Armor Frenzy

Chapter 774: Human and insect grafting

After the ceremony, the major said in very poor Chinese: "Mr. Colonel, if I guess right, you can tell me something."

Ye Han has a black line, what kind of mess is this?

Zhang Ruo swallowed his saliva: "Sir, he may mean that if I did not make a mistake, you have something to tell me."

Ye Han resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "I heard it!" After speaking, he faced the US military major in front of him, "Mr. Major, you should speak English directly."

The major's face was hidden behind the mask, and he didn't know what to say, but he said something right away.

Zhang Ruo translated: "He said you were really straightforward."

Ye Han couldn't help laughing. The major's original words were probably not so tactful, but he didn't reveal what Zhang Ruo meant: "Ask him, what do you want to know."

Zhang Ruo said a few words to the major: "Chief, he said he wanted to know the situation of this cave, the more detailed the better."

"There's nothing to say." Ye Han first pointed to the wreckage of the armored vehicle and then pointed to the vines, "That company is the armored vehicle of the multinational force, there are the vines of the alien race, and the bag is full of people from the multinational force, you let him Look it up."

Zhang Ruo translated Ye Han's words word for word. After hearing this, the American major could no longer pay attention to Ye Han, and ran towards the vines with the guards.

Soon, the scattered American soldiers began to gather in the direction of the vines, and Ye Han sighed faintly: "Let's go, we don't have anything to do here."

"Are you sure?" Liu Bin asked.

"If something happens, let them come and find them by themselves. I'm still here waiting for them?" Ye Han said angrily.

Although he didn't say anything on the surface, the Yankee's attitude really made him angry. Is he too worthless as a colonel?

"Hey, Chief, look!" Zhang Ruo suddenly pointed at the vines.

Ye Han turned around abruptly, just in time to see an American soldier swinging a knife to cut open a large capsule, the capsule burst instantly, and a naked Caucasian man flowed out of the capsule along with a large amount of mucus.

Everyone was stunned to find that there was something like a nerve behind the man pulled out from the spine at the back of the neck, all the way to the depths of the capsule.

The man coughed twice less violently. Every time he coughed, the body that fell to the ground would shake, and after coughing out the liquid in his lungs, there was no movement.

The U.S. military officer said something loudly, and the U.S. soldier waved his knife again, cutting off the "nerve" at the back of the man's neck.

Cut in two, the originally quiet naked man suddenly trembled violently, curled and stretched like an electrocuted prawn, his body and limbs bent backwards with all his strength, as if he could break himself in the next second.

The American officer let out a stern roar, and several American soldiers rushed up immediately, pressing the struggling naked man to the ground.

The Naked Man's struggle was so intense that the GI in the power armor had to exert enough strength to barely hold him down.

Even though he was far away from the scene, Ye Han could clearly see the naked man's limbs ripped open and blood flowing.

However, the naked man did not stop struggling. He twisted his body with all his strength, and his movements were getting bigger and bigger. One of the arms that the American soldier was holding down suddenly snapped with a cluck.

The few American soldiers who pinned down the naked man were horrified, and subconsciously put down their strength, until the major's roar got into their ears, and they pressed the naked man to the ground.

Several bystanders rushed up and tied the naked man with ropes like a mummy just dug out of a pyramid.

Ye Han, who witnessed all this, was secretly shocked and said angrily, "What the **** did those alien **** do?"

The two soldiers carried the naked man to the armored car. When the two men lifted the naked man, he struggled fiercely, but before he was sent to the car, there was no movement at all.

The two soldiers felt that something was wrong, and quickly checked the situation of the naked man, and then looked at the US military major together, and one of them shouted a word.

"He's dead." Zhang Ruo's face turned blue.

Ye Han's voice was heavy: "The situation is worse than we thought, you two go back to the car first."

"Sir, I'll stay..."

"It's the same with radio translation." Ye Han had no doubts.

Liu Bin carried Zhang Ruo back to the armored car, and Ye Han stayed outside the car, observing the situation with the permanent function of the armor from a few dozen meters away.

The death of the naked man made the U.S. military major furious. Ye Han felt that he thought he could save the intact humans in the capsule, but he didn't expect such a result after breaking the capsule.

The U.S. military major quickly calmed down and issued a series of instructions to his men.

The American soldiers who received the order immediately got into the vine forest and picked a few capsules to cut open.

This time, none of the people selected are normal humans. There are three capsules in total. The first one is an ant with a human body, similar to the centaur in mythology; A pure spider, but the upper part of the spider's head is circumscribed with a human brain.

After the three half-worms flowed out of the sac, they all remained and each half-worm had a clump of nerves at the back of their necks.

A few American soldiers approached, and first tied the three half-worms firmly, and then the American soldier with the knife cut off the nerve plexus.

The three half-worms were instantly resurrected. Although their reactions were different, it was certain that they had all lost their minds.

The U.S. military tried to guide them to regain consciousness, but all the methods they could think of were used, but they never worked.

After a stalemate for a while, the U.S. military finally gave up and carefully bundled the three half-worms into the armored vehicle.

Ye Han thought that the U.S. military would give up, but unexpectedly they chose a few more capsules.

Although all the people in the bag were from the multinational army, Ye Han couldn't stand it anymore, so he simply turned around and got into the car, out of sight and out of mind.

Ye Han, who was sitting in the car, sighed: "Zhang Ruo, inform the Americans that this place is handed over to them, let's go."

I found the Americans, and I roughly figured out the intentions of the aliens, so it was no longer necessary to stay here.

Several armored vehicles belonging to the Chinese side gathered together and formed a passageway when they were traveling.

Before the convoy entered the tunnel, dozens of capsules hanging under the dome suddenly burst without warning. Dozens of half-worms fell from the sky, and some fell to the ground with broken bones and tendons. Failed to get up; some landed immediately with unparalleled athleticism and attacked without hesitation.

Since the U.S. military was concentrated around Fujibayashi, the half-worms directly mixed with the U.S. military after they landed, and the battle became intensified from the very beginning.

One of the guys, who was half human and half scorpion, was especially brave and vicious. The sharp tail hook swung back and forth, piercing the power armor of the three soldiers in a row.

The American soldiers fought back hard, and the armored vehicles parked nearby gave full cover, and the gunshots rang out.

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