Armor Frenzy

Chapter 756: you can't, let's go

Ye Han immediately named this insect spider ant... There is really no name more vivid than this name, and he has even determined that this thing is 80% made up by aliens using the genes of spiders and ants.

The scene is full of veterans who have dealt with giant insects many times. I have seen countless giant insects, but this is the first time I have seen a bunch of giant insects. Hundreds of eyes can't help but focus on the insects, but I didn't wait for everyone. Thinking of one, two, three, a large group of spider ants suddenly rushed out of the cave.

They crawl very fast, and their movements are extremely agile. As soon as they rushed out of the cave, they immediately rushed towards the multinational troops. Several soldiers who were close to the entrance of the cave were caught off guard and fell to the ground by spider ants. Their huge jaws bit the armor. He bit his helmet, it rattled, and what might have been a tongue spit out from his mouth, and it pierced the mask of the unfortunate soldier with a single blow.

Ye Han, who happened to witness this scene, shrank his pupils. He would never mistakenly believe that the reason for the penetration was the poor quality of American armor!

The spider ant's tongue has such a powerful penetration ability, obviously it has been specially strengthened.

Another spider ant jumped on the armored car and stuck out its tongue to the armored car. I don't know if it penetrated the armor. In short, it was firmly fixed on the armored car by its tongue, and it couldn't be pulled out until it died.

The multinational force did not need an order at all. Everyone opened fire with all their strength, and a dozen poisonous smoke bombs were thrown at the hole at the same time.

Thomas roared loudly, and Zhang Ruo quickly translated: "He said the poison bombs are useless."

Ye Han couldn't help but be slightly startled. The target of the poisonous smoke bomb is the African giant ant. If the poisonous smoke bomb does not work on the spider ants, it means that this thing is not the same as the African giant ant at the root.

This further confirms the speculation that spider ants are not naturally formed.

There are quite a few spider ants, but after leaving the cave, the contact between the two sides is no longer the little bit in the cave. Hundreds of soldiers and dozens of armored vehicles opened fire together, and the incoming spider ants were quickly wiped out by multinational forces. , the soldiers of the multinational force immediately replenished their guns.

Their method of repairing guns is very interesting. Instead of using people to repair them, they use the rapid-fire guns on the armored vehicles to call them one by one. As long as they get one shot, no matter how strong their vitality is, they will immediately lie down in the nest.

Behind the multinational force, Liu Bin widened his eyes in disbelief and looked at the spider ants all over the floor: "Isn't it right? Could it be that the Yankees let this thing kill you?"

Ye Han also felt that it was unlikely, and shook his head: "There should be aliens."

"Why is it so messy?" Liu Bin couldn't help but complain.

Ye Han smiled and said, "What's the hurry, it won't be so messy when the fight is over."

Liu Bin also smiled: "Yes!"

"Chief!" Zhang Ruo's voice came from the radio.

"What's the matter?" Ye Han asked.

"I have contacted the American base, and they don't know much about it..."

"Got it." Ye Han said, "I just finished a game here."

Zhang Ruo couldn't help but stunned, and immediately said: "Received, Chief, Commander Zhuang said, try to find out the situation of the aliens as much as possible while ensuring safety."

"Understood, let the commander rest assured." Ye Han said.

The situation of aliens is not only related to the interests of the Americans, but also to the interests of their own family. It is only for their own family that they have to figure out the purpose of the aliens. It would be better if they could kill all the aliens easily.

Ye Han rubbed his hands: "Have the Yankees withdrawn? Exactly, let's go!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin responded loudly and immediately conveyed the order.

Hearing the order, the soldiers who had been holding back for more than a month screamed, all eager to try.

So Thomas, who was almost out of breath, suddenly heard the roar of the engine behind him. He instinctively turned his head and saw the Chinese convoy was heading for the cave.

What do they want to do?

As soon as the idea came to him, Thomas was furious and ordered his men to block the convoy.

Several American soldiers immediately blocked in front of the convoy, but although their hands were always holding their rifles, no one threatened to raise a gun.

Thomas roared at Ye Han, but Ye Han ignored him at all, and said on the radio unhurriedly: "Zhang Ruo, contact the Americans, ask them what they want to do, and then tell him, just say good dog. Don't get in the way, they won't let us in."

Zhang Ruo was in a cold sweat, thinking that this person really dares to say it!

Ye Han can talk wildly, but Zhang Ruoke didn't have the courage to contact the US base immediately and euphemistically said Ye Han's meaning - euphemism is relative to Ye Han, but Zhang Ruo's tone is actually very Straightforward, almost blunt.

If there is a Northeasterner who can understand English beside him, he will definitely think of the most classic dialogue: what are you looking at? How are you doing?

James was very dissatisfied with the attitude of the Chinese side, but he would not affect the business because of his likes and dislikes, so he passed the Chinese side's meaning to Thomas as quickly as possible.

After Thomas figured out Ye Han's purpose, he couldn't help but look surprised.

If the spider ants hadn't come out of the cave, it wouldn't be surprising that Ye Han dared to do this, but after the spider ants appeared, there must be something to rely on!

Anyway, they can't get the command of these people. Since they have the confidence, it is not bad to let them play the forward and explore the way.

Thinking of this, Thomas gestured to let the soldiers move away, and the convoy continued to move forward. Ye Han on the roof smiled slightly, and gave Thomas a Barton-style forehead salute.

The American-style military salute full of personality does not meet the requirements of the Chinese-style military salute. Ye Han does not mean much respect, but has a sense of frivolity.

But how did Thomas know about this? Out of a soldier's instinct, he also raised his right hand and returned a military salute.

The two sides seemed to be in harmony, but in fact they were pregnant. The Chinese convoy passed through the multinational troops and drove straight to the cave.

When the soldiers of the multinational force saw this scene, their eyes could not help but stick to the convoy.

The convoy was still more than 100 meters away from the cave, and Ye Han retracted into the car, and then buckled it on the roof of the car. It stood up like a frying pan, and the bottom of the pan was just right on the cave.

The soldiers of the multinational force are puzzled. They are all professional soldiers. They should not have army equipment that they do not know, but no one has heard of this stuff.

Everyone speculated, some said it was a new type of radar that could detect caves; some said it was a microphone used to collect faint sounds; some people had developed reverse thoughts, saying that it was a high-power directional infrasonic cannon... All in all, the brain hole is not small.

In the armored car, Ye Han gave an order and activated the frying pan on the top of the car. Invisible and intangible electromagnetic waves rushed straight into the cave from the pan. A dead spider ant suddenly emitted a faint white smoke.

Thomas' face suddenly changed: "Microwave cannon, that's a directional microwave cannon!"

Today's state is very strange, neither good nor bad, there are many things in my mind, and I don't know how to pour it out...

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