Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1141: no man no worm

More than a dozen soldiers walked over immediately, a dozen hands pressed on the door at the same time, Luo Qi let out a low growl, and everyone worked hard together, but the left half of the door remained motionless, and the right side opened slowly without much effort.

Luo Qi just pushed the left side, and the expression is so wonderful.

The dark passage was as bright as day in the night vision device, and as far as the eyes could see, there were corpses of giant insects everywhere.

Ye Han didn't dare to be careless, he was about to go inside with his rifle in hand.

Luo Qi quickly grabbed the front, and several soldiers quickly followed Luo Qi.

Just after entering the gate, a soldier on the left exclaimed: "Someone!"

Luo Qi turned around suddenly, and saw two people lying in the door on the left at a glance, he rushed over with a single stride: "Keep an eye on the front!"

Several soldiers agreed in unison, and quickly turned around to stare at the depths of the passage.

Ye Han also rushed through the gate and almost arrived with Luo Qi: "How is it?"

Luo Qi sighed: "They're all from the Second Battalion. This penetrating injury to the left chest and the penetrating abdomen to the abdomen are not too short." He is not a forensic doctor, and he has no ability to judge the exact time of death.

Ye Han turned his head and looked into the depths of the passage: "What happened to the second battalion?"

The two sacrificed soldiers were surrounded by bullet casings, and they must have had a fierce battle with something before their death, but there was no corpse nearby, which was a bit unusual.

Luo Qi stood up and shouted on the radio: "The second battalion, the second battalion, please reply...the second battalion..."

"Don't bother." Ye Han said, "It's very complicated here, and the radio is not so easy to use."

Luo Qi suddenly understood, turned back and shouted to the soldiers: "Let the drone go!"

Several soldiers immediately took out a fist-sized drone. After activation, the spherical drone unfolded its double-layered rotors and flew silently into the depths of the passage.

The situation in the passage was immediately transmitted to the armor of the soldiers through radio waves. The straight and spacious passage was full of insect corpses, and occasionally the body of a soldier of one's own side could be found.

The picture from the front made Ye Han's heart sink. Could it be that the second battalion...

A soldier jumped up suddenly: "I found it, I found the second battalion!" To be precise, it was the drone he controlled that received the second battalion's signal.

At this moment, an urgent voice came from the radio: "Hello, I'm Ouyang Ping, I'm Ouyang Ping!"

Ye Han shouted in surprise, "Ouyang Ouyang, where are you? What's the matter with you?" In just a short while, his heart was like a roller coaster, going up and down several times.

"We're in the production area, in a warehouse!"

"Are there serious casualties?"

"Twenty-seven people were sacrificed, no wounded."

"What's the matter?" Ye Hanhuo bumped up, how could he sacrifice so many people against the bug?

"Master, we have encountered bugs."

"Insect man?" Ye Han's brain almost exploded, "Here?"

"Yes, the swarm is controlled by worms. They are very fast, have long-range weapons, and their power is no worse than a rifle. No matter when, don't be alone!"

Ye Han's whole body is bad: "Is it difficult to deal with bug people?"

"It's difficult." Ouyang Ping said without hesitation.

"Send the information to me immediately!" Ye Han temporarily cut off the communication, "Luo Qi, the guard camp has established a defense line on the spot!"


"All attention, all attention, the second battalion finds bugs, all units pay close attention, and report immediately when bugs are found, under no circumstances can the order be placed, repeat, no case can not be placed!"

"One income received!"

"Second revenue has arrived!"

"Luzhou Luzhou, where is the package? We need heavy weapons!"

"The package will arrive soon, just wait five minutes!"


The information sent by Ouyang Ping was also received. It was several photos and a video.

Clicking on the file, the first photo shows a person above the chest and an ant below the chest. In addition to the six legs, there are two extra arms. It looks like a giant insect biting each person in its mouth, about to Swallow normally.

If the waist is combined with the insect, it may look a little pleasing to the eye.

Its left arm was normal, but the right arm had turned into a sickle-like thing, and the hand had completely disappeared, replaced by a sharp point.

Ye Han immediately remembered the two soldiers who died at the door.

The second photo is even more terrifying. It is a giant insect with only one face. When the photo was taken, this giant insect was killed by the second battalion. Half of its brain was thrown away, and half of its brain flowed out of its head. It came out and looked no different from human brain tissue.

The third photo is finally pleasing to the eye. It is combined with the insect from the waist, but it is not a centaur-style combination, but the person is cut off by the waist and sits directly on the thorax of the insect, and the head of the insect remains on the body.

This worm's left arm is very short, but the right arm is very thick, covered with keratinized, sarcoma-covered rough tissue, the contrast is strong, like a human-shaped fiddler crab.

Ouyang Ping drew a red circle on the bug man's right wrist, and added a few words after it, explaining that this arm was the bug man's weapon.

Ye Han can't understand, this thing doesn't look like a light worm, and the red circle doesn't look like a bug's I can't see how this thing hurts people.

The fourth photo is not a bugman, but a sacrificed warrior with a strange dagger stuck in his chest. The description behind the photo tells Ye Han that this is the bullet shot from the bugman's right arm.

Judging from the photos, the thing was about two to three fingers wide, at least half a finger thick, with uneven edges and blood dripping all over the floor.

Ye Han originally thought that the cause of the soldier's death was that the bone blade penetrated the armor and injured the internal organs. When I saw this, I suddenly realized that the cause of the soldier's death was probably excessive blood loss, and the irregular edge on the bone blade was a natural blood groove.

This is the first time Ye Han has seen aliens with such vicious weapons. Based on his understanding of aliens, this weapon is probably not original, but an idea obtained from humans in some way.

The next few photos are photos of the soldiers being hit by the bone blade, and all the soldiers who were hit by the bone blade survived.

When I clicked on the video, an insect man with an extremely sturdy right arm immediately appeared on the screen. It ran flexibly among a group of giant insects. The soldiers who saw this scene were dumbfounded and instinctively focused fire on him.

The worm seemed to sense danger coming, stretched out his right arm, picked up a giant insect to block himself, and then put his arm on the giant insect and aimed at the soldier who shot, only to hear a scream, a soldier Falling to the ground, a bone blade penetrated deeply into the abdominal armor, and blood flowed out like an open faucet.

There was another scream, but the person was not in the camera, and the specific situation could not be seen.

A voice shouted: "Grenade—"

Before he finished speaking, the grenade had already exploded beside the worm, and the worm was **** and fled like a frightened rabbit.

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