Arknights is too real, right?

Chapter 900 Because they are bystanders

Xia Feng could tell from the two hidden weapons that had just been fired that from this moment on, Sakurawu Qianye could no longer be his "protective umbrella".

The pursuers dressed as ninjas are obviously not military commanders. To put it bluntly, these guys are not careful or serious. They just want to accomplish something and don't care about anything else.

No one dares to take the risk and attack in front of the head of the family, but at this moment, far away from Dongzhou Mansion, if something unexpected happens to the eldest lady, she can blame him and say that he was the one who tore the ticket first.

Under such circumstances, if she continues to confidently take Sakurawu Qianye as a hostage, she will undoubtedly be harmed.

"Oh shit."

Xia Feng cursed secretly and could only mobilize the last strength of his body to prepare for the fight. At the same time, he also whispered to Sakurawu Qianye who was pushed away by him.

"Get out of here quickly and run back the way you came."

"Third brother."

"I told you to run, get out of here, get out of here, or I'll kill you first!"

However, before the frightened Sakurawu Qianye could react, the three ninjas had already rushed in front of Xia Feng.

There was a flash of cold light. It was not a slender samurai sword, but a short dagger specially designed for assassination. The dagger was pointed directly at Xia Feng's throat.


Xia Feng roared. I don't know if it was the effect of adrenaline, but his insight became much clearer.

Dodging the first dagger, he kicked the man away.


The Shenyue Sword blocked the second dagger, sheathed it, and struck again. The man was forced back.

However, when he was about to block the third dagger coming towards him, the penetrating wound on his chest burst open due to the huge range of movement.

At this time, the effect of the sedative had faded a lot, and the unbearable pain instantly drained Xia Feng of all his strength.


He did block this sword, but it only slightly reduced the force of the cut. The next second, the Shenyue Sword was not held tightly and was knocked away.

At the critical moment, Xia Feng could only lean back violently.


The dagger slashed across his face, and the white fox mask that had been with him for three months was split in two from the middle.


The mask that was split in half fell to the ground.

At this moment, Sakurawu Qianye, who was pushed aside by Xia Feng, finally saw the true face of "Third Brother".

As he said, this person's face was indeed disabled. Even in dim light, Yingwu Qianye could still see that Xia Feng's right eye was missing.

But somehow, the missing right eye does not affect the person's overall temperament.

It is a face that looks very young, but it looks like it has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Although it is a face that he has never met before, it makes people unconsciously feel dependent on him, as if he would risk his life to protect anyone he regards as a companion.

Sakurawu Qianye was stunned, and the air seemed to be still at this moment.

Although it was only for a moment, she remembered Xia Feng's true appearance deeply in her mind.

However, the chasing ninjas did not care about Xia Feng's appearance. Their mission was to drag this man's body back.

After his mask was cut off, Xia Feng rolled back. The three ninjas on the opposite side clenched their daggers and were ready for the next attack.

At the same time, in the direction from which the dense forest came, more footsteps were gradually approaching. They should be chasing the generals who were a step behind.


Because of the violent movement just now, Xia Feng spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

With trembling fingers, he glanced at Sakurabu Qianye, who was staring blankly at him, and then turned back to look at the three ninjas who were moving towards him in small steps.

At this moment, I was already prepared for the worst.

That is to be desperate and draw out the black power.

If people who knew him knew that he would go to such an embarrassing step for revenge, maybe those people would laugh at his overestimation of his abilities.

That's right, dead people cannot be resurrected. Even if you kill everyone in the world, it will be useless. Once you are dead, you are dead. The so-called revenge is of no use to the dead and can only comfort the living.

He is the leader of Black Feather, the leader in reversing the Victoria incident, a close friend of the new king, and an ally of famous international organizations around the world.

How could such a person with so many achievements leave everything behind for a dead friend and embark on an unknown road of revenge alone?

However, it is precisely because most rational people think this way that Frey can sit back and relax in the East Kingdom.

Because Frey knew that it was impossible for the newly born Victoria Empire to hunt him down across half of the continent of Terra.

Even if Xia Feng secretly uses all his power, it is almost impossible.

Because doing that would make the new Victoria the target of public criticism around the world.

The fundamental reason why Vina overthrew the old empire and completed a shocking comeback in an extremely weak situation was because of the infected people. This is well known to all countries in the world.

Such as Colombia, such as Bolivar, such as Yanguo, such as Ursus.

Of course, you can make as much noise as you want in your own yard. Whether you win or lose is your own business.

But if the new empire, which has just tasted the sweetness, uses the same means to get involved in another country, the meaning will be completely different.

Black Feather is just a gang, a private non-governmental organization?

Yes, others would have believed it before the Victoria incident, but after that, anyone who believed it would have their head kicked by a donkey.

In the past, the infected were a vulnerable group, but after this battle, the scale has shifted in the hearts of the people.

Almost the whole world dares to conclude that Black Feather is the protective umbrella of the infected and the purging sword of the new empire.

Xia Feng had already noticed this before anyone noticed it, so this was not his willful decision, but the inevitable result of the coexistence of impulse and rationality.

Kuroba must be disbanded, and he himself must completely disappear from Victoria.

Only in this way can the newly born Victoria "reassure" the world's powerful countries, and equality between infected people and ordinary people within the country can truly be achieved.

Natural disasters bring source stones, and source stones derive infected people. As long as the natural disasters do not disappear, conflicts and hatred will be endless.

But at least he tried his best to bring a temporary end to this endless vicious cycle in Victoria.

This period was too precious in Xia Feng's heart, so precious that he didn't want any uncertain factors to affect the fragile balanced relationship.

He will avenge Frey himself, and it doesn't matter what the outcome is.

Since then, all hatred has come to an abrupt end with him. No one knows where Frey escaped to, and no one knows where he ended up. Even if he dies in the end, it will not affect anything.

If he fails, he is underestimating his own abilities and his skills are inferior to others, there is nothing to say, but for now, it seems that he is not at a loss.

Maybe some people think he is stupid, others think he is impulsive, and think he could have a better choice.

Yes, if his choices were made into a movie and played in front of him, he might also drink iced Coke, chew popcorn, laugh and point out the country.

But the reason people feel this way is because they are - bystanders.

In the dark forest.

Xia Feng clenched his fists, and his only left eye showed a look of no regrets.

Although he had regrets about his choices along the way, he never regretted it. At the same time, he was really tired.

If he could survive this time, he vowed to just be an ordinary person from now on.

He, Xia Feng, doesn’t owe anyone anything. The conflicts between the infected, saving the world, and being a time-traveler with a mission are all his!


Facing three powerful ninjas and a large number of footsteps approaching from behind, Xia Feng roared.

The body no longer needs the stimulation of pain, it only needs a change of mind, and the black power that has just been suppressed by the sedative drugs will be drawn out again.

"Ninja, right? I want you to see what a fucking ancient evil is!"

The expected horrific scene did not appear.

Just a second before Xia Feng triggered the black power, a slender figure fell from the sky.

A spear-type weapon that could never be manufactured with the technological level of the Eastern Kingdom started to move mechanically in someone's hand.

Along with this, there was a female cry.

"Secret shot!"

The next second, a cloud of blood burst out from the chests of the three ninjas. The owner of the spear, with his long flowing orange hair, and the plaid skirt around his waist, caught Xia Feng's sight.

Fengfeng has been feeling unwell recently. If I don't update on a certain day, it's because I made a "coo-coo-coo" sound when I was extremely angry.

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