Armor Frenzy

Chapter 772: Alien Phantom (5)

The aliens in the sky had no escape and no escape. Three of them flew weaker and weaker. One fell from the air and hit the ground with unknown life and death. The other three happened to be on the surface of the water and quickly got into the water, dangerous and dangerous. Dangerously escape.

At this moment, a huge car worm suddenly appeared in a corner of the cave. This big guy had a rough skin and a thick shell, and was actually indifferent to the high-intensity microwave roasting. He moved his six worm legs and rushed towards the armored car.

"Fire—" Before Ye Han finished speaking, the car bug had already twisted its **** to make a sharp turn, plunged into the passage next to it and escaped.

"Stop shooting—" Ye Han roared, and then added, "Car No. 1 and No. 2 are guarding the passageway, and Car No. 3 and No. 4 are guarding the water surface. Liu Bin will get off with me!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin agreed.

Ye Han immediately jumped out of the armored car and carefully checked the situation in the cave - when he was still in the car, he realized that something was wrong. After getting out of the car, he realized that the situation was more serious than he expected.

The area of ​​this cave is not small, half of it is on the water and half is on the ground.

On the left side of the entrance were the wreckage of several loading trucks. There were twenty-seven or eight of them. Most of them were still intact, but some of them had been chopped up by aliens, and some of them could still see the national flag painted on the armor.

Don't ask, these armored vehicles must belong to multinational forces. Even if you don't look closely, you will know that there must be no one in the car.

Although Ye Han made his second trip to the spider cave because the multinational troops were trapped, his focus was not on the pile of armored vehicles, but on the right side of the entrance - there were many white sturdy vines growing from the ground. Start clinging to the wall, all the way up to the dome!

The part of the ground is like thick pipes, some go deep into the ground, some are arched out of the ground, and some are directly into the water; the main body of the climbing vines is attached to the wall, and each vine is at least A spindle-shaped capsule, there are even four or five; the dome part is tightly attached to the rock, and many vines with the thickness of arms hang down from the dome, and at the bottom of each thin vine hangs a water drop-shaped. cyst.

All the alien vines radiated soft white light, illuminating every corner of the cavern.

Turning his eyes to the water, Ye Han unexpectedly discovered that there was a giant jellyfish with a diameter of no less than 20 meters floating there.

He wasn't sure if it was the same thing, but the first time he saw it, he felt that the two were very similar.

Withdrawing his eyes, Ye Han's eyes fell on those capsules again. He already had the worst guess in his heart, turned his head to look at Liu Bin, and then walked towards the vines.

Liu Bin quickly followed: "Captain, let me come."

"No, there shouldn't be any danger." Ye Han shook his head and firmly refused.

Liu Bin couldn't stop Ye Han, so he had to retreat: "Captain, at least call a team over here, right?"

This time Ye Han did not refuse, but nodded in agreement with Liu Bin's opinion.

Liu Bin breathed a sigh of relief: "Luo Qi, bring your team over immediately!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, jumped down with the soldiers in the No. 1 car, and rushed to Ye Han's side in one breath.

"You don't need so many people, Luo Qi, you can keep up with two people, and the rest will go to see the aliens. Whether they die or not, give me a few shots first."

"Yes!" Several soldiers immediately ran over to take care of the aliens, and Ye Han took the others to the vicinity of the vines.

The capsule is very thick, but for the convenience of observation, one side has a palm-width vertical bar that is very thin. Although it cannot achieve the transparent effect of glass, it can also achieve a translucent level. If you are far away, you can't see the inside of the capsule, but you can see the general situation in the capsule when you get close. If you put your eyes on it, you can see it clearly.

Ye Han randomly chose a large capsule, leaned over to take a look, and sighed involuntarily.

Inside this sac is a strong white man. He was soaked in an unknown liquid, and his clothes were gone. He didn't know which country he belonged to.

"Captain?" Liu Bin was extremely curious.

"See for yourself." Ye Han stepped aside.

Liu Bin took a look and immediately turned his head to look at Ye Han: "He's breathing, he's still alive, do we need to rescue him?" Although the inside of the capsule is filled with liquid, it seems that the liquid can breathe.

"Let's talk about it later." Ye Han instructed cautiously, and leaned over to another much smaller capsule to look inside.

But he only glanced at it, and then he gasped for a breath of cold air—this small sac is also a person, but his waist was gone down, the skin and flesh were rolled over at the fracture, the internal organs were directly exposed, and the kidneys and bladder were clearly visible. The intestines float around in the fluid like snakes.

If it wasn't for the constant ups and downs of his chest, Ye Han would never believe that he was still alive.

Why can't the aliens go to the hospital to survive such a serious injury?

Continue to look at the next capsule, Ye Han deliberately chose the small one, UU read This time the wounded in the capsule is missing the right half of the body, but I don't know what means the aliens used, in the missing On half of the body, a tulle-like thing was used to outline the complete outline of several layers of tissue inside and outside. There were no shortage of muscles, bones, blood vessels, and nerves.

Ye Han was secretly shocked. If he didn't have enough understanding of the human body structure, the aliens would never be able to do this. He just didn't know whether the aliens were experimenting with this technology or had mature methods. In short, Ye Han Han felt that in another hundred years, human beings may not be able to master such high-end biochemical technology.

He was about to continue to look down when Luo Qi, who was not far away, suddenly let out an exclamation, as if he had seen a ghost, he stepped back several steps one after another, and everyone's eyes immediately fell on him.

Luo Qi's face under the mask was full of horror, and he stammered at a capsule: "Team, captain!"

"What's the matter with you?" Liu Bin was very dissatisfied. He walked to the side of the sac in a few steps and put his eyes up to look at it... After only one look, he let out an inhuman scream, and suddenly jumped away like a ghost.

"What's the matter with the two of you?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

Liu Bin pointed at the capsule and pointed at himself, his mouth was like a donkey's hair was stuffed and he couldn't say anything. Finally, he simply patted his thigh: "Captain, see for yourself, I can't tell."

Ye Han leaned forward suspiciously, and immediately widened his eyes in horror.

Inside that sac was a human, but only one head was completely intact, with only a string of vertebrae, two lungs, and a beating heart below the neck.

That's okay, the key is that there are four spider legs on each side of the spine. Although they didn't grow directly onto the person, the worm legs and the spine are connected by countless slender nerves.

This chapter is to make up for what was owed yesterday. After so much preparation, it's finally time to lift the lid!

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