Armor Frenzy

Chapter 765: 2nd departure

The next afternoon, the US military base.

Ye Han walked into the American reception room again, and James, who had been waiting in the reception room for a long time, stood up immediately, gave Ye Han a military salute very formally, and said something in a very formal manner.

Ye Han politely returned the gift.

He didn't know what James was talking about, but the military salute was a common language among soldiers.

Zhang Ruo, who was accompanying him, translated: "Colonel James said that the U.S. side spoke highly of your heroic performance in saving the 48 U.S. soldiers during the evacuation operation. Colonel James would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of the 48 U.S. soldiers and their families. A true, noble soldier."

Ye Han is very surprised by Zhang Ruo's attitude. This kid doesn't usually have this style. What happened today?

James' respectful attitude was very useful to Ye Han, but he had already passed the frivolous age, so he responded very calmly: "This is what I should do. I personally appreciate the bravery of your officers and soldiers."

The sedan chairs are carried by everyone, and a piece of meat cannot be lost by saying two good words.

James Han nodded in greeting, turned around and took a delicate box from the American translator, opened it, held it in his hand and sent it to Ye Han to say a word.

Zhang Ruo immediately translated: "This is a medal personally awarded by the President of the United States. Time is short, so everything is kept simple."

Ye Han took this exquisite small box and smiled very face-to-face: "Thank you, it's very beautiful."

James replied, Zhang Ruo translated: "Colonel James said that your merits are worthy of such a medal."

Ye Han closed the box, turned around and handed it to Zhang Ruo: "Hold it for me." After speaking, she turned to face James, "Excuse me, how is General Thomas?"

After listening to the translator, James pursed his lips and said something, and Zhang Ruo translated: "Colonel James is now the interim head of the US military stationed in Africa."

Ye Han was startled: "How is General Thomas?"

While listening to James, Zhang Ruo translated: "Lieutenant General Thomas lost contact with the base last night. Communication was briefly restored this morning. The situation in the cave was very bad. General news...The US military base is actively contacting, hoping to get an update on the situation in the spider hole...If General Thomas and the participating troops are unfortunate, the international fleet may use nuclear weapons."

"God bless!" Ye Han said with a particularly pious expression.

He does not believe in any religion but respects the beliefs of others.

The short conversation ended here. When Ye Han was leaving, he passed by the airport of the US military and happened to see a familiar black man repairing the plane.

He was shocked immediately, isn't this kid the pilot from yesterday? How did you get the plane repaired?

The off-road vehicle drove past the airport and left the black mechanic far behind. Although Ye Han was puzzled, he didn't think deeply.

After returning to the base, Ye Han reported the trip to Zhuang Bo in detail, after which Zhuang Bo was silent for a moment: "After such a big loss, the Americans can't just forget about it... Pay close attention to the US military base to see if they still What's going on?"

"Yes!" Ye Han replied.

The Americans moved quickly. In the evening of the same day, a team of transport planes arrived in Djibouti. On the plane was a reorganized airborne battalion drawn from the mainland of the United States, with a total of 700 people.

The arrival of the personnel was only the first step. That night, waves of planes from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, and the airport was full of military supplies that were too late to transfer. The American soldiers with only carry-on luggage gradually armed themselves, and waited until the next morning. , has all changed into power armor, ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Ye Han didn't know how many mobile infantry there were in the United States, but in order to rescue the trapped people, he sent a battalion directly, which was far beyond his expectations.

This is a serious American soldier, not a multinational force of mixed good and bad.

Moreover, the Americans are also equipped with a lot of new equipment that Ye Han has never seen before, and can’t be named at all. You don’t need to ask to know that the spider ants have already annoyed the Americans. get back.

Ye Han has always observed the U.S. military with a bystander mentality. However, he never expected that two transport planes from China would land at midnight that day, bringing four armored vehicles and other equipment urgently needed by the Marine Corps.

Zhuang Bo conveyed domestic orders to Ye Han, asking Ye Han to lead the troops into the spider cave again to assist the U.S. military in rescuing the trapped people.

Ye Han couldn't believe his ears: "Commander, what's the matter? How much ecstasy soup has the Americans poured into Beidu?"

"Is there any need to ask? It must be an exchange of interests, but I don't know what conditions the Americans offered." Zhuang Bo analyzed, "Don't think too much about it, except for our marines, the Americans can't find them at all. People who have entered the cave, who will they go if they don't look for you?"

" What's the matter?" Ye Han sighed.

"No matter what happens, you have to be careful with me." Zhuang Bo said.

Ye Han chuckled: "Put your heart back in your belly."

Zhuang Bo didn't say more, and told Ye Han to hurry up and leave on his own.

Ye Han did not rush to convey the order, but called the soldiers out to receive the equipment, and kept busy until after nine o'clock in the evening before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, the U.S. military was ready to go, and the task force received a request for assistance from the U.S. military. Ye Han reluctantly organized troops to board the plane and stand by.

At about 8:00 in the morning, two companies of the US military boarded and set off, and the Chinese plane took off at the same time. The two sides joined forces over Djibouti and flew to Morobida at full speed.

Ye Han received the latest situation from the US military on the plane.

Earlier, the multinational force trapped in the spider hole had a brief communication with the US military base to obtain an update on the trapped force.

The multinational force suffered heavy casualties, with more than one-third of the personnel killed, and more than 400 people are still trapped. Thomas was lucky, he was injured a little but still alive.

The core of the U.S. combat plan is rescue and nothing else.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, the space fleet began to bomb the spider ants lingering near the spider cave, opening up a landing ground for the upcoming rescue operation.

After more than half an hour of indiscriminate bombardment, with the spider hole as the center, no intact tree could be found within a radius of five kilometers, and there were gunpowder smoke and spider ant corpses everywhere.

Just after the bombing ended, the aircraft group flew over the spider cave, and all the troops carried out airdrops as planned.

Because the space fleet blew up the landing site, the airborne this time was very smooth. After Ye Han and his troops landed, all the personnel were assembled in only five minutes.

Although the assembly was completed, Ye Han did not rush to set off, but patiently waited for the assembly of the US military.

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