Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1117: you can do it

() As the old saying goes, what do you shout at, although it is not very appropriate to put this sentence on a battleship, the truth is the same.

To put it simply, space warships are designed for space, and any detail must be aimed at the specific environment of space. The same is true for surface warships. Any design must first consider the water factor.

No matter how powerful a space battleship is, it must have an environment suitable for the battleship to exert its combat effectiveness, and the sea is a reserve for surface battleships, not the home of space battleships.

It is very good that the alien warship can still retain some of its combat power after drilling into the sea. Dare not to put the aircraft carrier battle group in the eye, but also want to compete with the aircraft carrier battle group in the sea... Liu Zhuo just wants to send a message to the aliens Word: You are not professional!

There is nothing wrong with this. The aliens' confidence comes from the fact that they killed a destroyer, but didn't they think that it was a single destroyer, and the Qizhou aircraft carrier battle group was a uniform A fully-staffed naval fleet, a fleet of trinity in the air, surface and underwater, the strongest surface force of mankind!

Do you really think that space warships are omnipotent?

Liu Zhuo thought so and did so.

The aliens are not stupid either. Two consecutive waves of alien fighters were on the spot. They immediately realized that the situation was not good, and immediately withdrew the waves of fighters that had already set off but had not yet flown out of the water.

It has to be said that aliens think too simple.

The noise of alien fighters sailing underwater is much more obvious than that of alien warships. The two nuclear submarines stared at the sound source as soon as the aircraft group left the ship.

The submarine was surprised to find that there were two sources of sound, that is to say, there were two alien warships hidden underwater!

The two submarines acted separately immediately, and each locked on an enemy ship... Usually, there is only one nuclear submarine **** in the aircraft carrier battle group, but the Qizhou battle group is a bit unusual. It is composed of Chinese warships scattered in the Pacific Ocean. It was temporarily organized, and all Chinese warships that arrived at the rendezvous point on time were all organized into the battle group.

So, this battle group has two nuclear submarines, one 095, and the other is the legendary 096!

After the outbreak of the insect plague, most of the Navy's shipbuilding plan was cut off, and the only one 096 was completed before the disaster.

Even Fang Yu and Liu Zhuo didn't expect that 096 would come to join in the fun, but when they came, they couldn't drive them away, so they had to put 096 into the formation. They didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

Now this 096 is like a tiger about to pounce on its prey, quietly approaching the target, it is as quiet as a black hole in the depths of the sea, and more like an attack submarine than 095.

But alien warships are not so easy to deal with. The submarine only roughly knows the location of the enemy ship from the noise of the fighter plane, but the sonar has not found the trace of the enemy ship.

The two submarines are currently diving to a depth of more than 400 meters. Even in broad daylight, there is only a faint light, but now it is night, and there are no fingers in the water, and neither the enemy nor the enemy can see each other. They can only use instruments and equipment to find clues bit by bit.

The hard work paid off. After a period of careful search, 096 was the first to discover an abnormal wake. Shortly after notifying 095 of the situation, 095 also found another wake at the corresponding location.

The two captains almost burst into laughter. The aliens must not know that humans have a weapon called wake-guided torpedo!

The two submarines immediately began to prepare, and all torpedo tubes were replaced with wake-guided torpedoes.

"The No. 2 torpedo is loaded!" The bow torpedo compartment of 095 took the lead and sent a signal to the bridge.

The captain immediately replied: "The second torpedo was launched..."

"The fourth torpedo is loaded!"

"Torpedo number four launches..."

A similar scene was played out on two submarines at the same time, with torpedoes fired one after another, and the torpedoes off the boat shuttled through the water at a speed of sixty knots, heading in the same direction.

095 was about to launch the fifth torpedo, and 096 had just fired the fourth torpedo when the sonars of the two submarines heard a dull underwater explosion at the same time, followed by a second and a third.

But the fourth sound came from the other direction, and just like that, the sonar heard eight muffled sounds intermittently, and the submarine was full of cheers.

Although there is no image of the torpedo hitting, but the heavy torpedo of more than 500 mm is loaded with hundreds of kilograms of explosives, and one can sink the warship.

Alien warships may be much stronger than the navy's large warships. If the enemy ship is in the air, no one can guarantee that the torpedo will sink the enemy ship, but it is different in the water. The water is difficult to be compressed and can be transmitted well. explosive power.

Even if one torpedo cannot sink the enemy ship, how about two or three, or four?

If it weren't for the lack of time, the two captains would definitely continue to fire, even if they had exhausted all the ammunition they had in storage.

When the news came back to the fleet, Liu Zhuo let out a long breath: "Commander, can the alarm be lifted?"

"Release." Fang Yu held up the cup again, "Leave two planes on duty, and the early warning aircraft, and the rest of the planes should come back."

"Yes!" Liu Zhuo agreed, "Commander, is it time to report victory?"

Fang Yu glanced at Liu Zhuo, smiled and said, "You can report it. It's not easy to win a second battle, so be more specific."

"Yes!" Liu Zhuo was even happier, he conveyed the order first, and then reported victory to the Northern Capital.

If it wasn't for the record made by his own submarine that killed Liu Zhuo, he wouldn't believe that torpedoes could kill alien warships.

After Liu Zhuo got in touch with Beidu, he briefly explained the situation, and then passed the combat data of each ship to Beidu, and then returned to Fang Yu with a strange expression: "Commander, Beidu said that the US aircraft carrier battle group and the British The aircraft carrier battle group has been attacked by aliens just like us."

Fang Yu almost didn't squirt the tea out of his mouth, and he couldn't calm down any longer: "How is the situation?"

"Cowboy is There is no loss, but one enemy ship ran; Cowboy was unlucky, sank two battleships, the Queen was hit hard, at least it has to stay on the slipway for a few months, but the Queen Like us, we sank two enemy ships." Liu Zhuo said.

"Not bad, not bad." Fang Yu praised, "It's good to fight a battle, teach the aliens a lesson, so that they don't always come out to find trouble."

Liu Zhuo continued: "Also, the Queen's battle group is located near 48 degrees south latitude."

Fang Yu suddenly raised his head: "So fast? Isn't it fifty-five degrees?"

"The above said that this is still found, and those who have not found may run further." Liu Zhuo said.

Fang Yu was completely uneasy: "What else did you say above?"

"Search on the spot and be vigilant at all times." Liu Zhuo lowered his voice suddenly, "Let's be careful, don't run too far, it's better to walk back."

Fang Yu immediately understood: "You can do it as you please."

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