Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1145: Raid Pier

The road between the wharf and the storage area is only 1.2 kilometers. This distance seems long, but it is actually very short. The troops have just left the wharf, and the storage area is already in sight.

This section of the road through the residential area is not spacious, it is a two-way two-lane at most, and some overturned vehicles can be seen on the roadside under the roadbed. They were originally parked on the road. The soldiers on the mission took these vehicles to clear the road. The vehicle is pushed down.

The storage area is dark, but everyone knows that countless giant insects are hiding in the darkness, and they may rush out at any time.

It is not difficult to get through this channel, but how to ensure the smooth flow of this channel.

After a while, the troops had advanced four or five hundred meters, and at this time, they still couldn't find half a bug in sight, but the more silent the enemy, the more restless Ye Han felt.

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the distance, and then the earth shook violently, causing everyone to twist and twist, and many people lost their balance and fell to the ground.

Ye Han held onto the armored vehicle and looked up at the No. 2 air-raid shelter.

At this time, with such a big movement, the only possibility is that Ouyang Ping successfully blew up the No. 2 air-raid shelter.

As expected, just a few seconds later, Ye Han received a communication from Ouyang Ping: "Master, I blew up the No. 2 hole!"

"Okay, how are the staff?"

"It's much better than mine. When they went in, they encountered a large group of bugs. In the end, they simply retreated to the entrance of the cave and stayed there, and they didn't drill into it at all."

Ye Han chuckled: "much smarter than you."

Ouyang Ping was embarrassed: "Yes, it's my fault."

"Okay, who's fault will be discussed later, you bring the troops here immediately... go directly to the pier, and then go..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a crisp gunshot in front of him, and Ye Han suddenly stood up: "Where to shoot..."

Before he finished speaking, what filled his ears was no longer a single gunshot, but a tidal wave of gunshots.

Ye Han suddenly shouted: "Prepare to fight - Wu Qingbo, what's the situation?"

"I found a bug!"

"How many?"

"A lot, we're surrounded!"

"Hold on, I'll be there soon!" Ye Han raised his head, no bugs were found nearby, he immediately pointed forward, "Alternate cover, move forward—"

The soldiers were automatically divided into two groups, one group guarded the spot, the other group rushed forward, stopped after running for a distance, and the other group who stayed behind followed.

Those armored vehicles were not idle either, speeding up to keep up with the troops.

"Sniper—" Ye Han shouted and waved at the armored vehicle.

The snipers in the team immediately understood, and several people rushed to the armored car together, and quickly jumped onto the car to set up sniper rifles.

A sniper suddenly shouted: "The target is found, the distance is 700 meters!"

"Shoot, kill one is one!" Ye Han said.

The dull sound of gunfire immediately exploded on the armored vehicle. Another sniper saw the heavy machine gun mounted on the roof. Suddenly, he had an idea and jumped over to mount the machine gun.

There is a quadruple optical sight on the machine gun, and the sniper shoots the bugs directly with the machine gun.

Machine guns are not as accurate as sniper rifles, but for snipers with extraordinary marksmanship, 700 meters is not a particularly long distance. Rifles are much taller.

The number of bugs that attacked the third battalion was much less than expected. By the time the main force merged with the third battalion, this wave of bugs had already died, and not a single bug appeared during the battle, and hundreds of giant bugs died. In exchange, only the three battalions wounded a few soldiers.

Ye Han was feeling that this wave of insects was strange. A large number of giant insects suddenly appeared in the residential area. As soon as they appeared, they rushed onto the road, cutting off the connection between the troops and the wharf.

Before he could regain his senses, he had already heard the sound of gunshots coming from the dock.

Ye Han suddenly burst out laughing: "Co-authored the insects to surround the three camps, just to lure us here? This is a good game."

Luo Qi looked at the swarm that was running closer and closer: "Master, over there at the dock..."

Ye Han shook his head: "There is definitely no problem at the dock. With the navy here, it's not easy to call for fire support?"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Fight the bugs first, and then talk about the others." Ye Han said, holding up his rifle, "Shrink the position and give the bugs a taste—"

The voice was still echoing in everyone's ears, and Ye Han had already fired at the giant insect.

The gunshots rang out in an instant, and the charging bugs were knocked down by bullets one by one, but none of them flinched.

It is important to eliminate the giant insects, but Ye Han is more concerned about the movement of the insect people. He seems to be concentrating on fighting, but more than half of his attention is on finding the insect people.

However, half of the worms in the swarm could not be seen, and nothing was found in the buildings on both sides of the road.

Not here, is it at the dock?

Ye Han immediately shouted on the radio: "One battalion, one battalion, what's the situation in your place?"

"Bugs, a lot of bugs!" Xiao Yuan replied.

"Are there any bugs?"

"No bugs!"

Ye Han was suddenly Why not?

Originally, he was quite grateful for the light rain, but now he began to hate that the dark clouds blocked the sky, otherwise, as long as the worms dared to come out, they would not be able to escape the eyes of the satellite.

At this moment, there was a sudden scream from the radio.

The cold hairs on Ye Han's whole body stood up: "What's the situation!"

The screams continued, and an unfamiliar voice shouted: "Insect people, insect people are on the dock!"

Ye Han immediately panicked: "Xiao Yuan, why don't you say there are no bugs?"

"No... No, it's the back, it's the sea!" Xiao Yuan shouted, "The bug man came out of the sea!"

Roll-Roll, Bug Man's target is Roll-Roll!

Ye Han's eyes darkened and he almost fainted: "Xiao Yuan, no matter what method you use, keep the roll-on wheel for me!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan agreed, and was about to lead his troops to the ro-ro wheel... He had already made up his mind that if he couldn't keep the ship, he would perish with the bugs.

But before he could say "Follow me", a series of explosions suddenly occurred in the direction of the ro-ro wheel, and the gunshots were indistinguishable like a few torrential rain ships. The firelight illuminated the pier and the sky was red. .

Xiao Yuan is a little dumbfounded, what is the situation?

There are no similar weapons in the hands of the aliens, and the sound and light effects on the dock are definitely from human weapons.

Ye Han was also wondering, the navy colonel suddenly jumped out of the armored vehicle: "Hey, our navy's special forces are not vegetarian."

"What?" Ye Han was very surprised, "You still keep your back?"

The colonel stretched out **** and shook it: "Two armored vehicles and some incendiary bombs."

"You cow!" Ye Han praised sincerely, "Okay, the pier is fine, take care of me, hurry up and clean up the bugs!"


Thank you brothers for your support, thank you.

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