Armor Frenzy

Chapter 769: Alien Phantom (2)

Zhang Ruo couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Chief, even if I tell them, they have to listen."

Ye Han said flatly: "No matter how much, it's their business whether to listen or not, and our business whether to talk or not."

"Yes!" Zhang Ruo immediately did as Ye Han wanted, and looked up after a while, "No one listens to me at all."

"Continue." Ye Han said firmly.

Liu Bin asked in a low voice worriedly, "Captain, are we still going forward?"

Ye Han also hesitated: "What do you think?"

Liu Bin thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible to go on, but you have to stay away from the Yankees. They're a hornet's nest, and it's still pierced."

Ye Han nodded: "Just do it... Also, turn on the microwave cannon and disperse it with low power."

"Yes!" Liu Bin agreed.

Microwave guns need to consume a lot of electricity and indirectly consume precious fuel. Even if you bring some more fuel when you come, it can't stand the constant consumption.

After moving forward for a few hundred meters, there was a fork in the road ahead. Ye Han ordered the convoy to stop, carefully identify the source of the sound, and quickly confirmed that the gunshot came from the fork in the middle.

Liu Bin asked, "Captain, which side shall we go?"

Ye Han couldn't make up his mind either. Just when he was hesitating, there was a rumbling low noise from the engine on the left. After a while, a bright light appeared in the depths of the fork in the road.

The situation was already very obvious. Ye Han's first thought was to step back a certain distance to avoid the US military, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was unnecessary, so he just stopped there and didn't move.

After more than ten seconds, a team of armored vehicles drove out from the left side road, and the speed was very fast. After the first armored vehicle drove off the side road, it immediately saw the Chinese team not far away, but this vehicle only slowed down slightly, very quickly. Just turn into the middle road.

The same goes for the cars behind, none of the armored vehicles parked for a while longer.

Ye Han counted, there were fourteen armored vehicles in total, almost a company's strength.

"Run in such a hurry?" Liu Bin muttered.

Ye Han listened to the gunshots coming from the cave: "The situation is tight below!"

Liu Bin smacked his lips: "There is definitely no need to go on the left side, why don't we go to the right?"

Ye Han glanced at Liu Bin: "There are no aliens on the right, what are you doing in the past?"

"Ah?" Liu Bin was stunned, "Could it be possible to walk in the middle?"

"Neither male nor female will go to the middle, let's stop here and wait!" Ye Han said.

Liu Bin's mind was half a beat before he understood what Ye Han meant.

The road in the middle must lead to the underground battlefield. The Americans have already made fire with the aliens below. No matter what traps the aliens have prepared, American soldiers will go there. Gotta get Yanks to sell to aliens.

On the contrary, staying here is equivalent to sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, and there is a good chance to be a fisherman or a oriole.

Ye Han's plan was to wait for the explosion below before going in, which could minimize the danger.

His idea is good, but how can the reality be so ideal?

The U.S. military team just entered the middle road and advanced at full speed, and arrived at the battlefield in a short while.

It was a very large underground cavern. An American army was trapped in the center of the cave by a large number of spider ants. A large number of spider ants were rushing towards the US military under the harassment of infrasound waves.

The number of spider ants is extraordinary. Although the U.S. military's firepower is extremely violent, it consumes so much ammunition that the U.S. military, who never cares about ammunition consumption, has to reduce the firing speed, saving bullets and shells.

The American soldiers are not used to this style of play, and the swarm is gradually approaching due to the sparseness of the barrage, and they are about to pounce on the armored vehicle.

Faced with this situation, the U.S. military had to strengthen its firepower, first repel the approaching swarm, and then consider the issue of ammunition.

Contrary to Ye Han's conjecture, there are only worms and no aliens here. If the aliens hide behind the swarms and conduct sneak attacks, the U.S. military will not be able to last for so long.

The corpses of the spider ants have been piled up in a thick layer around the U.S. Army, like a crater composed of ant corpses, surrounding the convoy in the center, but the spider ants still continue to cross the corpse pile, and the eight long legs contract like springs and then bounce. Open, each jump can jump over a distance of more than ten meters.

The spider ants jumped directly from the pile of corpses, and they could land on the armored vehicles of the US military, open their mouths and gnaw and bite, regardless of whether their own teeth were that good.

After some spider ants land on armored vehicles, they spit out formic acid as if they have eaten their stomachs. However, formic acid is relatively low in corrosiveness and has no threat to armored vehicles at all.

The spider ants broke through the line of defense, and the original unanimous firepower had to be divided and swept away the spider ants on the roof.

The U.S. military repelled several attacks by the swarm one after another, and the ammunition reserves finally bottomed out. The sound of gunfire and artillery changed from dense to sparse, from sparse to sporadic, and finally fell silent.

More and more spider ants jumped on the armored, biting and spitting, and the dozens of armored vehicles were soon covered with high concentrations of formic acid.

The reinforcements finally rushed into the cave, but the friendly troops were blocked by the corpse wall, and at first glance they couldn't see where the trapped friendly troops were.

Seeing this, the spider ants scattered all over the place immediately surrounded them, and the reinforcements opened fire without hesitation. However, just after the first bullet was fired, there was a flash of fire in the cave, and a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the cave, and the ring-shaped corpses were piled up. The explosion disintegrated, the scattered spider ants were blown away by the explosion, and the U.S. armored vehicle was also dying in the high temperature of the explosion.

Armored vehicles now have fire and explosion suppression systems, which can extinguish the open flames in the vehicle in time. However, no matter how powerful this system is, it cannot withstand the non-stop fire outside the vehicle, and the temperature inside the vehicle rises sharply.

Finding that the situation was not good, the driver of the U.S. military immediately turned red-eyed and started the armored vehicle immediately.

However, no matter how hard they tried, the armored vehicle trapped in the flames did not respond... The oxygen in the hole was consumed by the explosion, the oxygen content in the air drawn into the engine was extremely low, and the fuel point in the cylinder could not be ignited. , how can the engine start?

Not only the outside of the car, but also the oxygen content in the car has dropped dramatically. If it wasn't for a set of power armor, the American soldiers in the cave would have died a long time ago.

The trapped US military was in the center of the explosion, and the situation was not very serious. On the contrary, the reinforcements were located on the periphery of the explosion area, and the losses were much more serious than the former. Not only were several armored vehicles overturned by the explosion, the rest of the vehicles were also damaged to varying degrees.

For a time, regardless of the swarm or the U.S. military, the entire cave hall was filled with mourning.

Still parked at the fork in the road, Ye Han and the others only heard a muffled sound in front of them, the ground trembled violently, and the mud that fell from the top of the cave fell, and then a flame suddenly burst out in the middle, and immediately retracted into the cave.

I'm sorry, the state is very poor today, the second code can't come out, I will make it up tomorrow.

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