Xia Feng's back was well worth the two blows. To him, it was a flaw that he had to sell. If he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to kill the master in his eyes.

But the so-called no loss is just trying to find a balance.

Holding back the pain, Xia Feng gritted his teeth and turned around with a flat slash, but due to the tearing of the wound, the slash did not achieve the expected effect.

The two people behind them only received scratches and immediately retreated.


Xia Feng gasped, and his clothes were completely soaked in blood.

Although the two knives just struck did not hit the fatal spot, the wounds were too deep, which seriously affected the accuracy of his knives.

But in the eyes of outsiders, he is still crazy now.

Sakura Takeyama, who was blown away by the Origin Stone explosive, has been helped up.

At this moment, his face was covered in blood from the explosion, and his eyes were so angry that he looked like he wanted to eat people.

"Zhang San! Zhang San! I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

Xia Feng, who was surrounded by generals, took a deep breath and yelled at him as well.

"Fuck you uncle, my name is not Zhang San, what a bunch of bullshit Ying Wu family, they are a bunch of trash!"

"Kill him for me!"

After being provoked, the surrounding generals attacked Xia Feng again. In an instant, a new round of bloodshed broke out in the courtyard.

Although the Shadow of Falling Sakura allowed Xia Feng to avoid the hidden knives in the blind area of ​​his vision, as time went by, he still had more and more wounds on his body.

There was no way, there were too many generals participating in the siege. Although these people were not as strong as Hongdao and the others, they were definitely not noobs.

Due to excessive blood loss, Xia Feng's palms were already a little weak, and he showed signs of being unable to hold the knife tightly.


In the desperate situation, Xia Feng roared loudly, and then bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, trying to stay awake. If he fell down now, it would be all over.

The tingling pain at the tip of the tongue is transmitted to the brain, which is different from the pain in the body.

But at this moment, Xia Feng was suddenly startled.

The strange thing is that he was not attacked by a sneak attack. Like him, all the generals in the siege were captured with him.

A terrifying aura instantly emerged from the earth, as if countless illusory palms were reaching out, firmly grasping the feet of everyone present, preventing them from taking any action.

Under Xia Feng's mask, an illusory black flame loomed in his left eye. This was a sign of the emergence of black power!

At this moment, Xia Feng was even more nervous than if he had been stabbed in his vital parts, and the hair on his whole body stood up.

Recalling Styx's advice, he must not let the frozen cycle of the black and white twins start running again, otherwise, he will definitely die.

The teeth that were clenching the tip of his tongue were instantly released. Taking advantage of the gap where everyone was stunned, Xia Feng rolled on the spot and ducked under a tree in the courtyard in embarrassment.

Holding the Shenyue Knife in his left hand across his chest, his right hand immediately took out an injection from his pocket. Without hesitation, he inserted the syringe into his neck.

This was a highly effective sedative that he specially asked Gavel to prepare before leaving when he was in Victoria, in order to prevent this situation.

Because it is an injection, the effect of the medicine is very rapid.


As soon as the empty syring fell to the ground, Xia Feng's pain feedback on the wound began to blur.

The excruciating pain from the stab wounds just now turned into a numb and fuzzy feeling.

At the same time, it became very difficult for him to concentrate. Not to mention Luo Yingzhi's insight, even his vision began to become unclear.

But the good news is that the looming black flame in his left eye finally went out before it completely burst into flames.

But this good news still has a bad side.

The disappearance of the black power brought all the generals back to their senses, and the strange fear they felt just for a moment was immediately forgotten.

Under the influence of the drug, Xia Feng was already in a daze. He barely raised the Shenyue Sword. He could only grit his teeth and continue to fight.


At this moment, Xia Feng suddenly felt a coldness on his back and numbness in his chest.

He lowered his head and saw that a long knife had penetrated his entire body from behind, and the tip of the knife that broke out of his body was right in front of him.

Ying Wuyun's trembling voice came from behind.

"Third brother, you forced me to do this."

The true appearance under Xia Feng's mask was still mysterious, but Ying Wuyun felt less guilty at this moment.

Obviously, the third brother in his eyes had deceived him and deceived him completely.

Ying Wuyun's knife had already injured Xia Feng's internal organs. The blade penetrated from his chest and drained all the strength from his body in an instant.

Coupled with the numbness caused by the sedative drugs, Xia Feng truly felt that he could not hold on any longer.

The Shenyue Sword lying across his chest gradually drooped, and unstoppable blood flowed from the corners of his mouth under the mask. He was like a puppet that had lost its strings and lost its last remaining power of movement.

The sounds in his ears were also very vague, including calls to kill and footsteps. I believe he would soon be chopped down to the ground and torn into pieces by the angry generals of the Yingwu family.

Unexpectedly, he died in the hands of Ying Wuyun.

He deceived the man who regarded him as his brother. Xia Feng didn't know if this was retribution. He just felt that he was not so unwilling.

Because his consciousness was very scattered, if he died like this, he seemed to still have a trace of reluctance, but he could not quickly think of the real reason for his reluctance.

The great revenge that had troubled him for countless days and nights had obviously been avenged, so what else could he be reluctant to part with?

"Third brother!"

At this moment, a girl's exclamation reached Xia Feng's ears.

Through the gap in the mask, he saw a spinning pinwheel.

Staring at the windmill in a daze, the frightened "Third Brother" automatically turned into the familiar "big windmill".

The spinning windmills in his eyes became clearer and clearer, and his dilated pupils regained their energy.

The strength burst out from nowhere, and Xia Feng's whole body seemed to be resurrected instantly. He kicked his legs hard, and the long knife that penetrated from behind was pulled out by his body as he moved forward.


Splashes of blood filled the sky.

The staggering Xia Feng did not look back, nor did he take care of the warriors rushing towards him. With persistent eyes, he just rushed towards the windmill directly opposite.

Dozens of samurai swords reflecting the cold wind followed.

One step, two steps, three steps, Xia Feng gritted his teeth, and finally caught "Hope" before the blade chopped him down.

Under the eaves of a side room in the courtyard.


Dozens of samurai swords came to an abrupt stop less than one meter away from Xia Feng.

Xia Feng's whole body exuded a strong smell of blood, and his chest, which had been penetrated, heaved violently.

At this moment, he was holding someone tightly in his arms.

The windmill had fallen to the ground, and the trembling Shenyue Sword was pressed against the windmill owner's throat.

Xia Feng hugged Sakurawu Qianye from behind, and a hoarse voice came out from under the mask.

"Whoever dares to take one step forward will be the murderer of Miss Qianye."

Yingwu Qianye, who was kidnapped by Xia Feng, turned pale and murmured in horror.

"Brother Sansan, why?"

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