Armor Frenzy

: One thousand and ninety-seven enemy ships came up

() There are more and more enemy planes rushing out of the smoke screen, and the position of rushing out is no longer limited to the middle of the smoke screen, but gradually spreads outward.

The dense barrage of the fleet had to be dispersed as the enemy aircraft spread, and the increasingly sparse barrage was no longer as shocking as before.

Countless enemy planes were smashed to pieces in the joint strangulation of artillery shells and missiles. After I don't know how many enemy planes were killed, countless missiles flew out of the smoke screen.

When they just flew out of the smoke screen, there were not many fighters and warships that flew towards humans, but after flying out of the smoke screen, they immediately found the right direction, staring at the target in sight and slammed hard.

The bug bombs are all alive, and even if they don't stare at the target when they are launched, they can stare to death as soon as they find the target.

The near-anti-aircraft guns on each ship switched their targets immediately and fired at a large number of incoming insect bombs. Small-caliber artillery shells and laser beams echoed each other, and the incoming missiles fell one by one.

Seeing that the fleet was strangling the insect bombs with all their strength, Ye Han clenched his teeth.

The primary task of the close-in defense gun is to deal with incoming missiles, and it is to give priority to the most threatening missiles. Although it can also deal with enemy fighter planes, it must be established on the premise that there are no missiles threatening warships.

Moreover, this thing is to automatically capture the target and automatically shoot.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the aliens have indeed grasped the only weakness of the close-in guns.

Bian Ge whispered, "The dog is so shrewd, he learned so quickly." The situation on the screen must be that the alien fighter no longer blindly rushes out of the smoke screen, but first shoots out the bug bombs on the plane, Then he rushed out after the bug bomb.

"If you throw so many fighters, they are really willing to throw them away." Qi Haifeng is envious, jealous, and hateful. If he gave so many fighters to mankind, wouldn't this battle have been won sooner?

"It's all grown, I'm willing to put it on me!" Bian Ge said.

"It's really not worth it." Qi Haifeng was furious but could do nothing, "If only we could also grow fighter jets."

The bridges are full of professional soldiers. Even if they don’t know much about the manufacturing process of fighter jets, they know that military manufacturing is the essence of industrial manufacturing, and fighter jets are the pinnacle of military manufacturing. Materials, design, equipment, power, manufacturing precision…anything There can be no problems in a single link.

And what about aliens? They just need to plant the seeds in the right place, and fertilize it with their hands, and it won't take long to grow a qualified fighter.

It came so easily, how could the aliens care about this loss?

Long Jianguo asked in a low voice, "Are planes and warships of aliens really grown?"

"Of course." Bian Ge said, "The teacher has seen it with his own eyes, right?"

Ye Han raised his eyelids: "I saw it once in Africa, small."

Long Jianguo nodded: "Missiles are all bugs, I thought planes were bugs too..."

Ye Han suddenly raised his head: "It's not impossible..."

When everyone heard it, they felt like they were crawling with ants, and they all felt something was wrong.

Long Jianguo continued: "I think it's easier to raise a nest of bugs than to grow a tree of planes." He couldn't imagine how strange it would be to see a tree full of planes, if there were a swarm of insect bombs crawling under the tree... The picture was simply unsightly.

A new change appeared on the screen during the conversation. While the enemy plane continued to penetrate the smoke screen, it bypassed the smoke screen from all directions at the same time, and launched a large number of insect bombs at the human fleet as soon as it appeared.

The firepower density of the close-range artillery has been somewhat unable to keep up with the number of insect bombs.

At this time, the air carrier, which is most concerned with air defense, fired a round of missiles at the incoming fleet. At the same time, Huo Qiang's voice resounded through the fleet: "Put a distance..."

Before he finished speaking, the missile that crashed into the alien swarm exploded suddenly, a dazzling light flashed, and the main screen of the East China Sea suddenly lost its picture.

Ye Han was in a hurry: "Lao Qi, what's going on?"

"The signal is broken." Qi Haifeng flicked his fingers, "It's all clutter, no signal."

"What about the signal?"

Qi Haifeng stopped: "It should be the explosion that interfered with the signal."

"Hydrogen bomb?" Ye Han let out a low cry.

"No?" Bian Ge wondered, "It's not an alien warship, so is it necessary to use a hydrogen bomb? Are enemy planes afraid of light radiation?"

The power of nuclear bombs is indeed very strong, but the space environment is special, shock waves, nuclear radiation and nuclear pollution are nothing, only light radiation can have some effect.

Qi Haifeng smiled bitterly: "How could I know so much?"

"Is it some kind of special bullet?" Long Jianguo guessed.

"There is a signal!" Qi Haifeng exclaimed, pulling everyone's attention back, and everyone's eyes returned to the screen.

The reappearing picture is no longer a battleship perspective, but a long-range shot away from the battlefield.

The camera is so far away that it is impossible to see the situation on the battlefield at all, and you can only see countless spots of light blasting one after another on the battlefield.

"Where did the signal come from?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

Qi Haifeng said: "It seems to be a space station in synchronous orbit... Don't worry about it so much, it's good to have a signal."

"I also want to ask, how could we possibly receive the signal from the front?" Bian Ge said, "Could it be that the front knew that we wanted to see the current situation?"

"No, it's not just what we want to see." Ye Han said, "I guess this is a signal to the earth."

"It makes sense!" Qi Haifeng nodded in agreement, "Even if it's not broadcast to the public, the senior leaders of various countries have to take a look, right? Fortunately, we are in a good position. If it is a little more biased, it is hard to say whether we can close the signal."

The screen began to get closer during the conversation, and everyone finally saw the situation on the battlefield.

The fleet has retreated, and the smoke screen is a little distanced away. The enemy planes near the smoke screen seem to be drowning. They are killed one by one by the main guns on the The smoke screen also seems to have exploded a few. The nuclear bomb has opened several large holes in the smokescreen.

All the ships suddenly gave up the enemy planes rushing out of the smoke screen, and only let the close-in guns deal with them. All the turrets spun rapidly and fired violently at the smoke screen, and the missiles also smashed into the smoke screen one by one.

At the same time, a large amount of thin light suddenly pierced through the smoke screen, and several 011-class ships were cut and decomposed by the thin light on the spot.

Ye Han exclaimed: "The enemy ship is coming!"

Everyone realized this. At this time, a radar screen suddenly appeared in the corner of the screen. From the situation on the screen, it can be determined that there are several alien warships passing through the smoke screen, and they are firing violently as they advance. The clear light pierced through the smokescreen and sank dozens of 011-class ships in the blink of an eye.

If other warships were not far away, they might have been sunk by enemy ships on the spot.

Ye Han's face was gloomy, his eyes moved to the radar, and he stared at a group of light spots that were constantly approaching the enemy ship - those were shells and missiles from human warships, the kind with nuclear warheads.

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