Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1120: Attraction at the genetic level

In early October, a Type 095 was sailing slowly from south to north along the west coast of South America.

The sonar soldier listened attentively as usual, and a strange look suddenly appeared on his face: "Captain, there is a situation!"

The captain suddenly made a clever call: "What's the situation?"

The search operation has lasted for more than ten days. According to the speed of the alien warships, the aliens can reach any corner of the earth, but until now, no alien warships have been found.

I haven't found it for so long, is it...

The sonar soldier said: "The terrain is wrong!"

The captain leaned up curiously, and was stunned to find that the screen was no longer the familiar seabed landform, but countless layers of roots.

The captain made a decisive decision: "Right full rudder, come closer and have a look!"

"Full rudder right!"

The submarine approached the coast, released unmanned reconnaissance equipment, and everyone finally saw the seabed with their own eyes.

At this time, the seabed was already occupied by countless giant milky white vines, each of which was thicker than a submarine.

Countless green tentacles grow on the vine, and the tentacles drift gently with the current, like an endless grassland growing out of the sea.

Large and small fish and shrimp swim around in the grassland, and they seem to be very adapted to the environment here.

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them, and everyone knew that giant vines were definitely not earth plants.

The captain immediately reported the situation to his superiors, and the news immediately detonated the Beidu, and then detonated the world through the Beidu channel, causing a huge earthquake among the high-level officials of various countries.

No one dared to ignore this situation. The satellites over South America gave up their search for alien warships and immediately turned their attention to the coast.

The remote sensing results were shocking. The distribution of giant vines far exceeded expectations. Due to the limited detection depth of satellites, various countries immediately ordered the fleets near South America to move to the coast, requesting the fleet to find out the details of the alien plants as quickly as possible.

The fleets that were not near South America were also ordered to head to the nearest land to check the seabed.

The results are not optimistic. Giant vines are found all over the coast of South America and in southern North America. It is clear that giant vines are spreading northward.

Then came the news of Africa, where the situation is more serious than that of South America. A large number of giant vines have been found on both sides of the Red Sea, around the Mediterranean Sea, and even the Persian Gulf has found traces of giant vines.

Before long, giant vines were found in Australia, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and various waters south of the equator, spreading faster than expected.

The situation has become so bad that it cannot be solved. Although no one knows the specific purpose of giant vines, the purpose of aliens spreading giant vines is definitely not simple. Countries have passed the resolution to remove giant vines as quickly as possible, even if nuclear weapons are used. at all costs.

The navies of various countries took action immediately. At this time, although everyone called unity in their mouths, but when it came to the real thing, they all cared for their own interests first. Well, it fell apart overnight.

Beidu mobilized all mobilized ships and divided all the ships into two parts. One part patrolled the sea and territory day and night to supplement the lack of satellite remote sensing; the other part immediately went south and planned to help countries clean up giant vines.

Since the giant vines have not yet been discovered in their own territorial waters, the pressure on the northern capital is not great, but the situation in the United States and Europe is different. The giant vines have spread northward, and the situation cannot be delayed.

In the Americas, the U.S. fleet directly used depth charges to deal with giant vines, and the explosion immediately destroyed more than a dozen giant vines - this alien plant is surprisingly fragile!

But then the Americans were dumbfounded. The broken alien plants actually attracted countless marine creatures. Countless fish and shrimp were crowded.

Looking down from the boat, the sea is full of surging water, as if this is not the sea, but a bathtub full of fish.

After the insect plague, the terrestrial ecosystem was devastated, and most of the terrestrial life was wiped out.

Marine organisms have also been greatly affected, but marine organisms reproduce fast, and the characteristic of puffed viruses is that the faster the reproduction rate, the faster the body swells.

However, after the body swells, the reproduction rate decreases due to the problem of the growth cycle. Giant growth means slower evolution, which inhibits the expansion of marine organisms, creating a new balance between body size and reproductive speed.

The marine ecosystem has been reshuffled at an extraordinary speed, but in a few years, a new ecosystem has been re-established, and it is thriving... At present, most of human food comes from the ocean. It's hard to say that I can't hold on to this day.

But marine creatures have their own ways of living, and usually do not interfere with anyone other than prey, no one would have thought that these big guys would gather together to grab the giant vine... What magic does the alien giant vine have?

The fleet fired another shot at another location, and immediately collected the giant vine fragments. After some inspection, it was found that the giant vine was rich in nutrients and was unusually attractive to creatures infected with puffed viruses.

This attraction is established at the genetic level, and even those who study giant vine specimens are attracted to giant vines and always want to swallow the giant vine specimens.

It is not a problem for human reason to resist temptation, but the sea creatures that act purely by instinct are different. They have no ability to resist giant vines at all.

In-depth research also found that giant vines can not only arouse the appetite of giant creatures, but also promote the reproduction of giant creatures. For giant creatures, giant vines are simply perfect food.

Thinking of the giant insect army under the control of aliens, no matter how stupid your mind is, you can guess the purpose of the aliens.

The ecology of Africa and South America has been completely destroyed by If aliens control the oceans, then the earth will have nothing to do with humans.

With the belief that it would be better to feed the fish than to leave it to the aliens, the fleet once again threw itself into the action to clear the giant vines, and countless marine creatures competed for each other, which was even more lively than the carnival.

In Europe, the Italian Navy was the first to fire the first shot, and the navies of other countries followed. Along the Mediterranean coast, the Red Sea coast, and the coast of North Africa, ships destroying giant vines can be seen everywhere.

Many ocean-going fishing vessels are also involved in sabotage, but they are often mainly fishing, and the destruction is just to attract fish, which is extremely inefficient. Some people even think that it is unnecessary to remove giant vines, and keeping them can promote the marine ecosystem substantial development.

Of course, governments around the world are very sensible and will never get dizzy because of the petty profit in front of them.

But just when everything was developing in a favorable direction, an unexpected news shocked the world: the African insect swarm crossed the Strait of Gibraltar!

Helpless, there has been no anti-theft for half a month, and these days I have to prevent it again. Is it really that expensive to see the genuine version?

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