Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1118: weird balance

() Although this conflict was short-lived, it wrote a lot in military history, known as the Fifty-third Battle, also known as the South Pacific Naval Battle.

Western countries call it the Battle of the Southern Stars.

After the battle, except for the battered Queen's aircraft carrier battle group, which had to withdraw to its home port, the battle groups of China and the United States only had a brief rest and then went into intense search again.

After this attack, all countries hope that the aliens will continue to attack, but the lone warship is by no means the enemy's opponent. Only a large-scale fleet can defeat the enemy.

Therefore, the countries immediately ordered their fleets to stop the search and immediately assembled to the designated coordinates.

The coordinates of several rendezvous are urgently negotiated by various countries and do not belong to any country. Any warship that receives an order must immediately and unconditionally set off to the nearest rendezvous point.

The order is to go down, but it takes time to assemble, and all countries are worried, fearing that their warships will be attacked by aliens again.

But in this world, there is something to be afraid of. First, a French warship was attacked by aliens, and then another German warship sank. In addition, six anti-aircraft ships were sunk by alien fighters.

The aliens succeeded again and again, which made the nerves of the senior leaders of various countries tense.

The enemy's tactics were clear. Instead of attacking large fleets, they attacked lone ships.

Even if the alien warships hidden under the sea are not suitable for the environment, they still have huge tactical advantages one-on-one.

For a time, ships in the southern hemisphere were in danger.

After receiving the news, the countries immediately realized that the air defense ships had been ignored, and immediately changed their orders, requiring all ships in the southern hemisphere to immediately move closer to the nearest friendly ships.

Aliens hide deep underwater, in order to hide their whereabouts, and never release fighter planes outside of launching an attack, it can be inferred that 80% of the aliens are looking for targets by looking up underwater.

They are not familiar with human surface ships, and they certainly do not know whether the target is a warship or a civilian ship just by looking at the bottom of the ship, so as long as the ships on the surface are concentrated, the possibility of being attacked will be greatly reduced.

Facts have also proved this judgment. When the ships at sea, regardless of their size and nationality, gathered together one by one, the attack disappeared immediately, and the aliens once again disappeared into the depths of the ocean. No matter how the human fleet searched, they could not find it. To the slightest clue.

What a dramatic twist!

From a tactical level alone, both humans and aliens have suffered losses, or they have explored each other's weaknesses, but from a strategic level, the series of naval battles around Antarctica have extraordinary significance. .

The most important point is to make sure that the human surface fleet can completely defeat the aliens, instead of talking about the appearance before landing.

In order to find out the disappearing alien warships, various countries have put their own submarine forces into the war zone, and even Russia, which has been very marginalized in recent years, is no exception.

Countries have even urgently equipped the navy with a batch of anti-submarine torpedoes carrying nuclear bombs. Unfortunately, the submarine has not found any clues, and no amount of nuclear torpedoes can be used.

The development of the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for human beings. In order to find out the hidden alien warships, various countries have assembled their elite soldiers and generals to analyze various possibilities in an all-round way. After careful analysis of various factors, they believe that there are several possibilities.

First, the alien warships hid in the deep sea, which is an area beyond the reach of human military power, and even the use of deep sea submarines is of no use.

The second is that the enemy forces give up attacking a single ship, and it is very likely that they will shrink their forces and concentrate their forces to make a ruthless attack.

The third is that the alien fleet may abandon the ocean and quietly land in an attempt to land.

There are also some miscellaneous guesses, all kinds of things.

While countries were struggling to find the alien fleet, the landed aliens caught up with the aliens hidden in Africa. An alien warship approached southern Africa from all directions. This alien warship always Underwater, quietly approached Africa, and finally entered Africa through an underwater cave.

Tens of thousands of giant insects took action and rushed to the "pier" in the belly of the mountain through the underground network extending in all directions to carry the materials on the alien warships.

At the same time, alien warships scattered in the ocean rushed to Africa from all directions, entering the "pier" one by one.

Africa was originally the continent where aliens have been operating for the longest time. After adding a large number of aliens, it has completely become the headquarters of aliens on earth

Not only Africa, but South America also welcomed dozens of alien warships.

Although the human coalition has wiped out the giant insects entrenched in South America, they have never been able to find traces of aliens.

These aliens have been hiding in the dark, and if the natural environment in South America had not been devastated and there were no resources available, they would never have endured for so long.

After the aliens in the two places received support, they immediately ushered in a new round of rapid development.

In the past, they could only use surface and underground resources, but they were powerless to marine resources, but this time, the alien fleet that landed brought new technologies that could directly use marine resources to develop their own strength.

However, within a few days, a large number of alien plants have grown on the continental shelves of Africa and South America. They imitate the photosynthesis of earth plants, madly absorb nutrients in the ocean, and continuously provide nutrients for aliens. Alien insects It has developed like a group of blowing Giant insects with various functions multiply in large numbers, which greatly enhances the strength of the aliens.

Compared with the barren Ganymede, the earth is a paradise, and there are countless harvests. They don't even need to destroy the ecological environment of the ocean, and can support the entire population with only alien plants.

Because the aliens only occupied Africa and South America, the alien plants did not spread to other regions, so that countries knew nothing about it.

But how could aliens be content with just Africa and South America? While hiding underground and developing quietly, they quietly expanded outward. The alien plants under the sea began to spread to North America and Africa, and even some aliens drove warships to sneak into other continents, looking for suitable locations to establish several secret base.

At this time, the human fleet is still looking for alien warships all over the world. The high-level officials of various countries never thought that the earth has been divided into two without human beings' knowledge. Humans live on the ground and the sea, and aliens are hidden underground. And underwater, the hostile sides have formed a strange balance because of the alien's forbearance.

But everyone knows that the contradictions between humans and aliens are irreconcilable, and the outbreak of war is only a matter of time.

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