Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1143: pierce the chrysanthemum

Being able to block the bone blade at the last minute, Ye Han has a new understanding of Ma Hongwei's speed.

He also saw the bone blade just now, but just saw that the body's response was not so fast, and it was too late to intercept the bone blade.

But Ma Hongwei actually did it, no matter how many coincidences there were, it was an indisputable fact that he blocked a bone blade and saved the life of his comrade-in-arms.

Ma Hongwei's gun barrel was half gone. He could shoot but the power dropped too much. He simply gave up the rifle and switched to a more flexible pistol.

Anyway, other people are either machine guns or rifles, and he has no pressure, except that he took another one from his comrades, and two guns in each hand.

Luo Qi really wants to complain, do you think you are an old woman with two guns?

Tucao return to Tucao, Ma Hongwei's superhuman speed really makes double guns play out, as long as he is staring at, no matter whether it is a bug or a bugman, it will not be able to escape and get a shot.

Although the power of the armored pistol is not as good as that of the rifle, it is still no problem to penetrate the worm shell, not to mention the worm. mm armored pistol?

Ma Hongwei also has a feeling of being handy. This is an air-raid shelter, not the empty space outside. In this case, the pistol is more flexible than the rifle.

It's just that the range of the pistol is too short, and it is difficult to hit the target as long as the distance is a little farther, even with the assistance of a biochip, and this kid's speed is superhuman, so he can calmly aim first and then shoot.

The fierce gunshots spread far and wide, and Ouyang Ping, who was hiding in the warehouse, finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked on the radio, "Who, who is it?"

"Who else could it be, me!" Ye Han said.

Ouyang Ping was overjoyed and immediately organized troops to counterattack. Although he lacked heavy weapons, he had no shortage of bullets at all. Although he did not dare to rush out of the warehouse, hiding in the warehouse and firing can also contain many bugs.

The battle has reached this point, and it is not so easy to make a sneak attack. Both sides are fighting for consumption.

The human side consumes ammunition, while the enemy consumes giant insects and bugmen. Generally speaking, it is the human side that takes advantage.

After the battle lasted for a few minutes, the bugs that had been advancing one after another suddenly receded like a tide, and in the blink of an eye not one was left, and the bugmen didn't know where to hide. calm down.

Ye Han couldn't understand what the worm's conspiracy was, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Ouyang, how is your situation there?"

"All the worms have retreated, not a single one can be seen."

"Can you come out?"

Ouyang Ping hesitated for a moment: "It's not very easy to handle, if bugs lie in ambush on the road..."

"You don't move, let me ask you, where is the nuclear bomb?"

"Here I am!"

"Okay, I'll pick you up right away, put the nuclear bomb on when I come back, and detonate it immediately after leaving the bomb shelter!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping agreed loudly, and immediately began to arrange.

Ye Han didn't delay for a second. He immediately chose the most suitable route and proceeded carefully to the warehouse.

Everyone is worried that the insects will suddenly jump out. This is not the entrance of the passage just now. If the insect swarms do not come out, it will be all four hundred and eight directions.

But surprisingly, until the team arrived at the warehouse, they didn't encounter a single bug, including Ye Han, everyone thought it was incredible.

The moment he saw the guard company, Ouyang Ping almost didn't cry. He followed Ye Han for so long, and it was the first time he was so aggrieved.

After the two teams joined forces, they immediately evacuated. Not a single corpse of the martyr that could be taken away was left, but they were all taken out.

Along the way, he has seen too many bones eaten by giant insects. Ye Han didn't want his warriors to be eaten by giant insects after they died.

The team came slowly but retreated quickly. The two platoons of the guard company wrapped the people of the second battalion in the middle and withdrew from the dugout at the fastest speed.

On the way to evacuate, Ouyang Ping dug a hole with his own hands, set the explosion time and buried the nuclear bomb in it. In order not to be discovered by the giant insect, the soldiers also brought in a heavy-duty truck and pressed it on it.

After the nuclear bomb was placed, everyone ran out, and everyone ran faster than a rabbit.

Not long after he ran out, he heard gunshots coming from the direction of the gate. Luo Qi asked after a while to find out that the insect swarm came here after evacuating, and the soldiers who stayed at the main gate were fighting against the insect.

Ye Han, who heard the news, was overjoyed, and she was worried that she couldn't find anyone. With such a good opportunity, it would be a shame not to poke the swarm's butt.

The fleeing team quickly organized, changed into a battle formation and moved forward quickly. After a while, they saw the swarm in front of them, and even saw the worms in the swarm.

Don't say anything, just do it!

Ye Han concentrated all the machine guns on the front and opened the way with the machine guns. The others charged and fired at the same time, resulting in a neat two-sided attack.

The heavy equipment of the guard battalion played an important role. All kinds of heavy weapons opened fire together, immediately piercing the buttocks of the insect The charging swarm immediately became a mess.

The opponents of most fighters are bugs. Only the sniper's task is to remove bugs. They search for bugs under the protection of their comrades. As long as they find traces of bugs, they will fire without hesitation. If it hits, it will immediately send the position of the bugman to others, and several pre-arranged warriors will launch rockets at the target at the same time.

Ye Han's tactic was so simple that he used firepower to forcibly pile up bugs and bugmen here.

No matter how simple and rude, the tactics that work are good tactics. In less than a minute, the swarm was defeated. Most of the worms were killed by the soldiers on the spot, and only a few worms escaped.

More than four minutes have passed since the countdown, and no one cared about the worms that escaped. Everyone immediately evacuated at full speed.

The troops guarding the gate received Luo Qi's warning immediately, turned their heads and rushed out.

After more than 20 seconds, Ma Hongwei was the first to rush out of the air-raid shelter, followed by Zhang Rui, and then the other fighters who underwent fusion transformation.

Thirty-four seconds later, everyone withdrew from the dugout.

But this is not enough. For the sake of safety, everyone left the No. 1 dugout at the fastest speed. At the same time, Ye Han alerted the whole division that the No. 1 air-raid shelter was about to detonate!

The news came too suddenly, but the situation on the ground was much better than what Ye Han expected. The first battalion and the three battalions had never encountered the swarm, and the soldiers had already converged in the residential area.

Upon receiving the warning, everyone immediately took action, stayed away from various buildings, and chose flat ground equipment to meet the impact.

For five minutes, the ground in Marida shuddered suddenly, then trembled like an earthquake, with a low rumbling sound.

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