Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1162: there are booby traps

Ouyang Ping climbed up to the top of the tree, turned over and nestled into the canopy, the branches and leaves spreading like blooming petals held him firmly.

Under the tree, a bug man seemed to have found something, but after looking up for a long time, he couldn't find anything wrong.

Ouyang Ping on the tree changed his posture and moved his **** into the middle of the canopy. The leaves of the coconut tree are wide, big and strong, and there is really no place better to hide than here.

Well, at least the bug people shouldn't have thought of it.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Ping did not dare to be careless. First, he put the 81 bar across his chest, then put the rest of the magazine in the most suitable position, and finally adjusted the pistol and saber until all the equipment was in the most convenient position. Only then did he quietly let out a sigh of relief, stretched out his limbs and stretched his waist.

A gust of evening wind blew, and the canopy swayed lightly.

Speaking of which, he was also unlucky. During the fiercest battle, he chose the wrong bunker in a hurry. When he reacted and wanted to chase, he and the team were already separated by a group of worms.

In the dark, the shadows are all insects, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a heavy siege. In a hurry, Ouyang Ping jumped up and climbed the coconut tree beside him.

He had planned to jump over a tree to chase the team like when he felt the whistle, but when he climbed the tree, he found that there were insects everywhere under the tree, and there were not many nearby trees. The trees that could jump were all in the opposite direction of the team. Can only helplessly listen to the gunshots getting farther and farther.

A large number of worms chased the gunfire away, Ouyang Ping slowly slid down, planning to find a way to chase after landing, but when he was still seven or eight meters away from the ground, two worms suddenly appeared on the opposite side.

Ouyang Ping hurriedly hugged the tree trunk tightly, intending to kill these two lonely bugmen, but was afraid that the sound of gunfire would attract more bugmen.

If there is only one, he can solve it directly with a knife, but there are only two that come out!

He secretly made desperate preparations and stared at the two bugmen under the tree.

The bug man didn't notice anything unusual on the top of his head, turned around twice, confirmed that nothing was found, and walked away.

Ouyang Ping let out a long sigh and was about to continue to slide down when the sound of gunfire in the distance suddenly stopped.

He was taken aback, what happened? Did the team have an accident?

At this time, he didn't dare to run to the ground, and quickly climbed up the tree again, trying to find the position of the team.

The dull sound of gunshots came again, and Ouyang Ping finally put his half-empty heart back in his stomach. He wanted to go down the tree again, but found that there was a group of insects under the tree.

Ouyang Ping suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. It was not that the two bugmen just didn't find it, but they found out that it was wrong and ran to move troops, right?

Thinking of this, he no longer dared to lay down the tree, and leaned on the trunk to ponder how to get out of trouble.

The sound of gunfire in the distance stopped again, and he tried his best to look into the distance but couldn't see anything. At this moment, a flame suddenly exploded in the darkness. After more than a second, he heard the dull sound of explosion.

It's a grenade!

Ouyang Ping immediately remembered the direction of the explosion, where the troops were evacuated!

He doesn't have a chance to catch up with the team now, but that doesn't mean he won't get the chance, and opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared... He doesn't want to be so passive, but he really can't think of a way to get out.

The gunshots rang and stopped, but Ouyang Ping's eyes could not penetrate the dark night.

This time the gunfire stopped for a long time. Ouyang Ping didn't know what happened, but he instinctively felt that it was not a good thing.

He was struggling and couldn't solve it when he heard a particularly dull explosion.

Ouyang Ping was originally engaged in blasting. After hearing the sound, he immediately judged that it was generated in a semi-closed environment such as caves and buildings.

No matter the sound of gunfire or the explosion, it meant that the two sides caught fire again, and his heart was lifted again, but no matter how much he pricked up his ears, he couldn't hear a single gunshot.

Could it be that the grenade was pulled and the worms perished together?

The thought jumped into his mind, and Ouyang Ping almost couldn't help jumping off the tree.

Another explosion came, and he finally thought of another possibility: booby-trapped mines to block the enemy!

If it is a booby trap, it means that the team has thrown off the enemy, and Ouyang Ping is happy because his comrades are out of danger, and sad because he is hidden on an isolated island.

He knew very well that when the worms were chasing after him, it was the right thing for Blay to block the enemy, but the booby traps also cut off his hope of returning to the team.

He understands the reason, but when such a thing falls on him, who can imagine it?

Eyes that cannot penetrate the darkness look at the coast sadly. At this time, the others should have left Buha Island. If they knew that I was still alive, would they come back to save me?

Ouyang Ping thought about it this way, and extinguished the last thought of chasing the troops. Before the bug man found him, Ouyang Ping lightly climbed up the treetops.

In a dangerous situation and full of worries, Ouyang Ping, who was nestling in the canopy and looking up at the stars, couldn't sleep at all. Several thoughts kept spinning in his mind: Do you guys know that I'm behind? Did you know that I was left behind and planted booby traps? Do you think I fell into the hands of aliens?

At this time, even if he was commanding himself, it was impossible for the brothers to come back to save him, but the brothers shouldn't give up on him, right? After getting the equipment, he will definitely be able to call back. Even if the airborne division is assigned to other directions, there should be a brother unit calling. At that time, he can take the opportunity to get out of trouble... The division will definitely report his situation to the friendly army. Seeing people die and seeing corpses...Bah, I don't want to die!

Well, the country should have made preparations long ago. How long will it take the troops to get from Qiongzhou to Buha Island?

Was Buha the target of the first attack? If not how long will he have to wait for the friendly forces? Also, what if the fleet bombarded the woods to destroy the swarm?

All kinds of bizarre questions swirled around in his mind, and he couldn't come up with a useful result after thinking about it for a long time.

In this way, it was unknown how long it took before Ouyang Ping fell asleep in a daze.

Fortunately, he slept honestly and stayed in the top of the tree without moving, otherwise there would be no bugs under the tree to find out that as long as he turned over, he could fall from the top. The height of more than 20 meters is equivalent to seven or eight floors, even if he does not fall to death. , at least a high paraplegic.

Another important point is that Buha Island is located near the equator. It is a pure tropical island. Even at the end of the year, the nighttime temperature here is not bad. Can't go wrong.

Full of worries and in danger, Ouyang Ping's heart was always hanging in his throat. He lay down in the middle of the night and fell asleep in a daze, and he was still a little cautious when he fell asleep. After a while, the deep sleep became In a light sleep that was half awake and half awake, before dawn, I was woken up by the urge to urinate.

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