Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 899 It’s enough to get here

Sakurawu Qianye will never understand why Xia Feng did such a thing, and will never understand why he, who was penniless and so young, wanted to destroy his own future with his own hands.

He has obviously received the attention of the family leader and has extraordinary strength, but he still wants to "willfully" overturn everything.

At this moment, Xia Feng was covered in blood and had no intention of explaining to the girl who called him "Third Brother".

Sakurawu Qianye is the youngest daughter of the head of the family, Sakurawu Shanxiu. Aside from being loved and cherished, Sakurawu Qianye, who is in her prime of life, also has special strategic significance for the Sakurawu family.

For these generals, it would be a great shame if the eldest lady died because of their incompetence. This kind of fault is completely different from the murder of Frey, an "outsider".

Seeing that this move worked really well, Xia Feng held Yingwu Qianye hostage with one hand, pointed the Shenyue Sword forward with the other hand, and shouted.

"Get out of the way! If anyone dares to catch up, I will kill her directly!"

Although Xia Feng's face could not be seen under the mask, his voice was trembling and crazy at the moment. In this desperate situation, no one would doubt that this man would do something more extreme.

All the generals turned back to look at the family leader Sakura Takeyama.

At this time, Yingmu Shanxiong, who was affected by the explosion, gritted his teeth and his eyes were red, but even though he was so angry, he did not dare to order the generals to attack.

Seeing that the head of the family had chosen to acquiesce, Xia Feng endured the serious injuries on his body and quickly left the courtyard with the eldest daughter hostage.

Thanks to Ying Wuyun's previous explanation, Xia Feng already had a good understanding of his family's architectural rules. At the same time, he also knew which direction was the fastest route out of the city.

According to previous memories, Xia Feng took Yingwu Qianye and left the family at night.

In the courtyard.

It wasn't until Xia Feng disappeared without a trace that Yingwu Shanxiong roared.

"Chase me, don't let him get away, rescue Qianye, and bring me that kid's body!"


After leaving the city, Xia Feng's recognition of the direction had become blurry. He should have come out from the south gate, but as for where he was going, he didn't know.

The Shenyue Sword had long since left Qianye's throat, leaving only one hand holding her.

Qianye could clearly feel the hand holding her trembling, and at the same time, the pungent smell of blood came from Xia Feng.

"Third brother."

Xia Feng took in a breath of cold air and gritted his teeth.

"Take off your clothes."


"It's the coat. I want to prick the wound."


Taking over Qianye's gauze-like coat, Xia Feng could only tie the penetrating wound around the waist tightly. Although the technique was rough, it could at least have a certain effect on stopping the bleeding.

His current injury is not a skin injury, and natural recovery is impossible. He must find a doctor if he wants to survive.

Moreover, he couldn't find it nearby. His first priority was to leave Dongzhou Mansion, as far away as possible.

After stopping and taking a closer look, Qianye could clearly see how serious Xia Feng's injuries were. If it were an ordinary person, he would have collapsed long ago.

Qianye turned pale with fear.

"Brother Sansan, you"

"I'm not your third brother."

Xia Feng forcibly stabilized his breathing frequency, and the voice coming from under the mask was very cold.

"Qianye, I lied to you, but don't worry, every wrongdoer has his own debtor. I won't hurt you, but you have to help me survive."


"do not talk."

Xia Feng interrupted Qianye's voice because he had already heard the sound of close footsteps in the distance behind him.

Sakurawu Shanxiong could not let him leave like this, not to mention that his little daughter was still in his hands.


Pulling Yingwu Qianye up again, Xia Feng ran towards the dark forest outside the city.

In the wilderness, Sakurawu Qianye was dragged by Xia Feng to run in a daze.

She had never experienced this kind of thing since she was a child. At this moment, her thinking was confused. She didn't know what she was doing or what was right.

She was from the Yingwu family, and the man who was pulling her running at the moment had just made a big fuss at her father's birthday party. No matter what, she should not help this outsider escape.

But at the same time, she knew very well that even if she was seriously injured, as long as she showed resistance, this man still had the ability to kill her in an instant.

But this person just said, "I won't hurt you."

If this sentence is a lie, then Sakurawu Qianye feels that she will never trust anyone from now on.

The Yingwu family favors sons over daughters, but because of the prosperity of the family, Qianye has not suffered any material lack since he was a child.

And because she is a little girl, her brother and father still love her.

However, because she was not taken seriously, she did not have the opportunity to practice martial arts, nor did she receive any indoctrination in the warrior spirit. Just like a flower in a greenhouse, her heart was no different from that of an ordinary girl.

After becoming an adult, she gradually foresaw her own destiny. Even if she was a female, she still had the value to pay for the Sakurawu family, and this value needed to be exchanged for her life's happiness.

She didn't want to accept those rude samurai, let alone marry Nishikawa.

But as she matured, she knew that the judgment of fate was getting closer.


The sound of trampling weeds and breaking branches reached her ears. In the dark forest, she could only clearly see the figure pulling her away.

At this moment she suddenly had an illusion.

If she just keeps running with this mysterious man, will she be far away from her destined destiny and move towards another unknown life?

On one side is family interests, on the other side is a life full of infinite possibilities. Young Sakurawu Qianye doesn't know how to choose.

But unknowingly, her running body, which was forcibly pulled by Xia Feng, seemed to be lighter.

Girls' dreams are always optimistic, with a hint of secretly coy fantasy.

However, the reality is cruel, so cruel that the dream that emerges in an instant will be easily torn into pieces.

I don't know how long I have been running. Suddenly, Xia Feng, who was running in a hurry, suddenly stopped.

Then, a strong hand pressed down on Sakurawu Qianye's head and pushed her to the ground roughly.


The next second, two sharp darts arrived from behind.


Xia Feng held the Shenyue Sword and blocked one with his backhand. The other dart grazed his cheek, leaving a blood mark.

Yingwu Qianye was stunned. If Xia Feng hadn't stopped suddenly just now, the first hidden weapon would undoubtedly have hit her in the back.

In the forest behind, three short men dressed in black ninja costumes were approaching quickly.

Looking at the three masters who were the first to catch up, Xia Feng's eyes became colder and colder under his mask.

Then, he helped Sakurawu Qianye who fell to the ground, but the difference was that this time he did not take a holding position, but pushed her out.

Under the mask, a cold voice came out at the same time.

"Qianye, it's enough to get here. Thank you. See you later."

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