Armor Frenzy

Chapter 755: inexplicable failure

Zhang Ruo smiled: "That feeling is good..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Han suddenly heard a faint sound of gunfire coming from the cave. He immediately pricked up his ears and straightened his neck to look at the cave.

Thomas immediately withdrew from the three-way communication and hurriedly asked about the situation in the cave.

The soldiers became curious, and Liu Bin approached Ye Han: "Captain, what happened?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a fire with aliens." Ye Han guessed casually.

"Hey, I really let them find it." Liu Bin pouted, "Let them fight, it's our turn to watch the fun..."


Suddenly, a loud bang came from the cave, and the gunshots that had just been dense as rain were instantly interrupted.

Liu Bin blinked suspiciously: "Hey? Why did it stop?"

Thomas was more anxious than everyone else put together, and shouted loudly on the radio with his neck stretched.

Ye Han asked quietly, "Zhang Ruo, can you hear what Thomas said?"

"Shh--" Zhang Ruo reminded Ye Han to keep silent, pricked up his ears and carefully distinguished the vague voice from the other end of the radio.

Ye Han calmly pointed the microphone at Thomas, and the voice on the radio became clear immediately.

Thomas's voice was intermittent, Zhang Ruo kept listening and didn't speak, until Thomas yelled angrily, Zhang Ruocai said: "Boss, according to what he said, there should be a group of people in danger, and the group of people after the explosion Lost contact, Thomas urged others to rush over to support, and even guessed, probably that's what it meant."

He could only hear Thomas' voice, but he couldn't hear what was said on the other end of the radio, so he had to rely on his brain to complete the conversation.

Fortunately the words from Thomas are very good hints.

"Understood." Ye Han said, "You wait and tell me what you hear later."

"Understood!" Zhang Ruo replied.

Ye Han was not in a hurry at first. Something happened in the cave. He was more willing to stay outside and wait. He didn't intend to get close to the cave at all.

Thomas was in a hurry to know the situation in the cave, and he didn't have the heart to take care of it. Ye Han simply directed the convoy to lean aside and quietly monitored Thomas's communications.

About a minute later, there were gunshots coming from the cave again, Ye Han couldn't help but pricked up his ears and reminded Zhang Ruo in a low voice: "Attention!"

Zhang Ruo closed his eyes immediately, and all his attention was focused on his ears.

The communication seemed to be connected, Thomas shouted frantically, Zhang Ruo took advantage of the shouting gap to translate: "What the **** bug... Kill the bug..."


There was another loud noise in the cave, gagging Thomas's remaining words in his mouth, and then a faint smoke of gunpowder floated out of the cave.

Thomas stared blankly at the entrance of the hole, then suddenly came back to his senses and shouted again.

"He asked what was going on inside and asked the troops inside to suspend operations."

"It looks like a lot of trouble... It's so **** weird!" Ye Han frowned tightly, "What the **** is going on in this hole?"

Although Thomas mentioned bugs, they are still bugs no matter how big they are, and it is absolutely impossible to have intelligence. Therefore, the possibility of being ambushed by aliens is relatively high when multinational troops encounter aliens.

But then again, regardless of whether the alien warships or the aliens themselves have always used energy weapons, explosions have never been the forte of aliens, so what happened to the explosions in the caves?

Aliens learned to blast from humans?

Or is this hole connected to a coal mine, and the firepower of the multinational force detonated the gas that came over?

Thomas shouted another sentence, which Ye Han understood, and said retreat... Well, I often heard this sentence when I was watching movies and playing games.

Soon a troop withdrew from the cave. The lacquer logo on the car was very unfamiliar, and it was unknown which country it belonged to.

Troops from various countries were evacuating one after another, and the evacuated soldiers were in a mess. Ye Han was thinking about what they had encountered when he suddenly heard Zhang Ruo's voice: "They say bugs, a lot of bugs chase them, they are very fast and spit or something, it seems It's a bug that spit out something."

"Why do I get more confused the more I listen?" Ye Han said angrily.

"It sounds messy to me, but it doesn't help!" Zhang Ruo said.

Ye Han rolled his eyes: "There is a way!" After saying that, he jumped out of the car with his arms up, and walked quickly to Thomas: "Zhang Ruo, I want to ask him what happened, what should I say?"

Zhang Ruo grinned and said a word of English at a very slow pace.

Ye Han, like a parrot, repeated Zhang Ruo's words with as accurate a pronunciation as possible.

Don't look at his poor foreign language learning, but his imitation ability is not bad, Thomas actually understands it.

But Thomas didn't answer Ye Han's question, and instead roared angrily.

Zhang Ruo dutifully translated: "He accused you of deliberately pretending not to speak English."

"Damn, I won't serve you anymore!" Ye Han turned his head and left, ignoring Thomas who was behind him and jumping with Zhang Ruo couldn't help but say, "Chief..."

"Okay, I'm not interested in knowing what he said. You should report to Commander Zhuang immediately and let the base play with the Yankees. Grandma's, what the hell..."

At this moment, there was another burst of gunshots in the cave, and a team hurriedly withdrew from the cave.

Although the soldiers were wearing power armor and could not see their expressions clearly, the panicked movements of those people could not escape Ye Han's eyes.

He couldn't help but stop and looked at the cave suspiciously.

Thomas suddenly roared, and the soldiers of the multinational force immediately pointed their guns at the cave, and all the armored vehicles turned their turrets at the same time and aimed at the hole.

Ye Han's eyes lit up, and he rushed to the armored vehicle in three steps and two steps, staring down at the cave, just to see an American soldier rushing out, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a lightning-like black shadow suddenly rushed out of the cave. Instantly knocked down the American soldier.

"Help—" One word was only shouted halfway, and I didn't know who shot the gun first. In an instant, the gunshots were loud, and countless bullets hit the giant insect.

Intensive firepower instantly turned the bug into a hornet's nest. In the face of the stormy bullet rain, no matter how tenacious the vitality was, there was only one fate.

The giant worm that was beaten into a sieve by the soldiers threw himself on the fallen American soldier, and the blood of the worm dripped all over the American soldier.

But that thing can still maintain its basic appearance, and when Ye Han saw the appearance of the giant insect, he gasped.

It was not any kind of giant insect he had seen before. This thing had the body of an ant, but its six long legs were as long as a spider, and its head and jaws were abnormally large, making it look ferocious.

The American soldier overturned the giant insect and ran away staggeringly, until he was far away from the entrance of the cave, and then looked back at the cave and gasped violently with lingering fears.

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