Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1121: 1st hand information

In late October, the East China Sea.

The silhouette of the moon is displayed on the main screen of the bridge, and Qi Haifeng's voice echoes in the bridge: "Donghai calls Beiyuezhou, Donghai calls Beiyuezhou, it's over!"

"Donghai, I'm Beiyuezhou, welcome back, please receive the navigation data, it's over."

"Donghai understands, it's over."

"Beiyuezhou, I am Ye Han, commander of the First Airborne Division. How do I arrange my troops? Finished."

"Senior Ye, the superiors arranged for the first division to be isolated and repaired in Beiyuezhou, and it's over."

"Didn't I go back to Qiongzhou for repairs? What's going on? Something happened to Qiongzhou?"

"Qiongzhou is fine, there are no problems."

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "Is it convenient to tell me the reason?"

"The superior hopes that the first division will stay in outer space, which is conducive to the rapid deployment of troops."

"Understood... Beiyuezhou, how is the earth? I heard that bugs have passed Gibraltar."

"Yes, the African insect swarm has dug through the Strait of Gibraltar. Not only Gibraltar, but according to the reconnaissance of the drone, the whole Africa has been hollowed out by the insects, and their burrows have been dug from Central Africa to the coast of North Africa."

"That is, the bugs traveled underground through the Sahara?"


"How is Europe?"

"It's barely a stalemate... The two teeth on the southwest corner of Europe are finished. Now the front line is almost retreating to the French border. How long it lasts depends on when the bugs dig through the front line."

"What? Are the bugs not facing up?"

"Well, I've learned it well. When you hit the defense line frontally, you must have dug a hole behind the defense line. The bug has used this method to break through several lines of defense, and now this line of defense can't last long."

"Any more detailed information?"

"There are videos of bugs landing, and videos of breaking through defenses."

"Is it convenient to send it to me?"

"No problem, do you want it now?"

"It's best now, I'll have to stay here for a while, just watch the video."

"Okay, I'll send it to you right away."


After the communication ended, Ye Han immediately received the data packet from Beiyuezhou. He simply sent the data cannon to Qi Haifeng and pointed to the main screen: "Old Qi!"

Qi Haifeng rolled his eyes, received the data packet, opened it and put it on the main screen.

The moon was immediately replaced by a sunny beach, but there were no chaotic tourists and parasols everywhere on the beach, but a military camp with a steel-hard style and an extremely damaging style of painting.

To be more precise, there is a sandy beach on the left of the screen and a fort on the right.

From the perspective of the picture, it should be a camera outside the fort that shot this video.

Ye Han is a little confused, the location of this camera is too strange, why is there a camera outside the fortress?

Qi Haifeng sucked his teeth and Hanako: "Why are they all so lazy?"

"It's not surprising." Ye Han said, "You see that they don't even have armor. They must be second-line troops. Don't ask for so much."

"Bah, how much did I ask for? No second-line troops in the country are so lazy." Qi Haifeng pouted disdainfully.

"Haha, don't go out and say this, be careful that people hear you and beat you."

"Che, if you have the ability, who are you going to scare?" Qi Haifeng didn't care at all.

The meaning of the second-line troops is that there is no power armor, and it is impossible to receive space missions. Although they belong to the same army, they cannot fight with Captain Qi Haifeng. The possibility of encountering them is very, very, very small.

Ye Han laughed: "If you have the ability, don't go back to Earth in the future!"

"What am I going to do when I go back?" Qi Haifeng glared, "I was beaten by you because of it!"

The two of them were sitting here to make fun of the boredom, and suddenly there was a change on the screen. A group of long-legged giant ants suddenly sprang from behind the fortress. Their long legs were like springs, and they jumped several meters high when they bounced on the ground. They rushed to the fort and immediately surrounded the fort.

At this time, the camera turned sharply back, and the two realized that there were two fortresses on the beach. At some point in time, several holes were dug behind the fortresses, and giant ants were rushing out of the holes.

The firepower of the fort is all facing the beach, and there are some shooting ports on the left and right sides, but there is nothing in the rear, and the soldiers can't find a place to fight back.

Fortunately, the fort was still strong, and the giant ants could not rush in for a while.

Qi Haifeng said: "Do you still see it? Do you need to adjust it later?"

"Turn it up, just watch the end."

Qi Haifeng complied, and the video was directly adjusted to the end.

The picture turned into an indoor room, and a dozen foreign soldiers gathered around the picture in horror, holding guns at the gate of the fortress... A fist-sized hole had been corroded on the heavy gate.

A foreign soldier mustered his courage and rushed up, aiming at the hole and firing violently, not knowing what he hit, until he ran out of bullets and did not retreat.

Another soldier rushed up, tore off the grenade ring and threw it out.

The grenade exploded with a bang, and it was impossible to see that it killed a few bugs, but instead blew the crumbling door down.

Everyone was stunned by this accident, including Ye Han and Qi Haifeng in front of the screen.

The soldiers were in a mess in an instant. Everyone instinctively shot at the gate. The intensive firepower completely blocked the gate. Several giant ants who blocked the gate tried to rush into the fortress, and were immediately smashed into a sieve by the crazy bullet rain.

But the soldiers ran out of bullets in a blink of an eye, leaving only two machine guns still firing.

Everyone was in a hurry to change the magazines, but the giant ants took the opportunity to rush into the fortress, and the camera was suddenly full of blood.

When a soldier was knocked down by a giant ant, a shot hit the camera, and the picture shook violently. After the picture stabilized, it had turned to the corner of the fortress.

The blood splashed into the corner like a The last shot is a giant insect with two holes in its head, but it is still flamboyant.

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "Change it."

Qi Haifeng moved his finger and put on another video.

In the picture is a city full of European style. Pedestrians are in a hurry in the city, and the streets are full of barricades and patrolling soldiers. All the buildings in sight have been reinforced as necessary, which is more like a fortress than a fortress.

The soldiers' uniforms were exactly the same as those in the fortress, apparently belonging to the same army.

A lawn suddenly arched up, and then collapsed, and densely packed giant ants crawled out of the hole.

Pedestrians screamed, ran, screamed, and tried their best to escape to nearby buildings. Soldiers shouted, rescued, and counterattacked. In the picture, bullets flew across the smoke and the smoke became a mess.

At the same time, gunpowder smoke also rose in the distance, and occasionally lonely pedestrians could be seen rushing into the camera in a panic. After a while, a large group of giant ants came up from behind, and the soldiers in the shot had to fight on both sides. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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