Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1144: Hikijadori Cave

The evacuated team fell in the violent shaking, and everyone turned back subconsciously, seeing a scene that they will never forget in their entire lives.

The No. 1 air-raid shelter seemed to be smashed by something. Countless earth, stone and sand flew into the sky, and the concrete cast gate was torn apart. Some flew tens of meters across, and some jumped high into the sky.

Two gates made of depleted uranium flew away like paper, and one of them nearly smashed into the evacuated team.

The vibration gradually subsided, but the earth and stones flying on it began to fall, and the concrete blocks the size of the grinding discs fell.

Ye Han's pupils shrank, he crawled up in embarrassment, and fled to the distance desperately: "Run—"

The troops were too close to the air-raid shelter. No matter how strong the power armor was, it couldn't stand the concrete blocks falling like meteors. It was necessary to hurry up and run as far as possible.

Ouyang Ping's bowels are full of regrets. If he knew that there were so many bad things during the evacuation, it would be better to set the time a little longer?

It's too late to regret now, he used the strength of milk to run desperately, the only thought is not to be hit by the falling dirt...

Many years later, the soldiers still have lingering fears when they recall the scene, and they all feel that it is a big miracle that no one was injured.

In fact, it is not a miracle. At that time, the soldiers used their strength to eat milk and escaped the power range of the nuclear bomb. In addition, the nuclear bomb was detonated at a depth of tens of meters, and it was impossible to threaten. the safety of the soldiers.

When everything subsided, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Han immediately turned his attention to the No. 2 air-raid shelter: "Ouyang, how was the No. 2 hole arranged?"

Ouyang Ping secretly shouted badly, so he bravely replied, "It's the same as the No. 1 hole!"

Ye Han's eyes narrowed: "Change your clothes now, Ouyang Ping, I want you to rescue people yourself!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping was very grateful, this was a chance for him to atone for his merits!

He said nothing, and ordered the soldiers of the second battalion to change their clothes immediately. After a while, Ouyang Ping rushed to the No. 2 air-raid shelter with the new-looking soldiers.

Watching Ouyang Ping leave, Ye Han called again on the radio: "One battalion, one battalion, how is the situation there?"

"Nothing, everything is normal!"

"Three battalions, report the situation!"

"No discovery, everything is normal!"

"Bian Ge, how are you doing?"

"We have joined the division, and there is nothing abnormal in the residential area."

Ye Han's whole person is not good, what about a good battle? Where have all the worms gone?

He immediately switched the frequency band: "Luzhou, Luzhou, Marida did not find the swarms, my department is looking for the swarms, I suggest that the transport ship dock immediately."

"Your thoughts." A voice said.

"I want to use a transport ship to lure the swarms out, and clean up the bugs when they come out. It's better if the bugs don't come out. Let's move things directly." Ye Han.

The plan is not as fast as changing. At this time, there is no need to continue to stick to the original plan. It would be perfect if the storage area could be emptied at the first twelve o'clock.

"Do as you please."

"Thank you." Ye Han sincerely thanked, and immediately turned back to the command channel of the Airborne Division: "Xiao Yuan, one battalion is on-site defense, ready to receive transport ships to port, not only on the ground, but also underwater."


"Three battalions, immediately evacuate the storage area, enter the residential area, and guard both sides of the road!"


"Bian Ge, I'll give you the command of the residential area, and I'll go to the pier."


Ye Han waved at Luo Qi: "Go, go to the pier!"

The guards rushed to the pier immediately, without encountering any accidents along the way, and arrived at the pier without any danger.

Ye Han was very surprised, a little confused about what the aliens were thinking.

When the team arrived at the dock, the first battalion had established several fixed fire points on the dock. These fire points were a bit sparse at first glance, but each fire point was equipped with at least two machine guns. Once the swarm appeared, it could form a double cross in any direction. Firepower, dare not be impregnable, at least it can block insects for a while.

With this period of time to buffer, the reserve team in Xiao Yuan's hands must have come up, and it is not a big problem to block the swarm.

Ye Han was very satisfied with Xiao Yuan's arrangement, so he simply handed over the guard battalion to Xiao Yuan. Only Luo Qi and the transformed soldiers followed Ye Han as a personal guard.

Ye Han felt that these fighters could at least be in a platoon!

At 4:52 in the morning, a huge shadow appeared on the water... It was not a transport ship from the Navy, but a giant roll-on wheel!

The equipment in the Port of Marida was destroyed, and there was no light on the wharf. Ye Han didn't know how the ro-ro wheel was opened. Leaned on the pier.

It wasn't until the ro-ro ship arrived at the port that Ye Han realized that she didn't come by herself at all, but was pushed to the dock by several tugboats!

At this time, the tugboat could still be found, and Ye Han also accepted it.

Immediately after the ro-ro wheel arrived at the port, the cable was thrown down, and the soldiers on the pier caught the rope dropped by the ship and quickly fixed it. Then the sideboard of the ro-ro wheel was opened and placed on the pier to become a springboard for entering and leaving the cabin. .

Several trucks drove out of the cabin, parked in front of Ye Han, and jumped off a colonel in a naval uniform. He turned a blind eye to the dripping rain and walked straight to Ye Han: " Hello, who is Master Ye?"

"Hello, I am." Ye Han.

According to the regulations, the two sides should salute before talking, but in the battlefield, the etiquette should be saved, so as not to be targeted by aliens.

The two shook hands, and the colonel said politely, "Master Ye, what do we need to do?"

Ye Han said: "I need you to lure the insect swarms. Please drive along the road to the storage area. Don't go too fast... Don't you have an armored transport vehicle?"

"Yes, but very few."

"Come out, use that to be safe." Ye Han.

"Okay." The navy colonel agreed without a second. "Our special forces are also equipped with power armor. If necessary, they can be sent here. The soldiers are in high spirits."

"That's great, I won't be polite to you. Arrange the troops to come over as soon as possible, and let the troops stay on the dock."

"Okay, I'll arrange it!" After the colonel returned to the car, after a while, he drove off four armored transport vehicles from the ship, followed by a group of motorized infantry, with a total of almost one company.

The aircraft carrier battle group will not only bring this number of people, but it is definitely unrealistic to take out all of them to support the airborne division. It is very sincere to have a company.

Ye Han really wanted to hand over the defense of the pier to the navy, and then take a fully-staffed battalion to the residential area. But he didn't understand the combat effectiveness of this unit, so naturally he didn't dare to hand over the pier. In the end, he chose a compromise plan, leaving a company in the first battalion to guard the pier together with the characteristic members of the Navy.

Then Ye Han personally led the team to protect the armored transport vehicle and drove to the storage area.

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