Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 876 Winter has passed and spring has arrived

Londinium, the royal capital established by the first king of the Aslan tribe.

The city is located in the northern hinterland, with a city wall as high as 30 meters. It can be said to be impregnable in terms of geographical location and defense capabilities.

The residents living in the north never thought that one day the north would be invaded by war, and even if the residents living in Londinium thought that the north would be affected by war, they never dreamed that Londinium would split apart.

It's not an adjective, it's really cracked.

This terrifying scene, like a natural disaster, appeared without warning.

Most of the residents knew that there was a war going on outside the city, but in order not to cause panic, the military only called it a guerrilla attack by a small group of infected people, and the army of infected people did not attack the city of Londinium.

However, just as the residents were eating hot pot, singing songs, and talking about the overestimation of the infected people in the city, the city fell apart.

As if struck by a natural disaster, the formerly prosperous and orderly city was now in chaos.

Because they did not understand the situation, most people were very panicked. At the same time, because they knew that there was a war outside the city, they did not dare to leave the city.

In residential areas, adults dragged their children out of their homes and bumped into each other like headless flies on the city roads. Of course, those who were directly affected have been buried in the rubble.

In order to cope with the resistance of the infected, there was no military strength left in Londinium City at this time, and even the military and police were deployed to the front line.

As for the Royal Knights, they suffered heavy casualties from Xia Feng's sword and were unable to regroup.

Weina walked on the street and looked at the chaotic city without any anxiety or unbearability in her heart.

Because she knows that as long as the sun rises from the east again, this country will become what she wants to see.

Ignoring the chaotic crowd on the street, Vina followed the route in her memory and rushed to the palace.

If Londinium is the strongest city in Victoria, then the Royal Palace is the core copper wall of Londinium.

But at this moment, the royal palace, which was usually so tight that even a wild cat couldn't get in, was completely destroyed by the bombardment.

The elite members of the Royal Knights have been transferred away, and now there are only sporadic guards left, and some staff affiliated with the palace are pouring out from the broken gaps.

For example, the gardener of the royal garden, the royal chef, the royal driver, the royal doctor, and some maids and waiters.

No one was on guard or maintaining order. The civilians had no idea what was going on, and most of those who really knew what was going on had already run away.

Going against the servants of the palace, Vina walked into the palace wearing a black jacket and carrying a hammer.

When she walked into the main hall door, she suddenly stopped.

Looking at the person in front of her, Wei Na said coldly.

"Do you still want to struggle?"

In front of the door of the hall, the commander of the Royal Knights, Tyreg, held a sword with one hand. Of course, he could only use one hand, and the other hand had been cut off by Xia Feng before.

Looking at the 90% similarity in appearance between Wei Na and Wei Lin, Terege, known as the [Sword of the Empire], had a complicated look on his face, and the hand holding the golden sword was trembling.

His family has protected the royal family for generations. Even if there is an order from Wei Lin, even if he disobeys the order, he will kill foreign enemies here.

However, the person standing in front of him now is also of royal blood.

With a pale face, Terege slowly put the golden sword back into its scabbard under the gaze of Vina.

"My subordinates dare not."

"Where's Verin?"

Teleg pursed his lips and said word by word.

"Your Majesty is inside, she is waiting for you."

Wei Na was not surprised to hear that Wei Lin was waiting for her.

Wei Lin is a smart person. She has inherited the wisdom of the late king. Once her sister appears at the door of the palace hall, there is no need to think about what it means, and there is no need to struggle.

Without saying anything else, Vina passed Telege and walked straight into the hall.

Inside the main hall.

The splendid walls had cracked due to the violent turmoil, and the entire palace was empty. Only at the end of the center was a throne that symbolized the highest power of the empire.

"Da, da, da, da, da"

Vina walked towards the throne step by step, and the deep footsteps echoed in the hall.

On the throne, Wei Lin watched her half-sister approaching step by step with a calm face. There was no panic, no unwillingness, and no so-called resentment in her pupils.

Less than 5 meters away, Wei Na slowly put down the war hammer on her shoulder.

"Weilin, it's over. The Central Army cannot resist the infected. Continuing will only increase the number of sacrifices."

"Is it."

"The Southern Military District will attack Londinium from the flank soon. Let the soldiers who are determined to hold on to the end survive."

Wei Na's voice was cold and emotionless, as if she was not negotiating, but informing.

On the other hand, Wei Lin, who was usually calm and composed, now sounded full of emotion.

"Vina, how long has it been since we last met?"

"Seen at the Crown Court a few months ago."

"But you didn't talk to me at that time, or even look at me seriously."

"the same as you."

Speaking of this, Wei Lin's beautiful face showed a hint of relief.

