Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1116: fat to the mouth

() After the strong rise of the space fleet, the decline of the traditional navy is inevitable, but at this moment, all countries are still very anxious about the incapacity of the traditional navy, and invariably look forward to the rapid return of the assault fleet.

The alien warships only lingered near the South Orkney Islands for a while, and then disappeared in the northeast direction of the islands. Countries knew that their fleets would not be able to catch up, but they were still embarrassed.

If I didn't seize this opportunity, I might have to wait until I want to catch the alien battleship.

However, the high-level officials of various countries never thought that after only half a day, the unwilling aliens actually took the initiative to provoke!

Half a day later, the South Pacific Ocean was shrouded in the dark night, the clear night sky was full of stars, and on the calm water, the Qizhou aircraft carrier battle group chopped the waves and drove south at full speed.

On the bridge of Qizhou, Captain Liu Zhuo frowned deeply, staring at the tactical screen with deep eyes.

It has been more than ten hours since the alien fleet landed, and during this period, the Qizhou continued to receive news from the front.

Aliens appear and disappear like slippery loaches, constantly attacking the nerves of human beings. The fleet that has rushed to the South Pole is exhausted, but it can't catch the enemy's tail.

The underwater speed of the alien warship is still unclear, but according to the calculation of the supercomputer and the comprehensive judgment of the joint command, the underwater speed of the alien warship will not be particularly exaggerated. If the alien warship always moves at full speed after entering the water, the current farthest position is about 55 degrees south latitude.

The fleet is currently located near 53 degrees south latitude, and another 200 kilometers is the danger zone for aliens...

The combat staff suddenly ran over quickly: "Report, commander, captain, Tanzhou found an unknown underwater sound source, and there is no sound source feature record in the database... It's a bit like the sound source of No. 14."

Liu Zhuo turned around suddenly: "Are you sure?"

Countries used supercomputers to measure the underwater noise of alien warships, and issued a total of 27 sound source characteristics to the troops of various countries, each of which may be similar to the noise emitted by alien warships.

"That's what the Tanzhou said." The staff member immediately cleared himself.

Liu Zhuo wanted to speak, and the sonar soldier suddenly shouted: "Report, the underwater sound source was found twelve degrees on the starboard side... It's an alien fighter, a lot!"

"Battle alert—" Liu Zhuo roared sharply, "Fly at full speed—"

The piercing siren rang through the fleet, and the Qizhou immediately turned and ran wildly in the direction of the sea breeze at a maximum speed of thirty knots per hour.

The two J-15 fighters placed on the deck immediately took off under the strong push of the electromagnetic catapult, and then the early warning aircraft took off. In a very short time, the four electromagnetic catapults took all the nearly twenty aircraft on the deck. Sending it to the sky, three elevators are constantly going back and forth between the hangar and the flight deck, sending the fighter jets to the flight deck at the fastest speed.

Fleet Commander Fang Yu said worriedly: "Liu Zhuo, our pilots are all newbies, can they do it?"

In order to deal with the aliens, the military took away most of the pilots of Lu Hang and Hainan Airlines. Today, most of the pilots of Lu Hang and Hainan Airlines are newcomers. In terms of flying skills, they are far inferior to their predecessors. It is hard to say whether Fang dares to release them for actual combat.

Liu Zhuo couldn't help but feel sad: "It's okay to drive the ducks to the shelves."

The signal soldier suddenly shouted: "Report, the target is found in the right rear, 25 kilometers away, and the number is thirty-six!"

"The carrier-based aircraft meet the enemy, and the ships are ready to fight..."

"The enemy plane was found directly behind, the number is thirty-six!"

Liu Zhuo almost choked to death: "How many more planes are there?"


"The ships fire anti-aircraft missiles... Where are the submarines? Where are the submarines?"

"Tracking enemy ships."

Liu Zhuo was taken aback, and then he was overjoyed: "Following?"

"Watch it!"

"That's great!" Liu Zhuo was overjoyed and wished he would run to command the submarine now.

At this time, the escorting destroyers Tanzhou and Jinling had already locked onto the enemy aircraft. The two warships fired off the eight-mounted anti-aircraft missiles in one go. Overwhelmed by missile smoke.

The sailors on the two warships immediately loaded the spare missiles, and at the same time, the two frigates in the formation also fired at the enemy aircraft with the same type of eight-mounted missiles.

The carrier-based aircraft group was flying towards the target, and the launched missile flew quickly under the aircraft group, rushing into the alien aircraft group in front of the carrier-based aircraft.

When the missile strikes, the alien swarm immediately avoids it, but the shape of the alien fighter is really not suitable for the atmosphere, and the evasion is slow and clumsy. How can it avoid the high-speed air defense missile?

The missile got into the alien swarm, and in the blink of an eye, the alien fighters that had just been showing off were shot down by more than 30 missiles, and a whole wave of alien fighters was wiped out.

The pilots on the carrier aircraft were all dumbfounded. When did alien fighters be so easy to deal with?

Although they are pilots of Hainan Airlines, they have never fought an air battle with alien fighters, but they have watched the air combat videos of the Space Fleet countless times, and they are very impressed with the alien fighters.

They also know that alien fighters are not suitable for the atmosphere, but the problem is that everyone has always thought that aliens have fighters suitable for the atmosphere, but they never thought that aliens would directly use space fighters in the atmosphere.

Isn't this just looking for death?

A voice suddenly exploded in the ears of all the pilots: "Brothers, let the dog today know why the flowers are so red!"

The pilots screamed at once, and the group immediately rushed towards another wave of enemy planes. A single missile smashed the enemy planes into pieces, and none of them escaped.

When the news came back to Qizhou, Liu Zhuo couldn't believe his ears: "No way? It's too simple."

"Simple? I can't see Fang Yu leisurely held a cup of hot tea and took a sip,"

Liu Zhuo said sternly: "If things are abnormal, there must be demons. I can't figure out what the aliens want to do."

Fang Yu smiled slightly: "My opinion is different from yours. Didn't the aliens sink a destroyer? I think they are too arrogant and inflated."

"Ah?" Liu Zhuo's eyes widened, "Impossible?"

Fang Yu smiled again: "Is it possible that it has anything to do with it? The good fat is all over your mouth, so you can say whether you want to eat it or not."

"Eat, must eat!" Liu Zhuo's answer was firm.

According to this line of thinking, do aliens think that human surface warships are vulnerable?

What a joke, space warships are quite powerful. If the enemy ship is still in space, it is not surprising that a warship kills the entire aircraft carrier battle group. This is the natural advantage of air-to-ground, but space warships are still so powerful when they are in the water. What?

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