Armor Frenzy

Chapter 828: Swift falls


"Three, two, one, launch!"

At the end of the countdown, more than 20 laser cannons under the belly of the Yushan opened fire together, and the lasers fell from the sky, and the flying aliens swept away wantonly.

In addition to the laser cannons, there are the same number of artillery pieces under the belly, but all the artillery pieces just aim at the target, but none of them fire.

This is because the atmosphere of Io is less cloudy and transparent, and the weather conditions are very favorable for laser cannons - Io has ice and snow on the surface, but it is far away from the sun, the light is seriously insufficient, and the atmosphere is extremely lacking in water vapor, so Io The atmosphere of zero is extremely transparent, creating excellent conditions for the laser cannon to exert its power!

Since the problem can be solved with a cheap and inexpensive laser, there is no need to save the live ammunition that has nowhere to supply.

The flying aliens are very fragile. As long as they are slightly rubbed by the laser, they will fall into the dust. If they are not burned to death by the laser, they have to fall to the ground and die. The aliens suffered heavy losses.

The aliens smashed away, flying around like a group of headless flies, but they seemed chaotic but in fact orderly, just a few seconds later, the seemingly scattered aliens fired together, hundreds of silk lights woven into a huge sheet of light. Yes, a gyroplane with a volley hood towards the sky.

The rotorcraft that could not be avoided was immediately covered by the light shield, and the aircraft shell was instantly cut into countless cuts, some of which were only a shallow layer, some were cut deeply, and some were penetrated through the shell.

A ray of silk cut off a small half of the left engine of Swift No. 2, the propeller shaft broke on the spot, and the spinning blades disappeared in a blink of an eye. Only the right engine of Swift No. 2 immediately lost control and fell into an uncontrollable rotation!

Liu Bin and the others in the plane only felt their feet swayed. Whether they were standing or sitting, they all fell to the ground, and were immediately thrown to the left side of the stern by the inertia of the whirl. The unlucky Liu Bin was pressed by several soldiers one after another. , it must be pressed out.

The height of Swift No. 2 plummeted, and a soldier just fell on the switch of the tail hatch. The closed hatch opened slowly, and the inertia of the rotation threw the crowded soldiers out of the cabin one by one, becoming freedom falling from the sky. fall.

Both engines of Swift No. 3 were hit by silk light, but the damage was not serious. The engine and propeller could continue to work, but a silk light penetrated the cockpit without dying, and the two pilots died and the other was seriously injured.

When he was involved in death, the seriously injured pilot turned back to the light, he just held his breath and slammed the joystick, trying his best to lower the plane's altitude.

Swift 3 suddenly dived at a large angle, and the soldiers in the cabin were in a mess. It was not until the plane was about to collide with the ground that the plane suddenly leveled, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Although the impact was heavy, it was still within the acceptable range. The soldiers had armored body protection. Only a few people were injured, and they were not injured by forced landing, but were cut by the fine light that penetrated the cabin.

The half wing of Swift 4 was directly cut off by the thin light. After the wing was broken, the propeller was still working, and it flew to the alien with half of the wing.

The propeller was spinning, and the wings below were also spinning. The aliens along the way were not cut open by the rotor, but were internally injured by the wing. After killing several aliens in succession, the rotation of the propeller gradually slowed down. Half of the wing lost power and fell to the ground.

Swift No. 4 lost half of its wing and fell into continuous rollover driven by the left wing. Circle after circle, the soldiers in the cabin seemed to have entered the dryer and rolled round and round as the aircraft rotated. Roll around.

The pilot tried his best to correct the attitude of the plane, but no matter how hard he tried, there was no improvement. The crash was inevitable. He had to open the tailgate and signal to leave the plane.

The soldiers turned dizzy. After being thrown out of the cabin by the plane, they were still dizzy. They were in the air, and everything in their eyes was still spinning. It took a while to recover.

In addition to the successful landing of Swift 3, Swift 2 and 4 both threw people out of the plane. Fortunately, a parachute is a must-have standard equipment for everyone. As long as the plane must be carried on the body, if it is not too cumbersome, it can be replaced with a flying backpack.

The soldiers in the sky immediately adjusted their falling posture, and while they fell rapidly, they fixed on the ground, and a large group of aliens changed their targets and aimed their guns at the falling marines.

One after another mercerized light flashed around the players, and the players who fell in a straight line had no ability to dodge at all. A soldier collided with a mercerized light head-on, and was instantly cut in half by the mercerized light.

Another soldier's calf was killed by the silk light, but he fell very fast, and the silk light would not fall with him. In just a moment, his leg was split by the silk light... He didn't feel much when he was just injured, but when he After realizing that he was injured, he immediately felt intense pain, and after a while, the pain turned into an excruciating pain that made him almost faint.

Another lucky warrior only had his arm wiped by the mercerizing light, and the mercerizing light cut through the armor on the outside of his and cut off a piece the size of a palm from his arm, including the meat.

The fallen soldiers fought back angrily, some shooting while falling, and some simply opening their parachutes, preferring to be attacked by aliens.

The humming of the sky was immediately covered up by the dense gunshots. Silk light and bullets came and went. In just a few seconds, all the soldiers who opened the parachute died, but the team's counterattack also killed more than ten aliens. People, the losses on both sides are basically equal.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us, and it is very rare to be able to kill more than a dozen aliens.

None of the rest of the fighters dared to open the parachute, and they all shot while falling. A few fighters with flying bags quickly activated their flying devices, shot frantically, and flew high, trying to attract the enemy’s firepower as much as possible. .

The Yushan in orbit has also been firing at full force, and the lasers swept around the aliens, harvesting the lives of the aliens like the scythe of the **** of death.

But there are too many aliens, and they are stubbornly holding on to huge losses, biting the empty team members like a group of mad dogs and chasing after them.

As the altitude dropped, human casualties also increased. When the team members fell to 200 meters, the parachute behind the power armor automatically bounced, pulling the rapidly falling soldiers tightly.

The purpose of opening the umbrella at low altitude is to reduce the time spent in the air and reduce the life rate of mercerizing. 200 meters is already the minimum height for opening an umbrella!

The sudden change in speed caused many mercers to fail, but the speed of the team members' descent was also horribly slow. Some were beheaded on the spot, and others were beheaded.

More often, the parachute rope was cut horizontally by the mercerized light, and the soldier who lost his parachute screamed and fell to the ground, hitting the ice heavily, creating a cracked ice pattern.

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