Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1127: I hope everything is fine

Lying down naked in the coffin-like culture tank, the two staff members immediately came over to fix Ye Han's limbs with straps, and then inserted a few tubes into his blood vessels. Ye Han suddenly regretted it...

Why are you so confused? The leader of a dignified teacher, why are you participating in this mess?

But at this point, it's too late to regret it.

The transparent hatch slowly closed, isolating Ye Han from the outside world. The lights on the ceiling pierced through the hatch, making Ye Han unable to open his eyes.

Turning his head and looking to the side, the nine culture tanks are lined up.

This is the Nanyuezhou Experimental Center. Professor Qin's laboratory moved here from Beiyuezhou not long ago. The only ten culture tanks in the laboratory are all here.

The cultivation tank is the nickname given by the soldiers to the biochemical fusion equipment, not the official name of this equipment. This thing is a veritable all-rounder. Although it is the same thing, it has different names for different purposes.

For example, the one containing the wounded is called the medical cabin; the one containing the corpse is called the specimen cabin; in Ye Han's current situation, it is called the fusion cabin.

No matter what kind of name is called, the acceptance is not very high, but the name of the cultivation tank comes from sci-fi animation, and it also has a bit of ridicule.

Professor Qin appeared outside Ye Han's cultivation tank. He patted the hatch cover: "Are you ready?" Because of the curvature of the hatch cover, the professor's appearance was greatly deformed, and the old voice became very dull.

Ye Han took a deep breath: "Okay!" Having said that, he was actually very nervous and his heart was beating very fast.

Professor Qin smiled at Ye Han, Ye Han responded with a smile, and Professor Qin turned and left: "Inject the base fluid."

Ye Han is a little confused, what is the base fluid?

Then he heard another voice: "The valve is open, the base fluid is being injected!"

Ye Han suddenly heard the sound of water flowing under his feet. He tried his best to look down, but he couldn't see anything.

But soon there was no need to look anymore. The skin on his back felt the water, and the water surface was rising higher and higher. If it continued like this, it would not take long for his nose and mouth to drown.

Ye Han instinctively stretched his neck to keep his head away from the base liquid.

He was really starting to regret it.

I don't know whose voice shouted loudly: "Where's the mask, where's the mask!"

Professor Qin's voice sounded again: "Don't worry, didn't I mention it to you? The base fluid can be breathed directly without worrying about choking."

Professor Qin did mention this, but he said it casually, and no one paid much attention to it.

Ye Han believed that Professor Qin would not harm him, but knowing that he knew it, let him take the initiative to soak his head in water and take a deep breath... That is impossible!

Not only Ye Han, but the others as well. Everyone tried their best to escape the water, but their hands and feet were tied, and only their necks could move.

In the blink of an eye, the base liquid filled the culture tank, and at the moment when the mouth and nose were about to be submerged by the liquid, everyone took a deep breath and held it in their lungs, like the last struggle of a drowning person.

Professor Qin was both angry and funny: "What are you doing? There's no need for this!"

That being said, including Ye Han, no one spit out the air in their lungs. After a while, everyone blushed and had a thick neck, but they were all trying to persevere, and no one gave up.

How can innate instincts be so easily overcome?

Professor Qin simply refused to persuade him, and took a stopwatch to pinch the time with great interest.

In one minute and four seconds, the soldier in the seventh cabin couldn't hold on any longer, and suddenly spit out a large bubble, and the base fluid immediately poured into his nose and mouth.

The fear of death made him struggle desperately, gulping down the base fluid.

But everything was in vain. The base fluid was quickly poured into the lungs through the nasal cavity. The soldier's breathing was immediately smooth, and a slightly viscous liquid was flowing in and out of his nasal cavity. There was an indescribable wonderful feeling.

Giving up seemed to be contagious, and the two warriors next to No. 7 couldn't hold on any longer, and they were immediately defeated.

Just like that, after a minute and a half, only One, Two, and Three were left holding on.

In one minute and forty-eight seconds, Luo Qi in slot No. 3 couldn't hold on any longer and gave up resignedly. One minute and fifty-four seconds, Ouyang Ping in the second slot no longer insisted, and only Ye Han was left holding his breath among the ten people.

But Ye Han also reached the limit, and it was as uncomfortable as fire in his lungs.

Two minutes and ten seconds...two minutes and twenty seconds...two minutes and thirty seconds, still insisting?

Professor Qin glanced at Ye Han unexpectedly, this kid's lung capacity is good!

For two minutes and thirty-eight seconds, Ye Han couldn't hold on any longer. Finally, he sprayed out the turbid air accumulated in his lungs, and then took a sharp breath. The cool base fluid immediately filled the space in the lungs, and instantly extinguished the lungs. dryness in.

He had a feeling of choking water and wanted to cough but couldn't, but this feeling disappeared soon, and his breathing returned to normal.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Han didn't open his mouth, it wasn't because he had any idea, he just didn't want to drink the bath water in his stomach.

Carefully experience the feeling of inhaling the base liquid, it is a little It is more comfortable than breathing air directly.

Thinking about it again at this time, the persistence just now is a bit funny.

Professor Qin shook his head helplessly: "Is everything okay? Xiaohan, how do you feel?"

Ye Han instinctively wanted to speak, but the liquid flowed through his vocal cords, and he couldn't make any sound. Instead, the scratching of the vocal cords hurt, so he could only give a thumbs up.

Professor Qin smiled: "Okay, let's get started. Let's get some anesthetics first, and put your heart in your stomach. This medicine has no side effects."

The assistant nodded, the assistant turned on a switch, the anesthetic was dispersed into the base liquid, and then entered the lungs with breathing, and then slowly absorbed through the lungs.

Ye Han's consciousness became more and more blurred. He tried to stay awake, but to no avail, even the biochip stopped working.

After a few minutes, everyone fell into a deep sleep, and the assistant timely reported: "Professor, it's alright."

Professor Qin slowly exhaled: "Let's start."

The assistants got busy immediately, and various medicaments were dispersed into the base liquid one by one.

Professor Qin walked to the No. 1 cultivation tank and carefully observed Ye Han's reaction.

At this moment, Professor Qin didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse to let Ye Han join the transformation plan.

What he was worried about was not a technical problem - the technology was indeed very mature, and he did not know how many times he had done experiments on human body modification, and he had achieved good experimental results, otherwise Professor Qin would not have dared to let Ye Han join in.

But human body modification involves more than technical issues, and not everyone can accept genetic modification - if genes have changed, are people still the same people? How does the social relationship that transforms people survive? What about blood relations?

But no matter how good the technology is, it can't bear the consequences of abuse. Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, the final decision is to conduct a small-scale pilot project and see the effect.

Hope all is well!

Professor Qin thought.

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