Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1094: revenge on the spot

() "Captain—" 531 screamed, crying like a child.

"Why are you crying, I'm not dead yet!" A figure flew out from the flames, "Hurry up, fly as far as you can, don't let the dog catch him again."

"Captain!" 531 was surprised and delighted, just as he was about to say something, he suddenly saw an erratic shadow flying over silently.

"Captain—" 531 used all his strength throughout the whole process, but it was too late to remind him. The shadow had already hit the captain's back and exploded in an instant, and a dark green fog instantly wrapped the captain.

"Captain—" 531 was desperate, 531 screamed, and 531 was indignant. But he couldn't do anything, he could only watch the thick fog engulfed the captain, and when the thick fog dissipated, the captain who had saved his life just now disappeared, not even a sliver of residue was left.

"Captain—" 531 paused for a moment, then turned around and flew away from the battlefield, "I will come back, I will definitely come back..."

Not far behind him, a fighter plane with all the missiles fired resolutely rushed into the enemy group, and its anger and shells flew towards the enemy plane. In a few turns, two enemy planes were blown up. When there were three enemy planes, a thin light cut through the void without warning, dividing the fighter plane into two.

Another fighter plane not far away rushed to the left and right. After blowing up three enemy planes in a row, they ran out of shells. The last one rammed into the enemy plane and perished with one enemy plane.

The distance is too close, even if he ejects the fighter plane, he can't escape the pursuit of the enemy plane.

The other pilot ejected in time at the critical moment when he was about to hit the enemy plane, but before he could fly away, an enemy plane hit him, smashing him into pieces immediately.

In just a few short breaths, except for 531 who flew away from the battlefield, everyone else died in battle. The cry of 531 pierced the sky with the radio waves and echoed in the bridge of the East China Sea.

Bang - Bian Ge slammed his fist on the console, the flames burning in his eyes almost spurted out: "Why, why don't we use drones? Don't we have drones?"

Qi Haifeng was silent for a moment: "The distance is too far, the signal delay of the drone is too serious..."

"Then lean forward!"

"There are too many planes, and the signals interfere with each other..."

"Then, as much as you can use..."

"Captain, brothers, I'm here—" A voice suddenly exploded, and everyone's eyes turned to the screen in unison.

In the corner of the screen, a lone fighter plane is rushing towards the enemy ship with an indomitable attitude. In front of it is a huge alien warship, and behind it are more than a dozen alien fighters in hot pursuit.

I don't know if the missiles were fired, but the dozen or so enemy planes didn't launch a single bug bomb, so they were embarrassingly chasing behind.

525's voice was calm: "The radar is locked, the No. 1 missile is launched, the No. 2 missile is launched, the No. 3 missile is launched, the No. 4 missile..."

The bomb bays of the fighter plane 525 were all opened, and every time the sound ended, a wave of missiles flew away from the fighter plane. They hovered, spirally interspersed, or flew over in a curve, and flew to the enemy ship in various ways. Not left behind for the enemy aircraft.

The missiles approached, and the alien warships that had been silent for a while suddenly burst open. Countless fine lights formed a dense fire net, shrouding the huge warships. Several missiles slammed into the fire net, silently. Broken in two.

But more missiles still rushed forward to the enemy ships, twisting and interspersing in the fire net, trying their best to break through the fire net.

After the last wave of missiles was fired, the bloated fuselage of the 525 suddenly exploded.

At this time, 525 had completed the task given by the captain, and could turn around and fly away, but he was unwilling to fly away like this. Before the fighter plane flew into the effective range of the fine light, he took the missiles on the plane one by one. Hit the enemy ship, until the last missile is out of the chamber, and then calmly turn around to face the enemy plane.

The 525 suddenly moved, and while the nose was still facing the enemy plane, the fuselage accelerated and slid to the side like a pendulum.

The flight path of 525 was far beyond the expectations of the enemy plane. Before the alien fighters turned, 525 had already aimed at the enemy plane and fired decisively. A series of shells hit the enemy plane. Several shells hit the enemy plane, and the blasted shells immediately shattered the enemy plane. The outer shell broke the enemy plane into two pieces.

The fight continued, and the 525 sped forward, biting another enemy plane and firing again.

Bad luck this time, only two shells hit the tail of the enemy plane

525 was about to make a few more shots, but the enemy army came over at this time. He had to abandon the target and use a series of seemingly chaotic but orderly moves to get rid of the enemy plane.

Immediately, 525 took the initiative to attack again, bit an enemy plane again, and scored a third record with two long shots.

525 is still not satisfied and wants to continue.

But at this time another group of alien fighters approached, and 525 had to turn around and fly away.

At this moment, a missile that penetrated the fire net hit the alien warship, and a dazzling nuclear explosion suddenly exploded.

Then another missile hit, and another third was captured.

This is not over yet, and then two missiles hit at the same time, completely turning this alien warship into interstellar dust.

"Okay!" Bian Ge blushed and clenched his fists thickly, as if an invisible force was injected into his body.

Qi Haifeng slowly exhaled, looked at the lonely fighter plane on the screen and said, "This is the most important reason."

"What?" Bian Ge couldn't help but be startled when he heard the words, before he could get rid of his excitement.

"I'm talking about nuclear explosions." Qi Haifeng said, "All fighter jets use hydrogen bombs."

"Electromagnetic pulse?" Bian Ge blurted out Yes, it was an electromagnetic pulse. " Qi Haifeng said.

Those familiar with nuclear weapons know that the explosion of an atomic bomb produces shock waves, optical radiation, nuclear radiation, and radioactive contamination; the explosion of a hydrogen bomb is coupled with an electromagnetic pulse.

This thing will not only affect radio communication, but also has first-class lethality to electronic equipment. Unless it is a military electronic equipment that has been electromagnetically shielded in advance, all electronic equipment located within the explosion range cannot escape.

The electronics on the drone can do electromagnetic shielding, but radio signals cannot escape the interference of electromagnetic pulses.

If the fleet uses drones heavily, then once the hydrogen bomb explodes, the signal between the drone swarm and the controller will be interrupted, and the drone will become a living target for aliens.

Bian Ge was silent for a moment: "Can't you think of a way?"

Qi Haifeng sighed: "If there is a way, can the top not want it? Equipment is very important, but it is in the hands of people... It is always people who decide the war."

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