Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1098: starting to work hard

() The battle situation is changing rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, Level 011 has sunk by a third.

The remaining 011s are still fighting to the death, lasers, artillery shells, missiles... They use all the means, and do everything possible to pour fire on the enemy until they are destroyed by aliens.

A 011 class was cut diagonally by the thin light, and the battleship was divided into two halves, but the equipment on the ship did not stop immediately, and the battleship still insisted on firing at the enemy aircraft until it was overwhelmed by more thin light.

Similar situations are not limited to this battleship. As long as it can still fire and resist, no one will give up the battle.

A dazzling ray of light suddenly exploded in the smoke screen, and most of the smoke screen dissipated in a blink of an eye, revealing an alien spaceship that blew up half of it, followed by several missile orders, which completely engulfed the enemy ship.

Ye Han waved his fist excitedly, and Bian Ge clapped his hands and shouted.

The remaining few enemy ships seemed to find that the situation was not right, and they immediately released a large number of fighters.

This result stunned everyone, and no one could have imagined that aliens would actually use fighter jets to block missiles in order to protect the warship.

No amount of fighter jets can be wasted so much, right?

At this moment, all the alien warships fired bug bombs together, and then faced the human shells and missiles, accelerating forward wave after wave.

But no matter how they fly, they always stand between alien warships and human warships.

But how can a small fighter jet stop nuclear weapons? When a shell hit, the nuclear explosion immediately destroyed dozens of nearby enemy planes, and the alien fighters behind them immediately made up for it, without the slightest hesitation to retreat.

"The Expendables?" Bian Ge complained in surprise.

"Are there any aliens who dare not die?" Long Jianguo asked rhetorically.

Bian Ge grinned: "The nobles must be afraid of death, they must not even dare to enter the fighter plane."

The alien fleet on the screen was aggressive, but the human fleet was retreating step by step. In order to cover the main force, more and more fighter planes and 011 were sunk by the enemy. After a while, the last 011 turned into a group of bright lights. of light.

The remaining fighters didn't last long. Most of them were shot down by the enemy, and only a few were forced to return after running out of ammunition.

Losing the last restraint, the alien fleet began to approach the main force of the human fleet.

The remaining battleships of the Beiyuezhou Fleet fought back with all their might. The nuclear bombs did not cost money, and they actually destroyed several enemy ships. However, the enemy army was strong and the situation could not be reversed.

Looking at the international fleet on the other side, the situation is even more miserable than the Beiyuezhou fleet.

The strength of the International Fleet is stronger than that of the Beiyuezhou Fleet. Because of this, the International Fleet is more valued by the aliens. At present, several main ships have been lost, and the remaining battleships are struggling in the strangulation of the alien fleet.

Ye Han suddenly thought of a question: "Lao Qi, how many enemy ships did the international fleet kill?"

"I don't know, I haven't noticed." Qi Haifeng said.

"Should there be a video signal from the International Fleet?" Ye Han asked.

The perspective of the East China Sea has always been on the Beiyuezhou Fleet, but the International Fleet is also on the same battlefield. Beidu and the base group must be watching their own fleets.

"Yes, are you interested?" Qi Haifeng asked.

"I just want to know how many alien warships they killed." Ye Han said, "In this situation..."

Needless to say, everyone knows that the human fleet is still resisting, but the possibility of reversing the war situation is very small. If the situation continues to develop, it is likely to end in the complete failure of human beings.

No one could accept this result, everyone felt as heavy as a mountain in their arms, and their chests hurt.

"It shouldn't be much." Qi Haifeng said and clicked a few times, and the screen was immediately divided into two parts, the Beiyuezhou Fleet on the left, and the International Fleet on the right.

The warships of the International Fleet had already been strangled with the alien warships. The moment the screen switched over, it happened to see a main ship painted with the Stars and Stripes rushing into the alien aircraft group with a dense light, and it was not far ahead. An alien warship.

The battleship dashed forward while firing at full force, the laser beams one after another, the main guns seemed to have turned into machine guns, the muzzle flames flashed one after another, and the missiles were ejected from the belly and sides of the ship in groups. Hundreds of missiles are flying in the sky, and any alien fighter that dares to approach will be shot down by the missile.

All the alien fighter planes rushed towards the battleship, and a large number of insect bombs smashed on the battleship in groups. There were dents on the surface of the ship, corrosion spots, and countless cut marks criss-cross.

But everything was left behind by this warship. All its attention was on the enemy ship in front. First, the continuous laser fell on the enemy ship, and then the dense shells hit the enemy ship. , followed by a large number of missiles flooding the enemy ship.

The nuclear explosion engulfed the enemy ship, and the remaining missiles continued to advance, staring at several other alien warships.

It was not until then that everyone discovered that the American warship was already scarred, and its turrets were destroyed in various ways, leaving only two laser cannons that could fire.

Countless alien fighters rushed towards the battleship, smashing all kinds of bug bombs at the warship, and even some alien fighters threw themselves with bug bombs all over their bodies.

Not long after, the American warship was devastated by the onslaught of enemy planes, and several lifeboats that ejected the warship were shot down by enemy planes.

In the end, the warship activated its self-destruction device, which exploded into a splendid firework in the void.

At almost the same time, the missiles fired by this warship hit two enemy ships successively, and the two enemy ships died in the violent nuclear explosion.

Ye Han's eyes flashed slightly: "Which warship is this?"

"It should be the USS Boston." Qi Haifeng said.

A new change appeared on the screen. The other two battleships flew over the Boston, one left and one right. continued to attack the alien fleet ahead.

One of the two warships is painted with the maple leaf flag, and the other is painted with the rice flag.

Qi Haifeng was shocked: "What do they want to do?"

"The international fleet is starting to work hard." Ye Han said, "Is the situation so bad?"

Qi Haifeng said: "Maybe they want to abandon some of the main ships and create opportunities for the main force to evacuate, otherwise they shouldn't be so desperate."

"Withdraw? How to withdraw?" Ye Han snorted coldly, "Alien warships are accelerating faster than us, unless they are fighting and withdrawing..."

Halfway through his words, his eyes suddenly turned to the left.

The others also woke up, and their eyes all fell to the left side of the screen.

The Beiyuezhou Fleet abandoned Class 011 and most of the fighter planes, and distanced itself from the smokescreen in advance. Now it is constantly firing at enemy ships and using nuclear bombs to prevent the alien fleet from approaching. Does it mean that the Beiyuezhou Fleet has also reached its limit and must not be Don't want to leave the battlefield?

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