Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1140: act according to plan

At four o'clock in the morning, the alien fleet finally flew out of Australia under the double pressure of super artillery and assault fleet.

At 4:22, the landing formation that had been waiting for several hours finally entered the atmosphere. More than 20 landing craft flew over the tropical cyclone and arrived in Marida 24 minutes later.

The hatch opened, and Ye Han was the first to jump out of the cabin. The sky above his head was full of stars, and there were layers of dark clouds below him, and the sound of the wind whistled in his ears.

He turned off the armor's breathing apparatus for the first time, and took a deep breath of Earth's air.

It has been more than a year since he left by the orbital elevator in mid-December last year, and he has finally returned to Earth. This feeling is like a wandering wanderer returning to his hometown.

If Bian Ge heard Ye Han's emotion, he would definitely curl his lips and say he was hypocritical... Bian Ge is not far above Ye Han right now. Except for the second battalion, all the officers and soldiers of the Airborne Division are here. Hundreds of people got out of the landing craft. Free fall in the night sky before dawn.

Ye Han didn't know yet that many soldiers were like him. The first thing they did when they jumped out of the landing craft was to turn off their breathing equipment.

The height dropped rapidly, Ye Han suddenly got into the clouds, his line of sight was immediately blocked by the clouds, and even the single-soldier radar failed in the clouds.

The water droplets in the clouds immediately wet Ye Han's armor, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he took a deep breath, and a moist and cool water vapor poured into his nose... He hadn't felt this way for a long time. .

After a while, Ye Han penetrated the clouds, and he saw Marida in the drizzle at a glance.

The swarm didn't seem to like rainy days. Half of the worms could not be seen on the street. There were only a large number of broken corpses piled up outside the two air-raid shelters.

There are still a few vaguely visible craters in the corpse, which should be traces left by the firepower of the navy, and I don't know where the navy is now.

With only more than 1,000 meters left, Ye Han shouted on the radio: "According to the plan!" After that, he pulled open the parachute bag and guided the parachute to pull the parachute out of the bag. Ye Han, who fell rapidly, was immediately parachuted by the parachute. Hold on, swing like a pendulum for a few moments before it stabilizes.

Ye Han's action was an order. The soldiers who passed through the clouds opened their umbrella bags one after another, and a large umbrella flower appeared over Marida... Ye Han didn't want to use a parachute, but the number of flight bags was limited. After equipping the second battalion first, the rest There are only dozens of them, and it is not suitable for anyone to use. In the end, no one uses them at all, and they all parachute honestly.

Moreover, the airborne division is not equipped with an ordinary round parachute, but a rectangular parafoil with better maneuverability. With the jetting equipment on the armor, although it cannot fly like a real powered parafoil, it can roughly control the direction of flight.

Commanders at all levels immediately began to gather the troops after receiving the order. The originally disordered parachutes were gradually gathered, and divided into high and low formations like parafoil performances.

Ye Han shouted on the radio while manipulating the parafoil: "Luzhou, Luzhou, the airborne first division is calling, please answer when you receive it!"

"Luzhou received it, please speak!"

"Please send the package to the postman!"

"The postman will be leaving soon, please indicate the delivery location!"

"Understood, find a place as soon as it hits the ground!"

After the communication was over, the two fully loaded heavy helicopters on the Luzhou took off immediately.

Ye Han switched the channel: "The second battalion, the second battalion, please answer when you receive it, the second battalion!"

There was no response on the radio, and Ye Han's heart rose again.

Ouyang Ping knew when the main force would arrive. Even if the second battalion went deep into the air-raid shelter, Ouyang Ping should have withdrawn in advance. At this time, there was no movement. Could it be that the swarm was really stuck in the hole?

Bian Ge suggested, "Master, are you sending someone over to take a look?"

Ye Han thought for a while and replied: "The first and third battalions acted according to the original plan. The guard company came with me to target the No. 1 air-raid shelter!"

"Master?" Bian Ge raised his voice sharply, "Let me go."

"I'll go." Ye Han insisted, "The situation outside is simple, you can call for support at any time, you can just stay here. The situation in the air raid shelter is unknown, so I'll go and see for myself."

"Okay then." Bian Ge could only agree, "Which side am I with?"

"Is there any need to ask? Warehousing!" Ye Han was speechless, "Do you need me to tell you more about it?"

"Okay, got it."

Finally, all the problems were arranged, and Ye Han's height was only more than 100 meters. He pulled the umbrella rope and slid lightly to the No. 1 air-raid shelter.

Behind him is Luo Qi, and then the entire guard company.

When there were still more than 20 meters off the ground, Ye Han flexed his legs in advance and prepared to land.

When the paratroopers land, the impulse is equivalent to jumping from five meters, and the impulse is four or five hundred kilograms. Ye Han was wearing power armor, and he fell much faster than ordinary paratroopers. If his posture was wrong, even the power armor couldn't hold it.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Han fell to the ground, and while his feet touched the ground, he ran a few steps forward to relieve some of his momentum. Then he took off his umbrella bag and picked up the rifle and held it in his hand.

The parachute landed on the was immediately touched by the wet ground, covered with dirty water and sludge.

An earthy smell mixed with moist smell penetrated into Ye Han's nostrils. He took deep breaths several times in a row as if he couldn't smell it enough.

This is the taste of the earth, the taste of the earth, and the taste of home!

The soldiers landed one after another, but no one was as emotional as Ye Han. Some soldiers did not find the right place when they landed, stepping on the corpse with one foot, some smashed the worm's shell, some smashed the worm's belly, and an unlucky guy tripped over the worm and almost fell. Horse lying.

But fortunately, they finally landed safely.

But the first and third battalions were in varying degrees of trouble. Several soldiers from Xiao Yuan missed their positions and fell into the sea, and from Wu Qingbo, several soldiers hit the wall.

However, the soldiers were all wearing power armor, and no one was injured because of this trivial matter.

But the next action gave Xiao Yuan and Wu Qingbo a headache again. There was not even a ghost on the street from the dock to the storage area. What should they do?

The two battalion commanders communicated with Bian Ge together, and finally decided to stick to their respective mission areas first, and then send some troops into the residential area to lure out the hidden bugs.

Ye Han didn't care what they were doing, and pointed at the air-raid shelter: "Luo Qi, come on!"

Luo Qi grinned: "Master, how can I push it alone!"

"You try first, if you can't add more people." Ye Han said.

He wanted to see how powerful Luo Qi was after his strength increased.

Luo Qi leaned over with a bitter face, put his hands against the door of the air-raid shelter, and added force a little bit—suddenly exerting force or pushing the door open more easily, but the pressure on his body was also greater. hurt yourself.

The door didn't move, Luo Qi stopped helplessly and looked back at Ye Han.

Ye Han waved his hand: "Master!"

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