Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1135: precarious

At 6 pm on December 27, 2030, the landing formation was divided into two. The nine landing craft carrying the first division and second battalion left the formation and flew directly to Australia as originally planned.

The remaining twenty-two landing craft adjusted their direction, tangential to Earth's retrograde orbit.

Due to the adjustment of the battle plan, the launch plan of Qiongzhou had to be temporarily adjusted. Later that day, the landing craft attached to the second battalion docked with the spacecraft from Qiongzhou, and the soldiers got valuable flight bags.

At about 8 o'clock that night, the second battalion cut into the atmosphere from above the Vanuatu Islands, flying straight down like a meteor falling into the atmosphere. The landing craft was violently bumped like a boat between the crests and valleys of the waves, and the violently trembling hull may disintegrate at any time.

The hearts of the soldiers were all in their throats, and everyone fixed themselves tightly in their seats, gritted their teeth uneasily and insisted.

A few minutes later, the landing craft gradually stabilized, and turned to level flight at an altitude of 20,000 meters, and flew directly to North Australia along the 14th latitude south.

Changing to normal, Ouyang Ping leaned to the window and looked down, and was surprised to find that there was a large snow-white cloud below the formation!

Clouds blocked all sight, although satellite positioning showed that the formation had flown over eastern Australia, but no land could be seen in any direction, except for the clouds.

Ouyang Ping suddenly found a sea bowl-like depression in the cloud layer, and all the clouds slowly revolved around the depression.

He almost bit his tongue, isn't this the legendary wind eye? This thing is a sign of a tropical cyclone. It is called a tropical cyclone professionally, and it is a typhoon to put it bluntly!

Even if there is a typhoon, why is there no movement above? Shouldn't there be a notification?

Ouyang Ping was so heartbroken, he immediately contacted Ye Han: "Boss, we have already reached the east coast of Australia, but there is a typhoon down there!"

"I saw it." Ye Han said, "Don't worry, it's not a big problem. The typhoon is heading north. At most, there will be light rain in Marida, which will not affect the airborne."

Ouyang Ping breathed a sigh of relief and touched his nose awkwardly.

Ye Han said again: "It doesn't matter if you go to Bei'ao. This thing has a maximum of 40 to 50 kilometers per hour, and it can't catch up with you even if you are exhausted."

Ouyang Ping was even more embarrassed: "Understood, I'll rush over as soon as possible."

Ye Han laughed: "Okay, hang up." He didn't say anything else. The Luzhou aircraft carrier battle group had just entered the typhoon range not long ago and was heading towards northern Australia under the cover of the typhoon.

If there is no typhoon cover, in case the alien fleet takes the aircraft carrier to operate, it will be troublesome.

After the communication ended, Ouyang Ping rubbed his face vigorously and never looked at Typhoon again.

Half an hour later, the formation was about to arrive in Marida, but at this time Marida was covered by clouds on the edge of the cyclone, and the formation still could not see the land, and could only determine the position through satellites.

At 8:38 p.m., the formation began to lower its altitude. Two minutes later, the formation fell into the clouds, and the top, bottom, left, and right were covered by white clouds. The pilot could only fly according to the data on the instrument.

At 8:44, the formation penetrated the clouds, and the pilot finally saw Marida on the side of the sea bend: "Report to the battalion commander, Marida is found, please prepare for airborne!"

"Received!" Ouyang Ping put on his helmet and stood up with his rifle: "Ready to go!"

With an order, the officers and soldiers on the boat all stood up and helped each other carry their flight bags.

Just half a minute later, the formation flew to the scheduled airborne location, the red light in the cabin instantly turned green, the tailgate door slowly opened, the wind whistled, and the churning airflow poured into the cabin.

Ouyang Ping jumped up and jumped out of the tailgate in a big shape. After a few seconds of free fall, he started the flight bag, unfolded the folded wings, and immediately slowed down. Then he turned on the engine and flew towards Marida like a big bird.

Behind him, to his left and right, the soldiers spread their wings one after another and quickly formed a flying formation, like a large group of migrating migratory birds in the air.

Marida has long been shrouded in clouds, but night vision devices turn night into day, warehouse areas, residential areas, industrial areas, and docks, all of which are captured by the soldiers.

In the dark night, Marida was quiet and peaceful. The street lights illuminated the empty streets. Ouyang Ping didn't see a single giant insect, but he saw many human bones scattered on the corners of the road.

If it weren't for these human bones, I'm afraid no one would believe that Marida has fallen into the hands of aliens.

At this time, the landing craft was about to fly to the industrial area, and the roar of the engine shook the sky and earth, and a large group of giant insects suddenly appeared on the empty street just now.

These giant worms have long and strong legs, and their huge heads are raised high, facing the sky with huge jaws like chainsaws.

Ouyang Ping has never seen such giant insects before, and he doesn't bother to care what kind of mutation they come from. All he has to do is destroy them, destroy them, destroy them!

The landing formation flew to the industrial area in a blink of an eye and dropped the airborne pods hanging under the wings.

The shuttle-shaped airdrop pod fell freely like an aerial bomb, and when it was about to land, the parachute suddenly opened, and then it was plunged to the ground.

Ouyang Ping's pupils shrank slightly: "No. 1 air-raid shelter for the first company, No. 2 air-raid shelter for the second company, and the third company to collect ammunition, do you understand?"


Ouyang Ping swooped down, and he was expecting a tearing wind sound: "Follow me!" The power armor has no streamlined The huge wind noise is like a demon crying in the depths of **** No.

The fighters immediately followed, and a group of people rushed into the clearing outside the dugout.

People were still in the air, Ouyang Ping took off his armored rifle with his backhand, and the giant insect near the air raid shelter said, "Hit me!"

The gunshots exploded, the bullets rained, and the bullets that fell from the sky shattered the worm's shell, the yellow-green worm blood splashed, and a dozen giant worms crashed down.

A small open space appeared in the air-raid shelter, and the soldiers moved their guns to quickly expand the airborne field.

The nearby giant insects heard the gunshots and rushed to the air-raid shelter like crazy.

Seeing the movement of the insect swarm in the air, Ouyang Ping took off a grenade with all his strength and threw it away from the air-raid shelter with all his strength.

The soldiers were puzzled, and still followed the established steps to eliminate the giant insects.

A few seconds later, the grenade exploded in the air nearly 200 meters away, and the swarm that was rushing towards the air-raid shelter was suddenly thrown into confusion. direction.

Suddenly, the soldiers suddenly took off the grenades and threw them out.

Ouyang Ping took the opportunity to shout, "Stop shooting..."

The gunshots stopped, the continuous explosions confused the hearing of the giant insects, and the swarm was lost again, but they quickly determined their direction and rushed to the air-raid shelter again.

Ouyang Ping took the opportunity to land, and as soon as his feet touched the ground, the wings behind him immediately flipped and folded, turning into an inconspicuous backpack again.

A company of soldiers fell beside Ouyang Ping, and he immediately ordered: "One row sticks in place, the second row goes into the dugout, and the third row reserves!"


Haha, it's quite surprising, I was promoted to level 4 today... However, there seems to be no difference between level 3 and level 4, level 5 is the watershed... To be honest, will I have a chance to be promoted to level 5 in my life?

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