Armor Frenzy

Chapter 767: Repeat mistakes?

A sudden gust of wind swept across the earth, and pea-sized raindrops fell from the sky.

Ye Han's nerves suddenly tense, he looked around vigilantly, trying to find the traces of spider ants, but in the woods, apart from the rustling of raindrops hitting the leaves, there was no other sound.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, but the situation has not changed. Ye Han can't help but wonder, is it because I think it's wrong?

A few minutes later, the torrential rain poured down, washing away the ant corpses on the ground and the armored vehicles waiting in battle. It seemed that he wanted to clean up everything in the world, but Ye Han still didn't get the slightest gain.

However, Ye Han didn't struggle too much. After all, it wouldn't do him any good if the spider ants attacked him. There's nothing wrong with maintaining the status quo.

But he was too happy. The spider ants did not move. The U.S. military's circular line of defense suddenly shrank toward the spider cave, and it wasn't as simple as shrinking. Several armored vehicles suddenly sped away and drove straight into the spider cave.

What's the situation?

Ye Han was very surprised: "Zhang Ruo, did the Yankees say anything?"

Zhang Ruo looked blank: "No, there is no movement at all."

Another team of US troops drove into the spider cave, Ye Han's heart was full of alarm: "No, there must be a problem, Zhang Ruo, you immediately contact the Yankees and ask them what they want to do."

"Yes!" Zhang Ruo agreed, and immediately contacted the U.S. military by radio. After chatting, he suddenly raised his head and said, "Chief, they said that they have received an order, and all troops will enter the cave."

"The reason?"

"Did not mention."

"Ask again!"

"Yes!" Zhang Ruo lowered his head and continued to talk to the Yankees, and Liu Bin asked worriedly, "Captain, this situation is not right, what should we do?"

Ye Han said with a sullen face: "The Yankees are all in, what else can we do?"

Liu Bin immediately understood, turned around and shouted, "Get ready to go!"

Even though the spider ants had not attacked for almost an hour, Ye Han dared to bet anyone that they would definitely hide in the woods and wait for a chance, and there was absolutely no way for them to leave.

Moreover, the Yankees have entered the cave. If the Chinese team continues to stay outside the cave, they will have to resist the attack of spider ants alone! Ye Han only had four armored vehicles in his hand. No matter how easy the microwave gun was, it could only stop the ant colony for a while.

The four armored vehicles were immediately ready to set off, but Ye Han was slow to give the order to set off.

At this time, Ye Han was very hesitant, weighing the pros and cons of cutting the queue.

If you insert the queue of the US military, after entering the spider hole, there will be US troops before and after, and the safety is more guaranteed. But the U.S. military definitely doesn't like someone jumping in line.

If you don’t cut the line, you can only wait until the end, when it will definitely follow at the end, and it is likely that the U.S. military will stay at the end to block the hole.

With the power of the vehicle-mounted microwave cannon and the favorable terrain occupying the entrance of the cave, it is not a problem for a vehicle to have a small roof for a long time. Coupled with the fire support of the Space Fleet, the persistence time can be extended. Ye Han is confident to block the entrance of the cave for 20 years. more than four hours.

But what's the point of doing so?

When Thomas brought the multinational troops into the spider cave, he also had four microwave cannons, but the result was that he was trapped in the spider cave without seeing people or dead bodies... Thinking of this, Ye Han was shocked. It was not that the Yankees did not know Thomas' situation, but they Drilling into the hole at this time, did you find something?

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, but half of the U.S. troops outside the cave had already entered the cave. Unless Ye Han gave up the armored vehicle and walked into the cave with the soldiers, it would be impossible to get ahead of the U.S. military.

Moreover, the attitude of the US military is very uncooperative. Even if they grab the front, it is estimated that the US military in the cave will not reveal the news.

It's better to stay behind than to squeeze in and get the Yankee's eyes.

Thinking of this, Ye Han had made a decision, and ordered the troops to wait a little longer, until the last American armored vehicle was about to enter the hole, and then he followed slowly.

The heavy rain had been falling for more than 20 minutes at this time, and the nearby vegetation was flattened by the firepower of the space battleship before the operation began, and there was water and soot everywhere.

The armored vehicle drove past the mud all the way, splashing the muddy water all over the car, and the mud spots stuck to the car were quickly washed away by the heavy rain from the sky.

When the convoy arrived at the entrance of the cave, they deliberately stopped for a while, and waited for the big wipers to clean the muddy water on the car before driving into the cave, and they drove in in reverse.

The US military seemed to have a clear purpose. After entering the cave, it drove into the depths of the spider cave without stopping, but Zhang Ruo couldn't ask any news there.

Ye Han didn't plan to mix with the U.S. military. After the last armored vehicle entered the hole, it only drove more than ten meters away, and received an order to stop advancing.

The U.S. military had no idea where to go, and could only hear the rumbling sound of an engine coming from the depths of the spider cave. The dark cave seemed to hide a huge crisis, which made Ye Han couldn't help but doubt his decision.

He thought for a while and said, "Car No. 1 and No. 2, the microwave cannon is forward; Car No. 3 and No. 4, the microwave cannon is backward. If you find spider ants, you don't need to ask for instructions, and fire immediately!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin agreed, hesitated and asked, "Captain, what are we doing now?"

"Wait." Ye Han said.

Liu Bin was about to ask when he would be dead when a voice suddenly interjected: " There is a situation!"

"What's the situation?" Ye Han asked anxiously.

"There is movement outside the cave... It's a giant ant!" Car No. 4 replied.

"Prepare to shoot... You said it was a giant ant?" Ye Han asked in surprise, "Not a spider ant?"

"No, I only saw giant ants, not spider ants."

"Pay attention, no matter what kind of ant it is, the microwave cannon will be fired when it enters the cave." Ye Han simply gave the order, then turned to look at Liu Bin in confusion, "Why is it a giant ant? What about spider ants?"

Liu Bin blinked, and suddenly pointed down: "Didn't they all go into the hole?"

"It's possible." Ye Han nodded. "It's also possible that they are almost dead. The aliens don't have so many things to do with spider ants, so they sent giant ants when they had no choice."

"If you don't come out early and don't come out late, you have to wait for us to enter the cave to come out. What do they want? They block us and trap us in the cave?"

"It has to be able to block us... By the way, the Yankees have poisonous smoke bombs, right?"

Liu Bin shook his head: "I didn't pay attention, I should have brought it."

"Forget about them." Ye Han said, "Zhang Ruo, let us know our situation to the base, and contact the Space Fleet and ask them to prepare. Once there is a situation, we will break through."

Zhang Ruo asked hesitantly, "Is it suitable?"

"There's nothing inappropriate." Ye Han said, "The Yankees rejected us first, but it's not that we didn't do anything, and we can't be blamed for it. That's it."

"Yes!" Zhang Ruo responded.

Ye Han said again: "Car No. 4, is there any situation?"

"Report, nothing happened, the giant ants didn't come in, they were all blocked outside the cave."

Ye Han frowned: "It's weird, isn't it right?" Giant Ants have always moved forward regardless of life and death, why are they so reserved today?

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of gunfire from the depths of the cave.

Night shift again tonight, crazy.

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