Armor Frenzy

Chapter 158: Dangerous Shadow

Under the dark night, a small plane flew lower and lower, the belly of the plane suddenly touched the water surface, the nose of the plane rolled left and right, the speed of the plane dropped sharply, and finally stopped on the gently undulating water surface.

The hatch opened, and the two soldiers worked together to throw the rubber boat out of the cabin, and the folded rubber boat automatically inflated and floated.

Ye Han was the first to board the rubber boat, and the others followed silently. Then everyone waved the paddles and rowed hard. The paddles rose and fell, and the two rubber boats slowly approached Buha Island under the dark sky.

Sitting on the bow, I can only hear the sound of the water and the heavy breathing of the soldiers, looking up at the sky, the stars are twinkling, and the blurry Milky Way traverses the sky, dividing the starry sky into two halves.

For some reason, Ye Han always felt that the Milky Way was like a bottomless abyss leading to hell, as if it could fall into it at any time.

Take back the chaotic thoughts, keep your eyes flat, the sky is a perfect hemisphere, only a dark shadow on the sea in front of you covers the starry sky, which is the destination of this trip.

According to Ye Han's plan, the plane should have landed in the southwest of Buha Island, but the actual landing location was the southeast of Buha Island. This is to reduce the impact of ocean currents on rubber boats, and use the power of currents to land on the island.

After more than 40 minutes, the shadow turned into a giant entrenched on the sea. The closer it got to Buha Island, the less calm the sea became. The rubber boat undulated with the waves.

The soldiers didn't have to control the dinghies at all, just the force of the waves could bring them to the beach.

Ye Han suddenly said softly: "Jump!" After saying that, he turned over and jumped off the rubber boat, and swam to the beach with one hand on the handle of the boat.

The same goes for everyone else, tipping off their kayak in the first place...doing so minimises the risk of exposure.

Just like that, everyone dragged the rubber boat and swam silently to the coast, and the landing site was not the imaginary beach, but a rocky coast.

Compared with the unobstructed sandy beach, there are many natural shelters on the coast full of stones, which are more suitable for concealed landing.

However, not only are there many rocks on the shore, but the underwater is even more messy. The combat boots stepped on the coral reef, and the hard and sharp coral reefs penetrated deeply into the soles.

At this moment, Ye Han was extremely grateful for his wise decision. If he actually landed in flip-flops, he would be disabled before he landed.

There are still 20 to 30 meters away from the coast, and the dark coastline is shadowy. Even with strengthened eyes, it is impossible to see what is on the shore.

Ye Han stood up first and dragged the rubber boat to the shore. Boat No. 2 commanded by Ouyang Ping was not far away. Ten people in two rubber boats stepped on Buha Island on the front and back.

Ouyang Ping brought the two groups to touch them. The two groups joined forces, and Ye Han commanded softly, "Check the equipment!"

Everyone immediately complied, taking out the rifle, pistol and magazine, and vigorously drying the sea water.

The military's light weapons experiments are notoriously harsh, not to mention this bit of seawater, even after soaking in muddy water, it will not affect the shooting. It is nothing more than a little troublesome maintenance after the war.

After everyone was dealt with, Ye Han called everyone to his side, recalling the map, and said in an angry voice: "From here, one hundred meters to the east, there is an open beach, and to the north of the beach is a forest, and passing through the forest is a pirate. We don't know the jungle, but we have to go through it to complete the mission. After a while, two groups of people will split up, and after passing through the woods, try to steal the boat and leave without disturbing the pirates, understand?"

"Understood!" In the dark night, everyone's faces were obscured by darkness, and they could not see clearly. They could only roughly judge their identities from their bodies.

Ye Han took a deep breath: "Ready to go!" He turned around and pulled out his saber, and pierced the rubber boat with his own hands.

The leaking rubber boat gradually sank into the water, Ye Han turned around resolutely and led the team to the beach.

The terrain of this place is complicated, and each step has to be tested several times. It took more than 100 meters to walk for ten minutes, and finally came to the beach.

In order to prevent leaving traces, Ye Han did not go to the beach, but went around the beach to the north and drilled directly into the woods from the rocky beach.

In fact, walking on the edge of the coast and stepping on the water directly is also a way, and the footprints left will be washed away by the waves in a short time.

However, the beach is unobstructed. As long as a sentry is arranged in the woods, the entire beach can be controlled. Ye Han will never take such unnecessary risks.

If he really had such an idea, wouldn't it be better for him to directly lead the team to row the rubber boat to the edge of the woods, or to land directly at the pirate's den?

It took a while to go around the jungle. The jungle is not as dense as I imagined, with solid sandy ground underfoot, surrounded by tall coconut trees, bursts of insects chirping one after another, a gust of evening wind blowing through the woods, swaying branches and leaves. Shimmering in between.

Ye Han suddenly became alert, but immediately realized that he was too hypersensitive, and those bright lights were just fireflies.

There are a lot of giant insects, but there are also many that do not. This tropical island was originally a paradise for insects, and it is normal to have a few small insects.

In order to deal with the ubiquitous insects, the soldiers have applied insect repellent on their bodies, but there is no need to worry about mosquito bites, otherwise they will go back with a mosquito bag, and the brothers will die of laughter.

If there is a mutant giant mosquito that slips through the net at this time, it can drain half of the blood in one bite, and no one can stand the sour and sour experience.

Thinking of giant mosquitoes, Ye Han couldn't help but think of Jingjiang. When the insect plague just broke out, it was attacked by giant ants.

But after Jingjiang, he hadn't heard much about the giant mosquito.

Of course, this is not the death of giant mosquitoes, but the fact that giant mosquitoes have a single recipe. There are no prehistoric giants in this era, and there is no environment for giant mosquitoes to survive. Extinction is only a matter of time.

It didn't take long for the two teams to pass through the pirate camp was in sight.

At this moment, Ye Han suddenly heard a very regular insect chirping, which was the signal of the sentinel, and he immediately raised his left fist and squatted in place.

Just as a breeze blew, Ye Han suddenly smelled a faint smell of blood. He instinctively became alert and quietly picked up the machine gun.

As a soldier, he was all too familiar with the smell.

A few dozen meters away, Ouyang Ping, who found the sentinel, lightly took off his equipment, took out his saber and bit it in his mouth, suddenly jumped up a coconut tree, and silently climbed to the tree like an agile monkey. tip.

He squatted on the top of the tree and swayed for a while, then suddenly took advantage of his strength to jump and landed effortlessly on another coconut tree a few meters away. He clamped the trunk of the tree with his hands and feet, and only made a little extra sound.

The sentry looked back suspiciously, but couldn't find a dangerous dark shadow lying on the trunk.

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