Armor Frenzy

Chapter 773: Alien Phantom (6)

Ye Han seemed to have been smashed with a hammer by someone, his brain was buzzing, and the muscles on his face were shaking violently like an electric shock. What are you doing?"

Liu Bin reluctantly said, "Captain—"

Ye Han waved his hand: "Don't talk, you don't need to talk, let me be quiet!"

Liu Bin grinned and swallowed the following words back in his stomach.

Ye Han didn't need anyone to answer at all, and he wasn't stupid. When he saw that spider man, could he still not understand the alien's thoughts?

Half of the alien's head suddenly appeared on the water surface, and the abnormal armored vehicle immediately turned on the microwave gun, and the high-power microwave swept the water surface. The surface of the water surface boiled instantly, and a hazy layer of steam rose.

The alien quickly dived underwater, but an arm immediately popped out of the water, shooting a thin beam of light onto the armored vehicle.

The attenuation of microwaves in water is very serious. The alien's body is submerged under water, leaving only one arm on the water... If you look closely, you can find that the arm is also rising like white gas on the water.

The alien's arms were not afraid of microwaves, and the soldiers were surprised. The two vehicles immediately changed their tactics, the turrets turned, and the rapid-fire guns fired violently.

The cannonball hit the water, and a dense spray of water exploded on the water surface. After more than a dozen cannonballs were fired, the arm disappeared, and it was unknown whether it sank to the bottom or was blown up by the cannonball.

The brief interlude interrupted Ye Han's thoughts: "Zhang Ruo, contact the Americans immediately and ask them to come over as soon as possible, and the others will continue!"

Ye Han gritted his teeth, since the aliens dared to experiment with the combination of giant insects and humans, there must be more than one experimental product, and he wanted to see what the aliens did.

Liu Bin said, "Captain, do you want to call everyone down?"

Ye Han hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright, let everyone come down and see what the aliens have done."

"Yes!" Liu Bin agreed, "All units pay attention, keep two people in each car, and all others get off."

Ye Han concentrated his attention, aimed at the smallest capsule in sight, pushed aside the vines blocking the way, and took a few steps forward to bring his eyes up.

There is only one brain in this sac, and the brain is connected to the brain stem and spinal cord. The nerves on the spinal cord rise and fall in the fluid, and there is an indescribable strange feeling.

The same is true of others, some go deep into the layers of vines, and some only spin around the periphery, identifying each one of them one by one.

Liu Bin hid to the side after seeing the spider man, and never looked at any of the capsules again. He was not afraid, but his heart was filled with panic after reading it.

There are quite a few fighters like Liu Bin, and some people quit after watching a few of them. Few can persist from beginning to end.

There are nearly 200 sacs hanging on the vines, only a few dozen are located close to the ground, and the others are hanging high. It took Ye Han more than half an hour with the soldiers to reluctantly count all the capsules.

After summarizing everyone's reports, Liu Bin came to Ye Han: "Captain, the result is out."

"Tell me." Ye Han's voice was terrifyingly deep.

"Fourteen people are intact, twenty-one are missing limbs, nineteen are missing bodies, thirty-two are combined with spiders, thirty-six are combined with ants, thirty-three are combined with other insects, and there are There are a dozen or so who have changed their minds, and more than 30 who are messed up and hard to classify."

"Did you take pictures?"

"It's filmed, and it can be archived immediately after going out." After Liu Bin finished speaking, he hesitated and asked, "Captain, do you want to let people out to see the situation?"

"No need for the time being." Ye Han said, "Even if they are whole, I still don't know what's going on inside."

There is no reason for the aliens to keep so many normal people, and it is even more unreasonable to put them in the capsule and lock them up. The most reasonable explanation is that the aliens did some kind of biochemical experiment on them, and it is a biochemical experiment that does not destroy the appearance of human beings. .

Such as muscle replacement, organ replacement or even neural control.

In other words, these people are monsters transformed by aliens, no longer normal human beings, and the possibility of returning to human society is infinitely close to zero.

Moreover, the aliens have absolutely no good intentions in transforming human beings. These half-worms who have not completed the transformation must be controlled by the aliens.

"Then leave it alone?" Liu Bin's eyes went deep into the vines.

Ye Han's eyes were complicated: "Let the Americans have a headache... Zhang Ruo, where are the Americans?"

"It's going downhill, we'll be there soon."

"Why so slow?" Ye Han muttered in dissatisfaction.

Zhang Ruo explained: "I ran into a car bug halfway and was delayed. Eighty percent of it was the one that ran out just now."

"Understood, Liu Bin, gather to bring it back, wait in the car... Also, let Zhang Ruo get down." Ye Han said.

Liu Bin immediately executed the order, and everyone boarded the car. Afterwards, Liu Bin watched Zhang Ruo in trouble.

If Zhang Ruo is not a marine, he has no power armor to wear, but going out wearing a combat really can't guarantee safety.

No way, Liu Bin swept his eyes and found a soldier with a body similar to Zhang Ruo: "You, take off the armor!"

The soldier was stunned: "Huh?"

"Ah what, let's borrow a translator to wear it for a while." Liu Bin said.

"Oh!" The soldier immediately took off his armor, finally took off his helmet, and handed it to Zhang Ruo with a smile: "Translator Zhang, please!"

Zhang Ruo took the helmet and grinned embarrassedly: "Can I do it?"

He wanted to try it on, but he knew that power armor, like fighter jets, had to undergo rigorous training to be able to maneuver it freely.

"It's alright." Liu Bin said carelessly, "I turned off all the functions that I didn't use, and adjusted the sensitivity to the lowest level. You should pay attention to slow down your movements, and the rest will be the same as usual."

Zhang Ruo still had no confidence, but Liu Bin said so, and he was really interested in power armor, so he put on the armor with the help of a few soldiers, and almost fell on the horse when he lifted his foot.

"Forget it, I'll help you over there!" Liu Bin directly took Zhang Ruo's arm and carried him towards Ye Han.

When walking to Ye Han, the rumbling sound of the engine could be heard in the passage. Liu Bin pulled Zhang Ruo to stand behind Ye Han, and the outline of the armored vehicle could already be seen in the passage.

After a while, a convoy of more than a dozen armored vehicles drove into the cave, and groups of American soldiers jumped out of the vehicles and dispersed immediately after getting off.

Several American officers first scanned the cave for a week, and then split up, some looking at the wreckage of the armored car, and some studying the alien vines.

The highest rank was an American major. He walked straight to Ye Han with two guards, and raised his hand to salute first.

Ye Han found out that this was not the major who stopped him from entering the spider cave before, so he raised his hand to return the salute out of the most basic courtesy.

No state, it's too hot, dizzy.

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