Armor Frenzy

Chapter 766: intermittent attack

The speed of the U.S. military is not slow. All troops completed combat equipment within ten minutes. After that, the U.S. commander divided the troops into two. About three-quarters of the troops established a circular defense line around the spider cave. Only one was ready to enter the spider cave. Even, there are less than 200 people at full capacity.

According to Ye Han's idea, there are more than 200 people, and it is just right to bring only one squadron like him.

However, it is up to the Yankees how many people enter. Ye Han did not intend to intervene, nor did he have the ability to intervene.

Seeing that the Americans were ready, Ye Han took the initiative to lead the team near the entrance of the cave, ready to enter the first batch of the cave as planned, but he was stopped by an American major at the entrance of the cave, and said a lot with a very arrogant attitude.

Zhang Ruo, who was accompanying him, had an extremely ugly expression on his face, and stared at the Yankee viciously without saying a word.

Ye Han immediately noticed that the situation was wrong: "Zhang Ruo, what did he say?"

Zhang Ruo still glared at the US military major: "He said that he cooperated with us because of the order of his superiors. He doubted our strength, let us stand aside, and his own troops went first."

The attitude of the American officer made Ye Han extremely dissatisfied: "It depends on his grandmother, who does he think he is? Zhang Ruo, if you tell him, just say I said it, and let him get out of the way immediately, otherwise the U.S. military will be responsible for all the consequences!"

Zhang Ruo translated it exactly, the US military major said something, Zhang Ruo turned around and said, "He said he was in charge."

Ye Han smiled angrily: "Well, let's wait on the side, **** it, this is the first time I have met such a person."

As promised, Ye Han directly took the troops aside, not only that, but also reported the conflict in time, and the base came forward to negotiate with the U.S. military.

The so-called negotiation is also very simple, that is, it shows the uncooperative attitude of the US military commander. If there is a problem, don't blame Ye Han.

The reason why the base came forward was to suppress this matter below a certain level. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came forward to negotiate with Beidu, it would become a serious diplomatic incident, which would be of little benefit to both parties.

After Ye Han led the team out of the way, the triumphant American major immediately ordered a team of American soldiers to enter the hole, but the armored vehicle in the lead had to stop as soon as it got into the hole.

A charred armored vehicle was parked about ten meters inside the cave, blocking the passage. The US military had to exit the cave, drag the wreckage of the armored vehicle out, open the passage and re-enter.

At this moment, a large number of spider ants gushed out of the rainforest. They densely covered the ground and surrounded them from all directions.

The U.S. military immediately prepared for battle. At the same time, the space warships of the International Fleet launched a rapid fire attack again. The artillery fire fell from the sky and fell into the ant colony, cutting and blasting the flying spider ants.

The armored vehicles that formed the circular line of defense also began to shoot, killing the spider ants that broke through the fire blockade one by one.

The fire blockade on the east side of the defense line suddenly shifted significantly. Hundreds of spider ants broke through the blockade. The armored vehicle in charge of this direction did not rush to shoot, but activated the secret weapon on the roof, and an invisible sound wave instantly covered it. Ant colony.

Ye Han's armor suddenly sounded an alarm, and the system showed that the armor detected high-intensity infrasound waves.

He couldn't help widening his eyes, looking at the loudspeaker on the US armored vehicle in amazement.

Ye Han has long seen that the US military armored vehicle is equipped with a horn, and he still regards it as the US version of the microwave gun. How can he think that the Yankees have actually come up with infrasound weapons.

Looking at the appearance of that thing, it is estimated that it is also directional launch like a microwave cannon.

Ye Han can also receive an armored alarm inside the annular defense line, and the intensity of the infrasound below can be imagined.

As expected, after the spider ants that broke through the blockade were covered by the infrasound wave, they stayed motionless as if they had been tapped in their tunnels. A few seconds later, the firepower from the space battleship corrected the deviation, and the small group of spider ants was completely removed. kill.

Ye Han couldn't help comparing the microwave cannon and the infrasonic cannon in his heart, and found that these two weapons have their own characteristics.

The lethality of microwave cannons is good, but the main combat method is to drive away. Unless the target is forced into a corner with nowhere to escape, it is difficult to kill the target, especially a flexible target like spider ants.

The infrasonic cannon acts directly on the internal organs and nerves of the spider ants, and can completely kill the target directly. However, based on the actual combat performance just now, the working frequency of this kind of weapon of the US military seems to be a bit deviated, and the lethality it should have is not at all. show out.

So, in addition to these two weapons, are there other things suitable for dealing with giant ants?

While thinking about it, a company of American soldiers had all entered the spider cave. After a while, armored vehicles were dragged out of the cave, some scorched and some broken, and some were covered with scars and their armor was twisted. How strong is the ant to be able to destroy the armored vehicle like this.

The abandoned armored vehicles were soon parked outside the cave, which looked rather miserable, but only the armored vehicles were dragged and no body was found.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour later, the stacks of spider ants suddenly ran clean like sea water at low tide. The armored vehicles ceased fire first, and then the space battleship ceased fire. Cracked spider ant carapace, unnamed viscera and wanton splashes of worm blood.

"How did they retreat?" an American soldier asked blankly.

No one answered his question. Although the spider ants took the initiative to evacuate, how could the spider ants take the initiative to evacuate?

Everyone's heart is heavy, and they always feel that there is a huge crisis lurking in the depths of the rainforest that may break out at any time.

Half an hour later, the ant colony reappeared, but this time the attack lasted only ten minutes.

Next, the ant colonies appeared at intervals of half an hour to forty minutes, and each attack took no more than ten minutes, as if they were deliberately trying to whet the appetite of humans.

Every attack of the ant colony is just a shallow taste. This is not the style of giant ants at all. What is the purpose of doing this?

In the blink of an eye, it was one o'clock in the afternoon, and the wreckage of armored vehicles was no longer sent out of the cave, but Ye Han's heart gradually lifted.

There will be more than an hour at most, and the daily routine rainfall will come. The poisonous smoke bomb was invalid because of the rainstorm. Are the aliens who command the spider ants thinking of the rainstorm?

However, infrasound cannons and poisonous smoke are not the same thing. Heavy rain can only affect the fire blockade of the space fleet, and there is no obstacle to infrasound waves... Could the aliens want to take advantage of the heavy rain to launch a large-scale attack by taking the opportunity of space warships to implement fire blockade ?

Besides, Ye Han couldn't think of a more reasonable explanation.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the dark clouds in the sky gradually took shape, but the spider ants' attack was delayed. All the signs pointed to some possibility, and even the most sluggish people could feel the depression in their hearts.

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