Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1096: regroup

() The fighter jet finally withdrew to the mothership, the robotic arm quickly clamped the fighter jet and retracted it back into the ship, and the 011 level also slowly retreated not far in front of the mothership.

The international fleet on the other side has also shrunk across the board. At this point, the combined fleet has been out of actual contact with the enemy and can withdraw at any time.

However, the evacuation did not occur, and all the 011-level blocks stood in front of the air carrier, calmly facing the oncoming alien aircraft group, and a group of fighters flew again from the air carrier.

The number of these fighter jets is not large, less than 300 when they are fully loaded, and each aircraft is full of missile compartments, with wings above and below the wings, and the back and belly of the aircraft.

"Still fighting?" Bian Ge was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth, and his brain almost crashed on the spot, "Can you win?"

Qi Haifeng couldn't hide the shame on his face: "I don't know." He really didn't want the fleet to fail, but he really wasn't optimistic about the strength of the enemy and us.

Ye Han opened his mouth, but the words got stuck in his throat and couldn't come out.

He wanted to say everything and obey the destiny, but this sentence is too negative, even if the situation ahead is extremely bad, he is not willing to say it.

Although he didn't say it would have a big impact on the situation, at least he still had hope in his heart.

The alien aircraft group is getting closer and closer, swords are drawn on the battlefield, the air in the bridge is stagnant, and a calm voice suddenly sounded: "Smoke screen block!"

Hearing this voice, Ye Han couldn't help jumping: "Commander Huo?"

"Impossible? Isn't Commander Huo never going to space?" Qi Haifeng immediately expressed doubts.

"It can't be wrong." Ye Han said, "It must be Commander Huo's voice."

Everyone's eyes fell on the screen at the same time, and they all thought of the importance of this battle.

Under Huo Qiang's order, all the warships fired violently at the same time, and the missiles flew away from the warships one by one, and exploded before the first front line formed by the 011 class.

Each missile exploded, an umbrella-shaped smoke screen would explode, and the continuous explosions quickly formed an opaque layer of smoke screen in front of the lattice, and the smoke screen enveloped all human warships and fighter jets.

The smoke screen blocks the sight of both aliens and humans, but the smoke screen can only block visible light. The radar on the battleship can easily penetrate the smoke screen and determine the position of the enemy ship and the enemy aircraft.

"Smoke screen extension!" Another order was issued, the missile began to extend forward, and some missiles exploded up, down, left, and right, forming a wider and thicker smoke screen.

The smoke screen had just formed, and the fleet moved to the side again under Huo Qiang's order. The 011-level, fighter planes, battleships, and airships each went in one direction, and each moved to the edge of the smoke screen and stopped carefully.

"The enemy plane is in range—"

"Don't worry about it, wait for my order!" Huo Qiang said.

After waiting for a while: "Enemy plane launches missiles!"

"What direction?"

"In the middle of the smokescreen..."

"Don't worry about it!"

Wait a little longer: "The enemy plane is about to enter the smoke screen!"

"Assign target to enemy aircraft - fire!"

Countless missiles shot out from warships, from fighter planes, from all the places where missiles could be launched, from the edge of the smoke screen to the center, and then suddenly turned and plunged into the smoke screen and could no longer be seen.

Everyone waited silently for the result, but the smoke screen blocked the sight, and no one could see the scene in the smoke screen.

Ye Han subconsciously clenched his fists.

It is indeed a way to induce the enemy to enter the smoke screen, and then use the missile to kill the enemy plane, but when the missile explodes, not only will the enemy plane be destroyed, but the airflow will also blow away the smoke screen, so... No, Huo Qiang can be this commander Members, relying on ability and strength, cannot make such a low-level mistake. Then... the only way is to carry a smoke bomb in the missile, which can not only replenish the consumption of the smoke screen in time, but also act as a cover!

Wave after wave of missiles slammed into the smokescreen for nearly a minute.

A voice suddenly exploded: "The enemy plane is in range—"

Huo Qiang's voice was still calm: "Free Fire!"

The continuous missiles were like a stop, and a clear fault suddenly appeared, and then all the battleships burst out suddenly, the fire of the guns was connected in a string, and countless shells flew out of the battleships and smashed into the center of the smoke screen from all directions.

Bian Ge's eyes were straight. The screen was still full of missile wakes, and in a blink of an eye, it became a flying shell. Wherever the eyes can see, the flying shells can be seen. It feels like looking up at the sky in a rainstorm. .

Several missiles were added to the shells from time to time. Everyone knew that the screen was a real battlefield, but they were still shocked by the overwhelming barrage.

This is the grandeur and magnificence of war, and there is no substitute for it.

I don't know how many enemy planes the fleet destroyed. First, some enemy plane fragments flew out from the smoke screen, and then the fragments became larger and larger. After a while, even the half-remaining alien warships came out.

But everyone's mood is getting heavier.

The larger the debris, the sparser the firepower of one's own side, I'm afraid it won't take long for the enemy plane to break through the smoke screen...

Finally, an enemy plane rushed out of the smoke screen, but before it could see the situation outside the smoke screen, it was crossed by several near-anti-aircraft guns, and it was suddenly broken into pieces in continuous explosions.

Huo Qiang's voice sounded again: "Everyone pay attention, back slowly!" The fighter jets broke through the smoke screen, which means that the enemy already knew the layout behind the smoke screen, so they must adjust the position immediately, and the best plan is to open the distance.

More alien fighter jets poured out the smoke screen, and the barrage was immediately deflected towards the enemy plane.

There were more and more enemy planes, and the barrage became more and more scattered. After the alien fighters broke through the smoke screen, they finally broke through the fire net again.

Immediately after breaking through the blockade, they turned and rushed towards the human warships on the edge of the smoke screen.

One after another of lasers, like sharp swords piercing the sky, suddenly split the void and slashed the alien fighters one by one. Due to the obstruction of the smoke screen, only the rapid-fire guns fired before. Until this time, the laser close-in defense guns joined the battle.

The addition of the laser cannon nearly doubled the firepower density of the human immediately suppressed the enemy planes that broke through the fire net.

Ye Han felt that the fleet killed more enemy planes in such a short period of time than the total number of enemy planes shot down by fighter planes.

Perhaps many people will think that this battle should be fought like this from the beginning, instead of sending fighters out to fight hard.

But the account is not calculated like this. The aerospace carrier relies on fighter jets to fight, and the fighter jet is the arm of the aerospace carrier. To put it coldly, how much does a fighter jet cost? Losing a hundred and eighty is not as good as a battleship, and it is much easier to replenish.

On the other hand, there are only so many warships in the hands of human beings at the moment, which can be said to be the last capital of human beings. If one is destroyed, there will be one less, and it is not so easy to rebuild.

As for human life... Once a success is made, all bones will die. Human life is the least important thing on the battlefield. No matter how great or heroic it is, it is an afterthought. Human life is just an extremely pale number on the battlefield, even after every word. All are a living being.

To put it bluntly, victory is filled out by the soldiers with their lives, ancient and modern, all over the world, no such thing.

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