She raised her hand and picked up the golden wine bottle next to her.


The dark red wine was poured into a delicate cup.

"Vina, I heard that you like drinking very much, but unfortunately, I can only drink this glass of wine."

After saying that, Wei Lin picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

Seeing Wei Lin drinking, for some reason, the corners of Wei Na's eyes twitched.

Putting down the sprinkling cup, Wei Lin slowly stood up from the throne and walked step by step towards Wei Na opposite.

"Vina, you think you won and I lost, don't you?"

"if not."

"Oh, your statement is correct. Judging from the current results, I did lose."

Wei Na quietly looked at Wei Lin who was walking toward her step by step.

"You are very smart, but you lose because of your cleverness and your arrogance. If you had been planning the decision after my father's death for so many years, you should have killed me earlier."

"I don't."

"You don't want to inherit the throne, or you don't want to kill me?"

"never mind."

Wei Lin stopped and stood in front of Wei Na. Two almost identical faces were close at hand.

The difference is that one face looks firm and the other looks relieved.

Seeing her sister, who had escaped from death and was forced all the way from the south to the north, standing in the palace hall, Weilin raised the corner of her mouth inexplicably.

"Vina, you won, but at the same time, I also won, thank you."

No one could understand the meaning of Verin's last words.

After saying this, Wei Lin suddenly fell into Wei Na's arms.

That last glass of wine was undoubtedly highly poisonous.

The Victorian Dark Ages came to an end with the death of Queen Vereen.

Wei Na held the body in her arms that was gradually losing the breath of life, and there was a rare warmth in the cold eyes.

"Sister, I'm sorry, but this is my responsibility."

Wei Lin did not lose, because Wei Na had laid the groundwork for the rebel counterattack with her own hands.

The last farewell to Xia Feng on the city wall that day was supposed to be the difference between life and death. At that time, under the city wall, means sufficient to put Xia Feng to death were prepared.

However, she did not choose to kill Xia Feng.

Verin had predicted everything.

As long as Xia Feng is still alive, he will definitely come to Londinium to rescue Vina. As long as Vina is still alive, she will definitely overthrow this empire that is contrary to her ideals, even if she will die because of it.

At the same time, as long as Xia Feng is still alive, he will not allow Wei Na to die because of this.

There was no mistake in the chess game constructed in his brain, and he had successfully reached this point, all because of Wei Lin's doubts about himself.

She is extremely smart, and finally gives uncertainty to the future.

If Vina's counterattack fails, Victoria will have no more infected people and she will win.

If Vina's rebellion succeeds and overthrows the empire, it will prove that Vina is more capable than she is in writing the future of this country.

Perhaps, Wei Na can change the ending where she is helpless. As long as she changes, she will also win.

Soldiers from the Southern Military Region, led by General Aumont, invaded Londinium. Soon, news of Verin's death reached the Central Army, which was defending it to the death.

At this point, the Imperial General Military Headquarters announced total surrender.

When the infected people on the plain saw the white flag raised high, every face covered with blood showed a dazed look.

The madness gradually faded away, the war was over, and their resistance was successful.

After a few seconds of silence, the vast crowd burst into cheers.


Some people fell to their knees, some were shouting hoarse, and tears containing various emotions were spread on everyone's face.

These are tears of joy, tears of emotion, tears of the living, and they are shed for the dead.

These tears at this moment represent that those who passed away did not die in vain.

Despite their resistance, Victoria is still the hometown of the infected!

Beneath the crumbling walls of Londinium.

Xia Feng's breathing was so weak that it could disappear at any time. Jiavir and Hemo stopped their rescue operations and shook their heads with tears in their eyes.


Everyone's eyes were red. After receiving the verdict from the professionals, everyone finally couldn't bear it anymore.


"Xia Feng!"

"Brother Feng, don't die!"

Xia Feng's lips were so pale that they were bloodless, the things in his eyes were blurred, and the sounds he heard in his ears were extremely weak.

At this moment, he vaguely heard a hollow voice.

"Give me a moment, if you don't want him to die."

Passing through the Black Feather members surrounding Xia Feng, a young man who was so thin that it looked like there were dead branches under his clothes walked up to Xia Feng.

The young man's blue pupils were extremely deep.

"The established lines have changed, and okay, this time, I want to see a different future."

[The water of lament guides death, the river of forgetfulness washes away the past, the Styx is frozen, freezing life and death, the river flows backwards, reversing time and space. 】

As for what happened next, Xia Feng no longer knew.

At the last moment before losing consciousness, he saw a newly sprouted weed sprouting from the land next to him.

At this point, winter in Victoria is finally over.

Spring has arrived.


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