Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1126: public affairs and private affairs

Ye Han is like a cow listening to the piano, with a blank face: "What did you say?"

"Cell fusion and cell modification are... um, I told you that you don't understand either. Let's put it this way, it is the technology of modifying DNA at the molecular level." The old man changed to the easiest way to understand.

Ye Han was still at a loss: "What's the purpose? What if it's changed?"

"How can it be? Of course it depends on what you want!" The old man snapped his fingers. "The strength is stronger, the endurance is stronger, the taller and the longer jumping, men are more durable and women are more beautiful..."

"Wait, wait a moment!" Ye Han quickly stopped, "Grandpa, let's not joke like this!"

If he doesn't stop it, this old shameless man might say something.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Professor Qin was unhappy. "If you don't believe me, try it. Without this technology, I might not be able to live to this day!"

"Really?" Ye Han was still a little uneasy.

The old man was indeed in poor health a few years ago, otherwise he would not have moved to Beiyuezhou, but does the old man's current state have anything to do with his genetic modification?

"Remove that fake word for me!" Professor Qin stared, "I'm still light, just make my heart a little younger..."

"Okay, get rid of it!" Ye Han replied repeatedly, but after a moment of hesitation, he insisted on asking, "Grandpa, I shouldn't doubt you, but I have to make it clear to the soldiers, don't you think? So I have to ask, is this fusion transformation safe?"

"It's okay." Professor Qin said, "I haven't had any problems yet."

Ye Han's smile was a little stiff: "Then what do you want me to tell the soldiers?"

"Let's just say it!" Professor Qin was very direct. "Just tell them that it is higher, faster and stronger, and you can save your life on the battlefield."

Ye Han hurriedly shook his head: "I don't dare to talk nonsense about this. If I say that, something must happen."

"It's alright, you can say whatever I want. If you really want to, it's not a problem to grow a shell."

"Ah?" Ye Han was completely Spartan, "Is this a human body modification? What is it after the modification? Artificial human?"

"What kind of man-made man, he's a normal person after he's changed." The old man's response was unequivocal. If he didn't have a stick in his hand, he would have to beat the floor hard.

Ye Han looked embarrassed, and after pondering for a while, he said, "Then you count me as one, or I can't tell the soldiers."

He believed in Professor Qin, but the soldiers knew who the old man was?

Professor Qin was unhappy: "What's not to say? The biochip you used was made by our technology, and the regeneration technology was developed by our technology. What's not to say?"

Ye Han's eyes lit up: "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

The biochip is still second, but the regeneration of severed limbs has been used for several years. This is more convincing than anything else.

"You still blame me?" Professor Qin was angry.

"No, no, how can I do it! It's done, it's much easier to do." Ye Han laughed, "I'm training now, if you're not in a hurry, just wait a while, I'll do it now if you're in a hurry."

"Don't worry, you can do it for me." Professor Qin suddenly changed his words, "Xiao Han, I have a few more words to tell you."

"Just say it." Ye Han quickly expressed his position.

"I'm not going around in circles with you. It's not a problem that you and Xiaoting are always separated like this!"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Grandpa, I don't want to either, but... sigh... I told her a few days ago that if it doesn't work, come up. She is worried about the child and will not agree."

"It's really not easy to solve the child. Tell me the truth, is there any danger down there?" Professor Qin's face was full of worry.

"I can't say it either. The situation is too complicated now. Qiongzhou... It should be fine for a while."

Professor Qin hesitated for a moment: "The elevators have been withdrawn, how can you bring the three of them here?"

"It's not a big problem." Ye Han said, "I'm still a little bit worse at my level. I should be able to win it if I think of a way. And the troops have just returned from Jupiter, so I should be able to move up again, but I don't know when. There is movement."

"Is that so... Or, I told the above, and said that there are not many volunteers, and all those who participated will be mentioned?" Professor Qin said hesitantly.

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Grandpa, it's useless even if you say it. I can participate in the experiment, but what about Xiaoting? He doesn't agree at all."

Professor Qin lowered his voice suddenly: "I'll tell you the truth, my technology should be able to solve the child's problem."

"Should?" Ye Han immediately shook his head, "No, Xiaoting definitely disagrees, we can't let the child take risks."

"Isn't it dangerous to stay on the ground?" Professor Qin said in a hurry. "Take advantage of the opportunity now to take Xiaoting and the child over quickly. Even if you can't go back to Earth for the rest of your life, it's better than staying in Qiongzhou."

Ye Han is in a dilemma: "Grandpa, if you tell Xiaoting, I really can't tell her."

"Let me tell You also give me the bottom line, can you bring the three of them?"

Ye Han gritted his teeth: "No problem!"

no problem? The problem is big!

Although the aliens have not yet affected the country, various preventive measures have been started in the country. There are only so many spaceships in Qiongzhou, and the military needs must be met first, and then other things can be considered.

Although the traffic between the earth and the moon has not been interrupted at the moment, Qiongzhou can break the head to grab a position. It is really not that simple to solve this problem.

Ye Han secretly made up his mind that even if he begged grandpa to tell grandma, he had to find a way to connect his wife and children.

Professor Qin breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiaohan, don't worry, my technique will definitely work, but if it doesn't work, I will use the name of the experiment to tell the above conditions, even if I sell my old face, I have to bring someone over. ."

Ye Han reluctantly grinned, but he really couldn't smile.

Talk to the organization about conditions at such a time? Does it fit?

But it's not suitable, can you watch your wife and children stay on the ground to take risks?

Ask yourself, Ye Han can't do it, and don't talk about it with others. He is not so selfless. Besides, he never asked for anything. location back?

"Okay, it's settled. I'll tell Xiaoting when I look back." Professor Qin made the decision on the spot.

Ye Han nodded slowly: "Grandpa, I'll look for a relationship when I look back. I'll try my best to find a way, but I can't say when it will happen."

"You as soon as possible, if not, I will throw this old face away."

"I don't need it for the time being... It's almost time, do you think you should settle the business first?" Ye Han said.

If there is no fault in business affairs, it is better to discuss the conditions with the above, otherwise how can he open his mouth?

"It's up to you." Professor Qin said.

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