Armor Frenzy

Chapter 768: Alien Phantom

Liu Bin couldn't help being surprised: "Are you on fire?"

Ye Han, who had always been suspicious, heaved a sigh of relief: "It's finally figured out."

Liu Bin's eyes when looking at Ye Han immediately became extremely strange.

Ye Han didn't mean anything else. Spider ants are still a kind of giant worm without intelligence. This thing can't be hidden by itself. It's definitely the idea of ​​aliens. He has never been able to guess. What are the aliens calculating, it is inevitable to be uneasy.

Now that spider ants have appeared, no matter what the aliens have plans, they must be put on the table first, and Ye Han's heart that has been hanging will naturally return to his stomach.

Hiding in the armored car could not hear clearly, Ye Han simply lifted the top cover and got out, and the intense gunshots became much clearer immediately: "Zhang Ruo, do you hear anything?"

Zhang Ruo shook his head: "It's all about tactical cooperation, and there's not a single useful sentence... Now, the Yankees call for support!"

"Ignore him." Ye Han said without hesitation.

"They found aliens." Zhang Ruo said again.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Ye Han immediately retreated into the car.

Zhang Ruo was stunned, this change is a bit too fast, right?

It's not that Ye Han's face has changed quickly, but that finding aliens has a special meaning. Beidu has always wanted to know what aliens are hiding in Africa!

From the appearance of spider ants, it can be inferred that the idea of ​​aliens is likely to be the biochemical work of turning Africa into mutated giant worms, mass breeding spider ants in a mode similar to work production, and likely to produce more powerful spider ants in the future. Giant insects, if aliens gain a firm foothold in Africa, various biochemical giant insects similar to spider ants are likely to appear in Africa in batches, and then spread to the world in various ways.

Spider ants have obvious African giant ant ancestry, and are obviously biochemical giant worms based on African giant ants. Even if no laboratory has studied spider ants, humans can roughly guess part of the situation of spider ants.

But if aliens create a brand-new giant insect in the future that humans don't understand at all, and that is very hostile to humans, what kind of threat will it pose to the entire human world?

So the problem in Africa has never been giant ants or spider ants, but the aliens who secretly control the ant colony! The solution to the problem in Africa is not how many giant ants to eliminate, but how to eliminate all aliens!

There has been no news of aliens before. Now that Americans have found aliens, they can roughly speculate on the way the aliens hide through the environment in which the aliens are located, which has a very important reference value for the further elimination of aliens. .

Moreover, after the aliens are eliminated, the spider ant factory will no longer be controlled by the aliens, and the rate of production of spider ants will definitely be reduced, which will be a devastating blow to the population of spider ants.

Even if the spider ants themselves have the ability to reproduce, it is useless. The food chain in Africa has already collapsed. The new spider ants need time and food to grow gradually. The natural growth process must be much slower than the industrial production of aliens. Further limit the population of spider ants and create conditions for the complete eradication of spider ants by humans.

Ye Han didn't want to explain the reason. In short, there were reasons for not getting involved, and there was also a need to intervene.

The convoy was leaving immediately. Ye Han handed over the convoy to Liu Bin to command, and leaned over to Zhang Ruo and asked eagerly, "Have you figured out where the aliens are?"

"I don't know, the Americans use the number instead of the bearing. I don't know which direction it corresponds to." Zhang Ruo said.

"Think of a way to see if you can ask." Ye Han said.

Zhang Ruo said with a bitter face, "I'll try."

"Try what?" Liu Bin was very impatient, "Wouldn't it be enough to just listen to the movement and walk in?"

The battle in the depths of the spider cave was very fierce, and the sound of gunfire has not subsided until now, and the sound of gunfire can be used to guide the way.

"Just do it!" Ye Han made a decision excitedly, and Liu Bin immediately called two soldiers to monitor the direction of the gunfire.

The sound does not lie, it only refracts and reflects and eventually dissipates, and in a special environment such as a cave, the sound can travel very far.

The convoy followed the direction of the sound, and after a while, Ye Han felt that the armored vehicle leaned forward obviously, and the time of leaning forward was very long, indicating that the convoy not only kept advancing towards the depths of the cave, but also went lower and lower.

Others also discovered this, and Liu Bin said curiously, "We are all tens of meters underground, right? Why haven't we seen any water?"

This is not a dry desert, but a rainy tropical rainforest. Even if it does not rain, it is very humid, not to mention the rainstorm comes on time every afternoon?

"Maybe the aliens figured out a way to drain the water." Ye Han casually guessed, "How far have you gone?"

"It's four kilometers, less than five kilometers." Liu Bin said.

"Strange, why haven't we encountered anything along the way? Did we fire the microwave cannon?"

"No!" Liu Bin was very confused, "Did the Americans all lead away?"

Ye Han didn't speak, but moved his eyes to the screen of the camera, carefully observed the situation outside, and after running for a few hundred meters, a few broken armored vehicles suddenly appeared in front of Ye Han felt that those vehicles The armored vehicle was very familiar, and immediately ordered: "Slow down!"

The speed of the car slowed down, and the eyes of several people fell on the wreckage at the same time, and then showed a look of horror at the same time.

Those armored car wrecks were the ones that Ye Han handed over to Thomas.

"Stop!" Ye Han yelled, and the convoy stopped immediately.

Ye Han lifted the top cover: "Car No. 1 and No. 2 guard the front, and No. 3 and No. 4 guard the rear. Liu Bin comes with me!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin followed Ye Han, the two left the armored vehicle, and took a few steps to grab the front of the wreckage.

Several vehicles were badly damaged. The armor surface was covered with a layer of soot, and the special rubber on the wheels was shrunk into a ball. It looked like it had experienced a fire instead of being bitten by a giant insect.

Ye Han couldn't help but wonder: "Why do I look like it's been bombed?"

"I look the same." Liu Bin said.

"How is that possible?" Ye Han was suspicious, "Could it be that the multinational forces are in conflict?"

"No way?" Liu Bin lifted the roof of a car. The damage inside the car was not serious, but there was no one in the car. "People should be fine."

Ye Han suddenly said: "Liu Bin, do you remember, when we turned our heads back, as soon as a shot was fired in the cave, it would definitely explode in a short time."

"Remember." Liu Bin was suddenly stunned after speaking, "Captain, you mean, these are all bugs... No, they were all made by aliens?"

Ye Han nodded.

"No, it's been so long this time, isn't it okay..." Halfway through the sentence, Liu Bin couldn't continue, and turned to look at Ye Han with a frightened look, "Aliens also know how to seduce them. Is the enemy going deep?"

"Get in the car!" Ye Han took three steps and made two steps, roaring while rushing towards the armored vehicle, "Zhang Ruo, contact the Yankees immediately and tell them to be careful of explosions!"

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