Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1136: Dilemma

The whole company was immediately divided into three parts. The first platoon gathered around Ouyang Ping and established a defense line on the spot. The second platoon rushed to the air-raid shelter to prepare for reconnaissance of the situation in the hole. The third platoon assembled between the two, ready to support friendly troops at any time.

At the same time, the soldiers of the second company fell to the No. 2 air-raid shelter in the distance; the soldiers of the third company landed scattered, just four people were responsible for one airdrop pod.

The soldiers lifted the drop capsule as soon as they touched the ground and ran to the dugout.

You can't bring armored backpacks with flight bags on your back, and you have limited ammunition on your body, so you must send the airdrop capsules to the successive companies as soon as possible.

The speed of the three companies is not slow, but the speed of the swarm is faster, and the ammunition has not been delivered yet, the swarm has already rushed into Ouyang Ping's line of sight.

There was a sudden sound of gunshots in the distance. Ouyang Ping didn't say a word of nonsense. He lifted the gun and fired at the insect. The bullet flew out of the muzzle and hit the giant insect's forehead instantly. The corpse fell to the ground.

The sound of gunfire was an order. The soldiers in a row fired at the same time, but everyone subconsciously conserved ammunition and fired only after aiming at the target. No one wasted bullets, and the result was a low bullet density.

The insects were lying on the ground one by one, but the shooting speed was far less than the charging speed of the insects, but in a blink of an eye, the insect swarms rushed close to 20 to 30 meters.

Ouyang Ping felt Eggy's pain again, and suddenly turned his head: "Three rows, bring all the machine guns to me!"

Three machine gunners in three squads, Saya jumped over with her feet open, joined forces with the three machine guns in a row, three left and right, and the intensive cross-fire immediately cut into the front line of the swarm, even the sound of gunfire. Couldn't cover up the cracking sound of the worm's shell.

This time, the shooting speed of the rifle was even slower, and the soldiers invariably changed to precision shooting, specifically to hit the head of the bug.

It is also because the head of this bug is a bit bigger, otherwise it would not be so easy to aim at the head.

Although the line of defense has stabilized, there are more and more giant insects, and the pressure on the soldiers is also increasing.

A machine gunner ran out of bullets and shouted suddenly: "Change bullets!"

With his shout, the firepower of the machine gun dropped by one-sixth, and the front line of the swarm immediately jumped several meters forward.

The other machine gunners quickly increased their firepower, and as a result, there were two more machine guns lying in the nest.

This time, the trouble was big. Ouyang Ping, who had been shooting at the spot, suddenly squeezed the trigger: "Stop playing, keep the bugs down!"

The soldiers also knew that the situation was critical, and they all changed from point shooting to strafing, and no longer wanted to save bullets.

Magazines are limited in capacity, and if soldiers squeeze the trigger, they can empty a magazine in a blink of an eye.

The lowest member of the team is also a veteran who has been in the army for several years. Tactical actions such as changing the magazine with one hand are very tricky. Many people have just finished shouting to change the magazine, and the new magazine has been stuck on the gun.

The machine gun was finally replaced with the magazine, but the other three were also out of bullets, and the rifle had another round of magazines, and the machine gun returned to normal.

The magazines on the soldiers were half empty. Ouyang Ping dared to indulge the soldiers to shoot indiscriminately, and immediately ordered the soldiers to return to burst shooting.

At this time, the first group of the three companies finally arrived at the ground, and the four soldiers worked together to send an airborne capsule to the back of the defense line: "The bullet is here!"

Ouyang Ping threw the empty magazine over without hesitation: "Press the bullet!"

Only half of the bullets in the pod were in the magazine, and the other half were loose bullets.

Others also learned the same way, and in a blink of an eye, they threw more than a hundred empty magazines, and the eyes of the soldiers in Sanlian were straight.

In addition to this, the machine gunner's roar can be heard on the radio: "Where's the magazine? Where's the magazine?"

"The ammo box is here, the ammo box is here—" Another group of people rushed over, lifted the airdrop cabin a few turns larger than the coffin, and delivered a box of bullets to the machine gunner.

Ouyang Ping was a little worried, and asked on the radio while shooting, "Er Lian, how is your situation there?"

"The swarm attack is fierce, and we are holding on."

"Can you hold it?"

"should be no problem."

"Hold on for a while, and immediately withdraw into the air-raid shelter after collecting ammunition!"


Ouyang Ping continued to shout, "Second row, how is the situation?"

"Everything is normal... bugs!" There was an exclamation from the radio, "Report to the battalion commander, a swarm of bugs was found in the air-raid shelter!"

Ouyang Ping suddenly became anxious: "How many?"

"A lot, too many to count, we can't take it anymore..." There were continuous explosions coming from the radio.

Ouyang Ping turned his head suddenly: "The third row, immediately support the second row, hurry up!"

The people in the third row were stunned for a moment, and then they ran to the dugout.

The soldiers of the third company arrived one after another, and Ouyang Ping simply sent the soldiers of the third company and the airborne capsules they brought back into the air-raid shelter.

After waiting anxiously for more than two minutes, Ouyang Ping finally heard a heavenly voice: "Report from the second row, the defense line has stabilized!"

"Are there still so many bugs?"

"There are still so many, and I don't know how many are in the cave!"

Ouyang Ping suddenly had an idea, do aliens already know the purpose of those equipment in the bomb shelter? Or did the aliens simply place the swarm in the dugout?

He was a little shaken. If the bugs were all concentrated in the air-raid shelter, the chances of someone breaking into the air-raid shelter would be too small. It would be better to blow up the air-raid shelter once and for all.

The problem is that the purpose of bombing an air-raid shelter is not to deal with bugs, but to destroy the equipment in the hole. You must go deep into the air-raid shelter and place a nuclear bomb in the middle of the equipment to destroy all the equipment in one fell swoop.

If you don't hit it, you can't blow up the equipment, and if the bug hides in the hole and can't hit it, it's a paradox with no solution, and Ouyang Ping almost suffered internal injuries.

It is said that the plan does not change quickly, but this change has come a little too violently, right? Even if the navy arrives, there is no way to get it into the air-raid shelter. In the end, it is up to the soldiers to break in step by step.

The situation has developed to this Ouyang Ping found that he was still thinking too simply, and he couldn't help but feel a little hesitant in his heart, whether to stick to the original plan or give up the original plan and find another place to wait for the main force.

But this place is prosperous for smelting uranium mines. Apart from the dock, storage area and industrial area, there is only one residential area left. Except for the air raid shelter, other places are not suitable for the brigade to hide.

Ouyang Ping was immediately confused.

At this time, he suddenly received a communication from the second company commander: "Battery commander, there are few bugs here!"

Ouyang Ping's eyes lit up, and the willows were dark and bright. This is: "Second company commander, are you sure?"

"Yes, we have retreated into the dugout."

That's it!

Ouyang Ping was overjoyed: "All attention, immediately withdraw from the No. 1 bomb shelter, repeat, immediately withdraw from the No. 1 bomb shelter!" <() "Carapace Frenzy" only represents the author's point of view of metal cracks, if it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts Please delete the content of the content, and the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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