Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1159: shut him up

The warriors under the tree are simply going crazy. This is so special, do you feel the whistle like this?

Ouyang Ping didn't think much of it at all. He jumped to the top of the sentry's head in three or two times, holding the saber upside down with one hand, ready to attack.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots suddenly came from the pirate's lair, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, including the sentinels under the tree.

Seeing the opportunity, Ouyang Ping suddenly jumped from a tree more than four meters high and landed on the sentinel. At the same time, the saber stabbed into the back of the sentinel's head and cut off the brainstem in an instant.

The sentry fell silently, but Ouyang Ping was dumbfounded, and quickly made a series of regular insect chirps, which meant an emergency, and everyone immediately moved closer to me.

Ye Han, who received the signal, looked stunned. The action plan had already been planned. No matter what happened, even if Ouyang Ping was seriously injured, he should not have sent such a strange signal, and the signal sent by Ouyang Ping was loud and urgent. It didn't look like he was injured at all, and he couldn't think of any reason for Ouyang Ping to do this.

Ouyang Ping didn't get a response, and sent another signal, more urgently.

Ye Han couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately led the team to move closer to Ouyang Ping - in order to prevent exposure, the same signal was not allowed to be sent repeatedly at all.

When the first group arrived at the field, the second group had already arrived at Ouyang Ping's side ahead of time. Ye Han suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Ouyang Ping took a step and let out the sentinel he touched.

Ye Han suddenly took a breath: "Insect man?"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping also lowered his voice, "It's too dark to see clearly, and I didn't realize it was wrong until I threw him down."

Ye Han ordered without thinking: "Everyone is on alert, Ouyang, is there any other discovery besides this?"

"there is none left."

Ye Han suddenly remembered the **** smell he had smelled not long ago, and couldn't help but wonder a little bit, what was the situation with this bug man? Could it be that pirates have the guts to accept bugmen? This is so ridiculous.

The only answer is that the worms have landed on Buha!

Ye Han almost didn't jump up. Buha Island is not a big island. If the worms have landed here, what will happen to other islands at the same latitude? New Guinea, has Kalidan been secretly occupied by bugs?

A raging flame suddenly ignited in the direction of the camp, and Bi Bi Felpo's voice could be faintly heard.

Ye Han turned his head and found that a thatched hut was burning. The flames engulfed the hut in a blink of an eye, and the jumping flames illuminated the entire camp.

Ye Han vaguely saw an unusual shadow flash past, but when he looked carefully, he couldn't find anything.

Can't stay here any longer!

Ye Han immediately said: "No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with us. It is strictly forbidden to talk from now on, rush over at the fastest speed, grab the boat and leave."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in a low voice.

"I'll set off after the front Luo Qi is broken!" Ye Han yanked the gun bolt, put the bullet on the top with a click, and strode towards the pirate camp.

It was originally a secret operation, and the most fearful thing is that everyone knows it, but the current situation is that the insect people not only landed on Buha Island, but may even occupy the entire island. The troops may encounter the large army of insect people at any time. Stay here for an extra minute. , just one more minute in danger.

In this case, the original plan can no longer be used.

And the trouble is not the island of Buha itself, but the scale of the aliens' operations. If Ye Han's judgment is correct, the aliens are likely to land on several large islands at the same latitude at the same time, rather than landing on the islands that have little strategic significance. Buha Island.

This means that the aliens have already set their sights on several islands near the South China Sea, and even if the domestic action starts immediately, the aliens must be one step behind.

At this moment, Ye Han was extremely regretful, why didn't he bring a set of communication equipment for emergency.

The only plan for now is to **** the ship away from Buha Island as soon as possible, rush to the predetermined sea area to wait for the ro-ro ship, and meet with the ro-ro ship tomorrow morning at the latest. At that time, the news will be notified to the country, and corresponding actions will be launched as soon as possible. The occupied island is retaken by aliens...

Knowing that the bugs are also eyeing Buha Island, and playing some kind of latent infiltration, they directly kill the early recognition of the landing, and no one can fault it.

Under the light of the fire, Ye Han was the first to rush into the pirate's camp. He was always worried about encountering a bug man, but the bug man didn't know where to go, and he couldn't see a single bug man in the entire camp, only between the two thatched huts. Find the corpse of a bug.

Ye Han didn't care so much about the life and death of the pirates, and went directly through the camp to the sea. According to the information, the pirates' ships were hidden in the caves on the shore.

Just after rushing out of the camp, a figure with raised hands suddenly appeared behind a pile of rocks. He stammered and shouted in a local language that everyone could not understand, and looked at this team of unknown origin pleadingly.

Ye Han was in a hurry, and a few words burst out from between his teeth: "Shut him up!"

The man also realized that the team could not understand his words, and quickly changed into another language: "Help!"

Ouyang Ping rushed forward and punched the pirate in the face, and the world suddenly became quiet.

But Ye Han immediately heard rustling voices in the forest, and under the jumping firelight, his transformed eyes saw a few dark shadows that flashed by.

Got it, it's a bug!

Ye Han's teeth hurt so much that he wanted to shoot that **** pirate now.

But the bug people didn't give him a chance at all, they were like ghosts in the dark night, surrounded from all directions.

"Fire!" Ye Han couldn't take care of that much anymore. He picked up the machine gun and shot a short burst, hitting a running shadow.

In the jungle, the sound of gunshots is You can't see how many insects there are in the jungle. You can only rely on your feeling. Any shadows that look like insects, whether they are or not, should be shot a few times first.

Although the soldiers present were inconspicuous in the Airborne Division, they were all top-notch in other units. Everyone's marksmanship was not weak. Looking at the fake and aimless guns, the hit rate was actually amazing. Insects are either killed or injured.

Note that the bullet must hit the part of the worm that belongs to the human being. If it hits the part that belongs to the worm, it is the same as a normal person. It should run and jump, and the impact is so weak that it can be ignored.

The unlucky pirate huddled with his head in his arms, not daring to move.

It didn't take long for Ye Han to run out the first bullet chain, and just hung up the second bullet chain, the gunfire had stopped.

Looking around, he couldn't find the shadow of the insect man in sight anymore, but Ye Han didn't dare to relax at all, so he spread his feet and ran to the coast: "Go, go, go!"

No one gave the pirate a second glance, because they didn't care.

As soon as the pirate saw the danger passed, he got up and went into the team. He wanted to be approached by Ma Hongwei with a gun. Just as he was about to kill him, the pirate raised his hands and knelt on the ground without thinking: "Help!"

On the first day of 2018, I wish all the brothers good health and happiness, and all the lottery tickets to win the jackpot... Of course, it would be better if I could win it myself. (Carapace Frenzy mobile version read m.)

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