Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1142: shotgun replacement

This video shows Ye Hanzhi sucking his teeth and Hanako. How long has it been since the first time I saw a bug man? The technical level of the aliens, it took so long to release the worms to stir up the storm, thanks to their ability to endure until now.

And Ye Han thought of more than this, Ouyang Ping mentioned just now that the swarm is commanded by worms!

This means that the worms still retain their wisdom, so do they retain their original knowledge? The answer is almost yes.

According to this line of thinking, will the swarm attack North Australia not be an idea of ​​aliens, but a suggestion made by insects?

If you think about it a little further, it is impossible for the worms to know how nuclear weapons are made, but they certainly know the principles of nuclear weapons, and they may even know the simple structure of nuclear weapons!

In this way, it is not so simple for aliens to attack North Australia. Maybe they want to occupy North Australia, and then use the equipment and resources here to create nuclear weapons belonging to aliens!

He is very sympathetic to the experience of the worm, but no matter how tragic the experience of the worm, he can't betray human beings and join the aliens. Is human **** so easy?

Ye Han suddenly received a communication from Xiao Yuan: "Master, the package has been delivered!"

"Received, act according to plan, watch out for bug people."


At the end of the communication, Ye Han walked out of the air-raid shelter. There were several red dots flickering in the air in the distance, and the roar of the engine was faintly heard in the night wind.

One of the red dots flew straight to the No. 1 air-raid shelter. After a while, a heavy helicopter landed on the small square in front of the air-raid shelter.

The soldiers guarding outside the cave swarmed up and simply lifted the equipment on the plane neatly.

Ye Han shouted: "Change clothes, hurry up-"

The soldiers acted immediately, carrying all kinds of heavy equipment on their backs.

Ye Han also carried a single-soldier rocket system on his back, hesitated for a while, then threw the armored rifle onto the plane, replaced it with a large-caliber machine gun, and carried thousands of light bullets on his back.

Luo Qi is even more exaggerated than Ye Han. Not only does he carry a machine gun, but he also carries a rifle on his back. He carries more ammunition than Ye Han.

The others did not move slowly, and after a while, the entire guard changed their shotguns to cannons, and had all kinds of heavy weapons for individual soldiers, so they no longer had to rely on rifles to fight the world.

These heavy weapons are all supporting equipment for power armor, but no matter the size, quality or the number of spare ammunition, they are much worse than those used in Ganymede.

This is not the military department cutting corners, but the gravity of the earth is much stronger than that of Ganymede. If the heavy weapons used in the low-gravity environment are really brought to the earth, it will take a while to drain the battery of the power armor.

Ye Han said loudly: "Luo Qi, leave a row to watch the gate, the others follow me, let's rescue Er!"

"Yes!" The soldiers roared and stepped into the air-raid shelter aggressively.

The two Demomen came out more and more, and you chased me to the front, placing explosives in the pile of corpses.

More than ten seconds later, there was a loud noise, and the corpse pile more than two meters high was completely blown up. The broken corpses flew around, and the dust caused by the explosion filled dozens of meters.

Ye Han didn't care at all, with an order, everyone strode forward, crossing the pile of corpses and heading towards the depths of the air-raid shelter.

Probably the explosion alarmed the swarm. The team only advanced more than 100 meters, and a group of worms rushed out in front. Ye Han picked up the machine gun and opened fire as he walked forward. The insects that came over were knocked down one by one.

The movements of the soldiers were not slow, and from time to time there were people shooting two individual rockets into the swarm.

The seemingly heavy swarm was quickly exhausted without much effort at all.

Ye Han is very clear that the insects are not so easy to meet, and the reason why he feels relieved is that the combat effectiveness of his own side has soared after changing heavy weapons; is behind.

Otherwise, all the bugs will be concentrated in this direction, and even a cannon might not be so easy.

After an encounter, everyone's mentality became much easier, but the next battle was not so easy. From the entrance of the cave to the warehouse where the second battalion was located, Ye Han led the team to break through the seven interceptions of the insect swarm, but the insect No one found a single one.

It was not until we arrived at the production area and saw the swarms that filled the entire space, as well as the worms that appeared in the swarms from time to time, that everyone knew what the problem was.

There are so many insects in this ghost place, there are thousands of them at least, and there are also many insect people, and there are hundreds of them that can be seen.

All three kinds of insect people have been found, but the number of the first two are not large, and the one-armed insect people with their arms up accounted for more than 80%.

"What a daze, call me!" Ye Han yelled, the machine gun in his hand fired first, and a short burst shot down a giant insect.

In the blink of an eye, gunshots rang out, and bullets rained down into the swarm.

The giant bug attacked the guard without hesitation, but the bug man didn't know where to go, and couldn't even find a shadow.

Ye Han felt uneasy, and shouted: "I will beat me to death when I see insects..."

Halfway through typing, Ye Han saw an arm sticking out from behind an overturned heavy Nothing to say, Ye Han was the first to turn the muzzle of the gun, a string of bullets After hitting him, he immediately wore seven or eight transparent holes in that arm.

If this hit a person, it would have broken the person several times, but there were only a few holes in the arm, and it did not mean to break at all.

But these holes were enough, and the worm became disabled on the spot.

The other three soldiers found this situation and moved their guns over, but only one step slower, the bullet missed the arm and landed on the thick carriage of the truck.

When a soldier saw this, he simply gave a grenade directly.

At this time, another worm emerged, raised his arm and it was a bone blade, a warrior fell in response, and the others immediately noticed the position of the worm.

This time, the soldiers didn't use guns to shoot, just a few individual rockets blasted over, and the scumbags were blasted on the spot... This was a good start, and no one used guns to deal with insects again. As long as the target is found, he will always greet him with a heavy weapon, unless he has nothing to do, he will use a gun to deal with it for a while.

Ye Han shouted without turning his head: "Who was shot?" Someone was hanging out just after the exchange of fire, which was simply a disadvantage.

The military doctor just jumped up to the soldier who was shot, and before he had time to check, the soldier had already turned over and got up: "Senior, I'm fine. Squad Leader Ma helped me block it."

Ye Han turned his head in surprise and saw Ma Hongwei's gun barrel was broken in two at a glance.

The moment the insect man fired the bone blade, Ma Hongwei subconsciously used the rifle to block the bone blade, accidentally saving the life of his comrade-in-arms.

"Good job!" Ye Han yelled, "Is it still possible?"

"Yes!" The soldier got up and joined the battle again.

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