Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1151: hole in the wall

For humans, it is not so simple to dig a hole in the ground, but for the swarm, it is easier to dig a tunnel, so the soldiers concluded that digging three feet in the ground will definitely find clues.

It was already midnight when Ye Han received the news. He immediately informed the others of the news, and the entire investigation team rushed to the warehouse where the incident occurred.

When the investigation team arrived, many soldiers had gathered inside and outside the warehouse. They automatically separated a passage and put the investigation team into the warehouse.

The warehouse is brightly lit, and there are traces of excavation everywhere. In one corner of the warehouse, more than a dozen soldiers are standing by, and everyone's guns are pointed at the corner of the wall.

Ye Han said loudly, "Who is in charge here?"

"Report" an officer stood up, "Qiao Haishan, commander of the third company of the first battalion"

Ye Han asked, "How is the situation?"

"There are obvious signs of excavation in the corner of the wall, the soil is firmer than other places, and the edges are squeezed. For safety, we did not excavate." Qiao Haishan said.

Ye Han looked at the others: "Everyone, what do you think?"

"Dig it and take a look," said the colonel.

The representative of the United States also said a word, and the translator immediately said: "Second."

Ye Han looked back at Qiao Haishan: "Execute it."

"Yes" Qiao Haishan agreed, but did not act immediately, looking like he was hesitant to say anything.

Ye Han frowned: "What's the matter, just say something."

Qiao Haishan lowered his voice: "Master, is it better to blast it?"

Ye Han waved his hand: "I only ask about the result, not the process."

"Yes" Qiao Haishan turned and walked away. After a while, he made a hole in the corner of the wall for placing explosives. Then everyone evacuated to a safe distance. There was an explosion, and the warehouse was filled with smoke and dust. Before the smoke cleared, Ye Han Suddenly there was a red dot representing danger on the soldier's radar.

He subconsciously took off his rifle, but before he could fire, the soldier in front fired first, and then there were several explosions.

The battle came and went quickly, and when the smoke of the explosion dissipated a little, Ye Han immediately leaned up and immediately saw a few smashed giant insects lying on the corner of the wall.

Because it was so rotten, the corpses of several giant insects were mixed together, and it was impossible to tell how many they were.

Qiao Haishan reported in time: "Master, it exploded, there is a hole under it"

Ye Han took a few steps, intending to go over to see clearly, but was stopped by Qiao Haishan: "Master, it's too dangerous"

Ye Han also realized that it was not a problem to approach the cave rashly, and immediately ordered: "Let the drone go."


A few seconds later, the four drones took off together, first hovered above the hole for a while, and then slowly descended into the hole.

The hole was more than two meters deep. Because there were too many explosives during the blasting, the opening of the hole looked very large. After the drone descended, it was divided into two groups, and they were divided into two groups to investigate the situation on both sides.

The colonel walked over to Ye Han and said in a low voice, "This is troublesome, things must have been stolen by aliens."

Ye Han squinted at the colonel: "Why did the aliens steal this stuff, do they know that yellow cake is a nuclear material?"

"Otherwise they would steal yellow biscuits," the colonel asked back, "6,000 tons of yellow biscuits is not a small amount, so they won't go back and eat them."

"What's the matter?" Ye Han was angry and depressed.

The colonel glanced at Ye Han: "Senior Ye, I must report the situation."

"Let's report it." Ye Han said, "I can't be held accountable anyway."

It has not been a day or two for the aliens to occupy Marida. The loss of these 6,000 tons of yellow cake is not anyone's dereliction of duty.

The colonel left and found a corner to report the situation to the fleet. After a while, he returned to Ye Han with a sullen face.

"What did you say above?" Ye Han asked curiously.

The colonel sighed: "The above ordered us to retrieve the yellow cake as much as possible."

Ye Han immediately panicked: "I didn't lose it today, where can I find it?"

"It's useless for you to tell me this. It's what I said above." The colonel was very helpless. "It's not easy. With so much uranium falling into the hands of aliens, who can't be in a hurry and who can't be in a hurry."

"Stop, stop, I don't need you to tell me the truth, I just want to know how the top wants us to find it." Ye Han suppressed his anger, "Let's put the villain first and then the gentleman, I can make it clear first, I have drilled through the worm hole. It’s been a while, let me drill the hole, but I have to find something before I can get in, don’t think I’ll drill into it without thinking.”

The colonel was amazed: "The above said that the fleets and satellites near North Australia have not found that the alien warships have left, and there are so many stocks, it is impossible for the aliens to steal only so much, so the above judges that this batch of yellow cakes is still in Australia. , and it's just near Marida, let us figure out our own way, say you are more experienced, listen to you."

Ye Han suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fine without giving a death order, I'm really scared, and I've let the boss blindly command the pit several times."

He has drilled through holes in Africa and Ganymede, and the final result is that he has lost his If it is possible, he does not want to dig into the ground again in his life.

The colonel didn't dare to take over, and couldn't take over. He couldn't agree with Ye Han's statement and criticize those military bosses in Beidu with him.

At this time, a group of drones suddenly encountered the giant insect, and the soldiers immediately manipulated the drone to avoid it, but the speed of the giant insect was not slow. Before the drone escaped, it was caught by the giant insect, and the drone finally The picture returned was a sharp insect leg falling from the sky.

Qiao Haishan immediately reported the situation to Ye Han: "Master, are you sending someone down to take a look?"

"Have you found the yellow cake?"

"No." Qiao Haishan shook his head.

"That's not necessary." Ye Han shook his head firmly, "Continue to launch the drone, draw a three-dimensional map for me first, and then clarify the underground structure."

"Yes" Qiao Haishan went to execute the order, and several drones flew into the cave.

The colonel is very worried: "Is it useful to do this?"

"If it's useful or not, let's talk about it. Anyway, I can't let the brothers go down and play their lives."

"That's not what I meant either." The colonel smiled bitterly, "I mean, do you think drones can retrieve things?"

Ye Han was silent for a moment: "Try it."

He really had no confidence in his heart.

After the swarm retracted to the ground, Marida has actually become two worlds, the ground and the underground. The ground belongs to humans, while the underground belongs to the swarm under the control of aliens.

Although there is no evidence, Ye Han is convinced that the swarm is digging underground tunnels day and night, and a network of tunnels has been formed underground in Marida.

According to past experience, it is easy to find the entrance to the underground hole, but it is not so easy to attack the underground.

Think about it, if the cave is so easy to solve, how could the aliens hidden in the African underground be free to read the latest chapter of "Carapace Frenzy" on Baidu today for free for the first time.

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