth, separating darkness and light. Victoria's short "Dark Age" ended here.

After an unknown amount of time, the trembling air became calm.

"Hehe, hehehe, hahahaha!"

Looking at Londinim who was separated before him, Xia Feng finally smiled. In his smile, tears mixed with blood flowed from the eye socket of the missing right eye.


The Red Demon Sword fell to the ground.

The crystallized black skin all over his body was festering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The pain was like being gnawed by tens of thousands of insects, causing him to instantly lose his mobility.


Xia Feng's thin body finally fell.

His body was almost stretched to the limit from the inside out, like firewood that could no longer sustain life.

Lying on his back on the cold ground, the scenery in his eyes regained its color, but became increasingly blurry.

Intense pain has surrounded his senses, but there is no trace of pain on Xia Feng's expression at this moment.

He was laughing, tears could not stop running down his cheeks, but the corners of his mouth kept smiling. Even though he could no longer make any sound, the joy in his smile was beyond words.

With this last sword, all enemies who stood in his way were killed. At this moment, Londinium became a "city gate wide open" in the true sense.


Everyone in Black Feather rushed to Xia Feng's side from a distance. Looking at his body that seemed to have turned into a mummy, everyone showed their unbearable expression.

Of course, the injuries he suffered in the past seemed more serious than now, but because of the existence of white power, all injuries can be reset.

But now, the final error tolerance rate has been killed by him himself.

Guigui threw herself on Xia Feng's chest, tears falling heavily.

"Big Windmill, don't die, wuwuwu, we have to go back to the barbecue restaurant together, eat a lot of delicious food together, and travel to many places together, no, don't leave me!"

Guigui's sad face came into his eyes. Xia Feng wanted to reach out and touch her head, but he didn't have any strength.

With the last of his strength, a weak voice came out of his mouth.

"Guigui, you are no longer alone. Even if I am gone, you will not be alone anymore. You can live happily with everyone in Black Feather."

"I do not want!"

Turtle let out a heart-rending cry.

"I don't want it. If you are gone, I will never be happy. I don't want you to die!"


"I do not want!"

The pupil of Xia Feng's left eye had begun to dilate, and his voice became weaker and weaker.

"I am neither an operator nor a doctor, so I can get to this point, I already..."

Guigui didn't understand what Xia Feng was saying, so she just grabbed his hand that had turned gray-black and cried loudly.

"No, I don't want a big windmill, a big windmill!"

Turtle's cries were heartbreaking, most people's eyes were red, and even Hongdao lowered his head deeply.

"Summer breeze."

At this moment, Wei Na's voice reached Xia Feng's ears.

Hearing this voice, his dimmed eyes brightened up again, and he turned his head with difficulty, and Wei Na's face appeared in front of him.

Looking at Wei Na, Xia Feng slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Vina. Sorry for ruining your capital, hey."

"Summer breeze."

"Leave me alone. It's not over yet. You still have things to do. Go to the palace."

Wei Na stared blankly at Xia Feng's dying appearance.

"But you"

"Leave me alone, go ahead and end everything. Don't let everyone's sacrifices go to waste. This is your responsibility."

Xia Feng's last expression was full of expectation.

Wei Na clenched her fists tightly, probably no one could understand the torment in her heart at this moment.

"I won't let everyone's sacrifices be in vain, Xia Feng, don't die, wait for me. I want you to see with your own eyes the reborn Victoria, the hometown where infected people and ordinary people coexist equally."


Then, Vina turned around firmly and walked towards the cracked Londinium.

No one saw that the moment she turned around, tears came to her eyes.

The darkness in the sky had dissipated and the rain had long since stopped.

Perhaps because of Xia Feng's last sword, the original dark clouds in the sky were completely dispersed, and bright sunshine actually emerged in the north that had been gloomy for several months.

Bathed in the long-lost warmth, Wei Na did not hesitate in her steps.

She is getting closer and closer to Londinium, which she vows to recapture, but she is getting further and further away from Xia Feng, who helps her accomplish all this.

Countless memories flashed through my mind.

Once upon a time, she first met the panicked Xia Feng in Chernobog in Ursus.

In Mandel City, even though Xia Feng was weak, clumsy, and panicked at the time, he never abandoned everyone in order to protect himself. It was like there was a principle in his heart that he must adhere to.

Until now, Wei Na still doesn't know what the knights of the ark that Xia Feng once mentioned are, but in her mind.

Xia Feng is her knight, the only knight who truly protects her.

Tears fell silently, Vina walked firmly towards the palace of Londinium step by step.

He murmured to himself.

"Xia Feng, please don't die. I still have a lot to say to you."

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