Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1150: Total doesn't match

There is nothing to say, the cooks of each ship immediately acted, and one warship can make a dish of seven, seven or eight. In less than half an hour, the helicopter will send the hot food to the ro-ro wheel.

It is not so easy to eat a hot meal. The storage area is full of iron buckets for storing yellow cakes, and some of them are broken because the soldiers are too anxious.

The yellow cake is really not very harmful, and there is no problem with direct contact. The problem is that it is not the case when it is eaten in the stomach. Therefore, the soldiers must carefully clean up and change to a safe environment before they can eat the food safely into the stomach. .

It is not difficult to say it is difficult, and it is not that easy to say it is simple. The key is whether the equipment can keep up.

The navy's method is also very simple. Go directly to the high-pressure water gun, first seawater and then fresh water, rinse the whole body up and down, wash everything that is stained, and then eat slowly in the restaurant.

The soldiers were very emotional, and everyone could not remember the last time they sat at the dining table and ate quietly, even Ye Han was no exception.

According to the spirit of his superiors, he should have rested for a while after the meal, but Ye Han couldn't rest assured. He always felt that the base group would not give up tens of thousands of tons of yellow cake so easily.

This is the raw material for making nuclear weapons, and the by-products can also make a large number of depleted uranium bombs. Its value can no longer be measured simply by money, but must consider their strategic significance.

The more he thought about it, the more hopeless he felt. Ye Han simply pulled the soldiers back to the storage area and worked overtime to carry supplies.

The Navy was planning to rest for a while, but seeing the airborne division working so hard, how could they have the nerve to rest?

It was not until night fell that the storage area became quiet, but the airborne divisions did not withdraw from the storage area, but were scattered around to prevent the swarms from attacking at night.

The soldiers were exhausted, but Marida was the task of the Airborne Division. Ye Han could only let his brothers rest in shifts, and prayed that the bugs would stop a little, so that they would not run out at night and feel uncomfortable.

I don't know if the insects lost too much and were unable to attack, or if Ye Han's prayers played a role, this night was peaceful until dawn, and the soldiers who had recovered their energy went back to work again.

However, an accident happened. At noon that day, a warship flying the Stars and Stripes rushed to the port of Marida.

Seeing that battleship, Ye Han's heart suddenly froze.

what's the matter

Although it was the airborne division who drove away the swarm, this place was not his own after all. His current mood was as if the house next door had been attacked by a thief.

All in all, Ye Han had prepared for the worst.

But to his surprise, the battleship was only docked at the port, and the sailors on the ship had no intention of disembarking, let alone interfering with the transportation operation.

How does Ye Han know that Beidu has reached an agreement with Washington to get the ownership of these uranium mines.

Anyway, the most important thing in northern Australia is uranium mines. It won't take long to make up for this loss. Fortunately, the port is a long way from the air raid shelter. If the Yankees see the collapsed air raid shelter, I don't know if they will be so calm.

The arrival of the Americans was like putting a stone on everyone's heart. Everyone instinctively accelerated. When it was dark, Ye Han personally put the last iron bucket into the wagon and said with a long sigh, "It's finally over."

The colonel was a little stunned, and pointed to a few dim shadows in the distance: "Isn't there a few warehouses left?"

"It's all empty." Ye Han said.

"Impossible," the colonel retorted, "This number doesn't match."

"What's wrong?" Ye Han asked back.

"The above said that there are more than 30,000 tons in total, but now the ship is only 24,000 tons, which is more than 6,000 tons."

"No." Ye Han was also a little dizzy, "Luo Qi, Luo Qi"

"To" Luo Qi hurried over.

Ye Han pointed to the warehouses that no one had touched: "Have those warehouses been checked?"

"I checked it." Luo Qi was puzzled for a while, "I reported it to you, but there is nothing in it."

"Look again, be careful, not only those few, but all the warehouses for me to check again"

"Yes" Luo Qi was at a loss, and immediately summoned the soldiers of the guard company to check all the warehouses, but nothing new was found.

"No, it's definitely not right," the colonel said very firmly. "The total is definitely not less than 30,000 tons, and no matter what, there will be no shortage of 6,000 tons."

Luo Qi whispered: "There is still a batch of empty barrels in the warehouse over there, do you need to check it carefully?"

"Check, check immediately" Ye Han said fiercely.

He didn't know why the Colonel was so sure of the amount of yellow cake, but he knew what six thousand tons of yellow cake meant.

Yellow cake is a compound of uranium. Using the simplest calculation method, 6,000 tons of yellow cake contains about 5,000 tons of uranium metal, which can separate more than 30 tons of uranium 235 and can produce more than 2,000 nuclear warheads.

Regardless of military value, economic value or strategic value, the loss of six thousand tons of yellow cake cannot be ignored by anyone.

Luo Qi and the guards rushed into the warehouse where the iron buckets were and passed all the empty buckets through a sieve to make sure that there were all empty buckets and none of them were full.

This is trouble

The colonel immediately reported the situation to the fleet, and the fleet reported the situation to Beidu. Beidu immediately contacted Washington to confirm once again that the quantity of yellow cake was no less than 30,000 tons.

But there are not so many storage areas, so where did the 6,000 tons of yellow cakes go?

Beidu and Washington were bombed together, and immediately ordered the fleet to organize a manpower investigation. The two sides immediately set up a joint investigation team and launched an investigation overnight. Ye Han was one of the parties, and the Airborne Division actually controlled Marida. Group.

After the two sides met, they briefly discussed it, and they both believed that the yellow cake could not have long legs to run on its own, and the biggest possibility was that it had already fallen into the hands of aliens.

The investigation team judged that most of the warehouses evacuated by the airborne division had no problems, and 80% of the problem was in those empty warehouses.

Ye Han immediately ordered the troops to seal all the evacuated warehouses, open all the empty warehouses, and wait for the investigation team to investigate.

However, the manpower of the investigation team was limited, and the reconnaissance task finally fell to the airborne division.

The soldiers have no experience in this area, and after checking all the warehouses, they still haven't found anything.

Ye Han was in a hurry now, and roared directly on the public channel: "Find it for me again, dig three feet in the ground to find the clues"

Most people didn't take this order to heart, they just checked the warehouse again, but there were just a few soldiers who were more motivated, and they literally lifted the ground of the warehouse, and there was really a digging three. ruler.

The soldiers' brains must be fine. The reason for this is that there is nothing abnormal on the outer wall of the warehouse. If you want to transfer the inventory in the warehouse, the only channel is underground. Read the latest chapter of "Carapace Frenzy" on Baidu for the first time for free.

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