Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1161: 1/4 of a compatriot

Ye Han immediately became alert and patted Luo Qi on the shoulder: "Withdraw!"

The two immediately retreated and climbed into the corner, and just after hiding behind the corner, the sound of fluttering in front of them formed a string, and they did not know how many bone blades were nailed.

Ye Han took off a grenade, shook his hand and threw it out of the corner, then leaned behind the corner again, quietly sticking out the machine gun.

The grenade flew out of the cave and exploded, and while blasting the corpse, it also illuminated the nearby worms.

The machine gun fired again, knocking down two more insectoids, and there was a fluttering sound in the darkness. Listening to the direction, it should have been chiseled on the wall of the cave, and not a single bone blade landed within two meters of Ye Han. .

To be cautious, Ye Han retracted to the corner,

At this time, Ma Hongwei returned with the pirates: "Boss, I'm back!"

"How's the situation?" Ye Han motioned for Luo Qi to monitor the situation outside, and Luo Qi immediately followed behind the corner.

Ma Hongwei said: "The back is straight to the beach. The pirate ships are hidden there. I left Ruizi and Taozi there."

"Have you found any bugs?"


"What about the woods?"


Ye Han made a decisive decision: "Luo Qi!"


Ye Han thought about Ouyang Ping who was left behind, gritted his teeth and said, "After Bree is broken!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, "Whoever has grenades, leave me a few!"

"I have it here!" A soldier immediately took out all the grenades on his body to Luo Qi, and arranged booby traps together with Luo Qi.

Others also took out grenades.

Ye Han said: "Ma Hongwei, you stay too, bring Luo Qi over later, we will withdraw first."

"Yes!" Ma Hongwei agreed.

Ye Han turned around and patted the pirate's shoulder: "Lead the way."

"Yes!" The pirates agreed, following the example of the soldiers, and lit the lighter and walked deep into the cave.

Ye Han didn't worry about Luo Qi and the others at all. Don't look at everyone's silence, in fact, everyone has fire on them.

That is to say, after walking tens of meters, the cave suddenly opens up, and after walking tens of meters, you can already see a spacious opening not far away, and you can see a night sky dotted with stars through the opening.

Ye Han immediately stopped the pirate, and pursed his mouth to make a lifelike insect chirping, and then another insect sound came from outside the cave.

The pirate's eyes are straight. No matter how stupid he is, at this time, he knows how to contact these people.

After getting a normal response, Ye Han took the team out of the cave, and immediately saw a few boats parked in the small waves.

Ye Han couldn't help but wondered, this group of pirates really had some good things, not only speedboats and fishing boats, but even a small yacht.

He simply couldn't understand, wasn't the environment on the yacht bad? If he was given a choice, he would rather sleep on the yacht than go back to the camp with only a few broken thatched huts for the night.

"That's it!" Ye Han pointed to the yacht and said.

The pirate waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no."

"Is there anything I say."

The pirate still refused to back down: "No, it won't work."

Ye Han finally heard a little taste: "You said there is no oil, right?"

"That's right!" The pirate nodded quickly.

Ye Han made an oolong, and sighed unrepentantly: "You really don't have that accent anymore... Which boat can you use?"

The pirate immediately pointed to a speedboat: "It, yes."

"Go and have a look." Ye Han ordered, looking back at the pirates and sneering, "You are quite cooperative, do you know who we are?"

"Yes, my grandfather, Chinese."

"Yo! Still a mixed race?" Ye Han was really surprised now, "Aren't you afraid that we will silence you?"

"Better than a worm...well, better than a worm." He wanted to say something, but the meaning he wanted to express was beyond the vocabulary he mastered.

"Okay, okay, since you have a quarter of Chinese blood, come with us." Ye Han said simply.

He probably understood that what this kid meant should be that it is better to fall into the hands of the Chinese than into the hands of the bugmen... Well, that should be the meaning.

The pirates immediately thanked them greatly. At this time, the soldiers who were investigating the speedboat came back, and Chong Yehan nodded: "No problem."

Ye Han smacked his lips: "It's really like a dream to get a boat so easily. After walking a lot at night, you won't really encounter a ghost, right?"

Everyone felt the same, and many people's eyes fell on the pirate. Even if he couldn't see the expressions of everyone, he was instinctively horrified.

At this time, Luo Qi rushed out of the cave with a machine gun and saw the familiar figures on the beach, and immediately let out a long sigh: "Boss, it's solved!"

Ye Han turned around and glanced at the direction of the camp. The cliffs more than ten meters high were separated by the rising fire.

He turned around abruptly and said categorically: "Board, go!"

Several soldiers immediately grabbed it and pushed the speedboat into the sea.

At this moment, there was a dull explosion in the cave.

Everyone boarded the boat. In order to avoid being discovered by the bugmen, they could not use the propellers. They rowed with the oars for a while and left Buha Island for a distance before starting the propellers and proceeding to the predetermined sea area according to the guidance of the starlight.

Ye Han and the pirates sat side by side, and after leaving Buha Island far away, Ye Han suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

The pirate was flattered, pointed to himself and said, "Gonzalez, Ganggang!"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, Gonzalez? The name is so funny!

He didn't care so originally wanted to tell the pirates a few words, but after thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

However, the words still need to be set up. After a simple inquiry, Ye Han probably understood the situation of the lever.

This guy is actually only sixteen years old, still a half-year-old child. His family died in the insect plague. He was helpless and joined the pirate gang by fate.

Being young doesn't mean that he is cared for, but the most bullied person in the gang. The reason why he escaped tonight is because he was bullied at a young age and was arranged by other pirates to watch.

When the worms attacked, he happened to hide behind the stones to be lazy. When he found out that something was wrong, the woods were full of worms. He didn't dare to make a sound, so he could only hide in the corner in fear until Ye Han waited. When people pass by, they muster up the courage to jump out.

In fact, he wanted to leave the pirate gang for a long time, but he never found a chance... Speaking of which, Leverage expressed his gratitude to Ye Han and others for their rescue.

Ye Han couldn't believe his ears, this is too bloody, right? Can this kind of situation make him meet?

Forget it, this kid has helped a lot after all, whether it's true or false, let's go to the top after rolling back the wheel, he should not bother.

Turning his eyes back to Buha Island, near the pirate camp, there is an inconspicuous coconut tree.

Ouyang Ping quietly crouched on the tree trunk and glanced under the tree, a few insects came and went in a hurry.

He climbed lightly, and disappeared into the treetops in a blink of an eye.

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