Armor Frenzy

Chapter 829: fight back


Power armor can effectively buffer the impact of falling, but the buffer of armor is limited, ten or eight meters is no problem, twenty or thirty meters is barely, but a hundred meters and tens of meters far exceed the buffering capacity of armor, and all the fallen team members died on the spot. , without exception.

At this moment, everyone has no regrets, why is it too troublesome not to carry the flight bag?

The situation is extremely critical, as long as the alien firepower may fall on the team members at any time, and the team members have no other means of counterattack except to fire with all their strength, the threat of death is imminent.

On the line between life and death, the two heavy machine guns installed on the Swift 3 suddenly opened fire, and the two fire dragons, like two long flame whips, slammed into the space between the aliens. Wherever the whips passed, the aliens crackled. drop down.

Then a group of soldiers rushed out of Swift 3, dozens of rifles firing at full force.

The last few soldiers carried metal boxes like turtle shells. After they left the Swift 3, the horses dispersed, and they found a relatively open place. They activated the armored fire control system, and after roughly aiming at the flying aliens, activate the The cellular missile nest in the back.

With a swishing sound, a miniature missile with the thickness of a finger and a length of more than 30 centimeters jumped out of the missile nest, and then the missiles flew head to tail in the sky. All the miniature missiles took off and charged towards their respective targets.

Seconds later, the missile hit its target, blasting off a series of inconspicuous explosions, but each explosion was accompanied by a drop of aliens.

The missiles knocked down hundreds of aliens, the number of aliens nearby was greatly reduced, and the density of mercerized light was reduced to the lowest point.

However, the aliens identified the empty team members, regardless of whether the lasers from the sky or the bullets from the ground were ignored, and they bit the remaining parachutes—the number of aliens was still much larger than that of human beings. Although the losses were heavy, the outcome of the marines is likely to be wiped out!

Liu Bin, who was hanging under the parachute, was cold all over. He never thought that he would fall into such a situation where he was unable to advance or retreat but decided his life and death.

The flying aliens were flying around not far away, and he seemed to see the maliciousness in the eyes of the aliens.

I don't want to die-

Liu Bin was anxious, suddenly raised the muzzle, and fired several shots at the parachute above his head. The canopy was penetrated by bullets, and dozens of fist-sized holes were opened. Liu Bin's falling speed increased immediately.

There is a door!

Liu Bin simply emptied the bullets in the gun in one go, the falling speed nearly doubled, and the airborne time was cut in half!

Some people have learned from the situation and shot at their parachutes. Some people just focus on firing at aliens and don't pay attention to it at all. Some people try to turn around and try to move themselves as much as possible. Get up and add trouble to alien targeting.

All in all, the world is in chaos.

At this time, more than a dozen missiles wrapped in flames fell from the sky and fell to a height of only two or three hundred meters above the ground. The missiles suddenly exploded, sending out a gray cloud of smoke.

The missiles exploded one after another, and the gray smoke screen spread at a high speed.

The line of sight was blocked, and Si Guang's life rate dropped significantly. The soldiers who escaped the catastrophe finally breathed a sigh of relief, but within a dozen seconds, all the surviving soldiers fell to the ground.

Liu Bin's landing speed was too fast. Although the landing posture was correct, the impulse was so great that it directly damaged the power equipment of his legs. He fell down and couldn't get up. It took a while to realize that there was a problem with the armor.

While the smoke screen blocked the sight of the aliens, it also blocked the sight of the own people, the silk light disappeared, and the gunfire gradually sparse.

Liu Bin couldn't see where the other people were at all, so he subconsciously opened his throat and shouted, "Is there anyone..." After shouting, he remembered the radio, and quickly turned on the radio, "My armor is broken, come help!"

"Wait a minute!" Someone replied on the radio, and after a while, two soldiers emerged from the smokescreen and ran back to Swift No. 3 on the back of Liu Bin.

The smoke screen has not yet dissipated, and the battle is temporarily stopped. Everyone is relieved. Taking advantage of this rare truce, the soldiers who landed quickly assembled to Swift No. 3, and the injured soldiers were rescued by others as soon as possible. , The remains of the martyrs are also transported by special personnel.

After a while, Swift No. 3 gathered four team members whose armor was damaged, as well as more than a dozen lightly and seriously wounded.

The hygienist horse with the team bandages the wounds of the wounded, and the mechanic inspects the condition of the faulty armor.

Liu Bin asked eagerly, "How is it? Can it be repaired?"

"If it can't be repaired, it must be replaced." Said the mechanic.

"Then hurry up and change it!"

"The plane has no spare parts."

Liu Bin suddenly fell back in anger: "Why are you dawdling with me if you don't have spare parts? Hurry up and repair someone else's!"

The mechanic quickly walked away, Liu Bin's eyes swept over the wounded, and he frowned subconsciously.

Injured in this hellish place...

More than 100 kilometers Swift-1 flew higher and higher, and finally got rid of the alien pursuit.

Ye Han let out a long breath: "Yushan, how is the situation?"

"It's very bad. No. 2 and No. 4 fell, and No. 3 made an emergency landing. Now I'm fighting the enemy to the death. I put a few smoke bombs, and I held it for a while, but it didn't last long." Lin Yi said.

"How long can it take?"

"A few minutes too."

"How many smoke bombs does the spaceship have?"

"Not much, at most one more wave, how long do you guys have?"

"It will take ten minutes anyway, Lin Yi, your mission is to fully support the ground, nuclear weapons should be used, and if you don't kill all the aliens, you have no chance to fly again.


"Also, you have to be prepared to wait for my order and let you know when you will come down."

"Understood!" Lin Yi replied.

Ye Han switches frequency: "Swift No. 3, please answer when you receive it!"

Hearing Ye Han's voice, Liu Bin quickly replied: "Swift 3 received, please tell me!"

"Liu Bin? Are you on plane 3?"

"I am here!"

"That's great, you organize the defense, everyone retreats to the vicinity of No. 3, no matter what, you must hold on for another ten minutes, and Yushan will come down to pick us up in ten minutes!"

"Yes, hold on for another ten minutes!"

The communication ended, but Ye Han's heart came to his throat.

Ten minutes is not long, but Swift 3 is just a plane, an indestructible steel fortress. If the aliens attack with all their strength, it is hard to say whether they can last for three minutes, let alone ten minutes.

After the communication ended, Liu Bin switched the radio to the public frequency band and said in a low voice, "Brothers, we must hold on for another ten minutes, and the Yushan will pick us up in ten minutes..."

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