Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1125: must voluntarily

Starting from the top, the isolation of the airborne division is over. Although people have not stopped being transferred to the outside world, the daily training of the airborne division has long returned to normal.

The so-called lifting of isolation is not to find another place for the airborne division, but to open the channel that was originally closed.

It was not until this time that Ye Han knew that this place was basically prepared for the airborne division. There were facilities related to the airborne division near the camp. Even the airport in Nanyuezhou was near the camp. All out in half an hour.

However, unless it is absolutely necessary, the airborne division will never be used.

It's not that there is any preferential treatment for the airborne division, but after the removal of the orbital elevator, the connection between the earth and the moon can only be returned to the Qiongzhou launch site.

As we all know, the operating cost of orbital elevators is far lower than that of traditional aerospace models. If the Qiongzhou Launch Site is the main focus, it’s fine if you haven’t tasted the sweetness of orbital elevators. If you have tasted the low cost of orbital elevators, the high cost of Qiongzhou Launch Site will be reduced. It became an unbearable pain for the North.

The current situation on the ground is indeed very bad, but one is that the ground battlefield is mainly in southern Europe and has nothing to do with the domestic; Skeleton, only to fill human hands.

If there is really a need to employ people, it is easier and more convenient to dispatch the second division by air, and there is no need to toss the first division.

Therefore, the Airborne First Division was useless for a while, and Ye Han even had a feeling that he might have to wait until the next expedition to Jupiter before thinking of the Airborne First Division.

But it's okay, after a trip to Jupiter, it's not a bad thing for everyone to settle down for a while.

In late November, a month after the Airborne Division returned to the moon, the re-allocation of personnel finally came to an end. Those who could leave basically left. There was only one division officer left, Ye Han, and only one regiment officer left. Xiao Yuan is still an agent. As for the battalion-level officers, it is even worse. Luo Qi is the only one left. He was still hospitalized due to his injuries and did not catch up with the good times.

Ye Han really wanted to help Luo Qi fight, but Luo Qi didn't want Ye Han to be embarrassed, so he gave up the opportunity.

"It's good to stay in the Airborne Division, I'm losing my horse." Luo Qi comforted himself like this.

He can think about it himself, but Ye Han is very uncomfortable.

To be honest, he didn't want Luo Qi to leave either. He used this kid with ease, but Ganymede was born and died, and he almost threw his life there. When he came back and encountered such a rare opportunity, would he not arrange a good place?

However, Luo Qi was a few days late when he was discharged from the hospital. As long as he was a few more days in the morning, he would be able to catch up.

Luo Qi was also very depressed. After the gate of **** was closed, who wouldn't want to change to a safer place?

But after a few days, Luo Qi was no longer depressed, because Bian Ge was back, and he was the first to be eliminated from everyone. When he reported to Ye Han, his face was dark.

Ye Han really wanted to know why he was eliminated, but no matter how he asked, Bian Ge would not say.

Without comparison, there is no harm. With the negative teaching material of Bian Ge, Luo Qi's gloomy mood suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, Bian Ge is not that kind of hypocritical person. After a few days, he adjusted himself and started laughing with everyone again, even if he didn't mention why he was eliminated.

It didn't take long for the second person to be eliminated to return to the Airborne Division. He was just an ordinary soldier. He was transferred out to receive pilot training before, but he had some small habits that were not conducive to flying. As a result, he was eliminated tragically before he touched the plane. .

According to him, those habits are faked, because he feels that the airborne troops are more dangerous than the pilots, and the most important thing is that he will not feel at ease unless his feet are on the ground.

Very good, strong, and very assertive.

After that, some people came back one after another, and the severely shrunk airborne regiment finally became fuller.

The reasons for the elimination of the soldiers are different, and the emotions of returning to the Airborne Division are also different. The open-minded nature does not take it seriously, but those who have good face feel that they have lost people to the old troops by returning to the airborne division.

For this matter, a group of officers led by Ye Han talked with the soldiers a lot, and it took a lot of effort to stabilize the soldiers.

Just when Ye Han thought that he could be stable for a while, he suddenly received the above notification that there was a mission that needed the cooperation of the Airborne Division, but he didn't mention a word about the specific mission.

Ye Han has been in the army for so many years, and this is the first time he has received such a mindless task.

Just one day later, an old man accompanied by Wei Chengfei rushed to the camp. Ye Han was shocked when he saw the old man's appearance: "Grandpa? Why are you here?"

When Ye Han knew the old man, the old man was in his seventies, and now he is in his early eighties. It may be because of the low gravity of the moon, the old man's spirit is very good, and he doesn't look like an old man in his 80s.

"What? I can't come yet?" Professor Qin with unconcealed pride in his eyes.

"No, no, no, no, I'm just surprised." Ye Han quickly explained.

Wei Chengfei looked shocked: "What? Xiaoye and you..."

Professor Qin looked proud: "This is my grandson-in-law."

"Oh, why didn't you tell me earlier, I asked Ye Han to pick you up."

"No, no, I'll do it myself."

Ye Han really wanted to ask what was going on, but the place was not right, so he could only hold the question in his stomach first.

After some polite greetings, Wei Chengfei left early on the grounds that he was busy with business, and Ye Han invited Mrs. Qin into the office, only to find a chance to ask: "Grandpa, it has been a month since I came back, but there are so many things here, so I didn't have time to visit you."

"No, I know you're busy."

Ye Han poured a glass of water for Professor Qin: "You didn't come to see me specifically, did you? I received an order yesterday."

If you are visiting relatives in a private capacity, there is no need for Wei Chengfei to accompany him.

"Yes, let you speak." Professor Qin nodded without hesitation.

If it weren't for official business, Beiyuezhou would not have let the old professor out.

Ye Han asked curiously, "Grandpa, don't betray you. What's the matter?"

Professor Qin sighed: "Xiaohan, my research needs some people, and Beidu thinks your side is more suitable."

"You've talked all the time, it's definitely no problem!"

"Don't promise too early." Professor Qin stopped Ye Han from taking the lead. "I don't need many people, but I have to do it myself. This must be made clear in advance."

Ye Han was a little nervous, but nodded and agreed: "It should be no problem, can you tell me what kind of research it is?"

"Yes." Professor Qin nodded, "Cell fusion and cell modification."

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