Armor Frenzy

Chapter 779: blasting

The aliens didn't care about Ye Han and Ouyang Ping's charge, and the firepower of the spacecraft was still concentrated in the direction of the wreckage. After the few American soldiers followed, they attracted a little attention from the aliens, but they didn't care anymore after a casual glance.

Just now, the armored vehicle did not do anything to the spacecraft. The aliens had the most direct understanding of the firepower of human beings. They clearly realized that the firepower of the armored vehicle is far more powerful than the firepower of the personnel, although they cannot penetrate it. The shell of the spaceship, but the instinct to deal with the crisis prompted them to hit the armored vehicle first, and then pick up the scattered humans.

Not only that, the aliens are still trying to capture humans and make up for their losses, otherwise the few American soldiers in the water would have been cleaned up by the aliens.

The aliens didn't specifically target anyone, but they didn't deliberately avoid anyone. If they were affected by the fine light sweeping away the wreckage, they would end up dead without a corpse.

And the closer to the shore, the closer to the spaceship, as long as the light is slightly deflected, all the charging soldiers can be wiped out.

Fortunately, the arrogance and negligence of the aliens allowed Ye Han to successfully rush into the water. He immediately activated the propeller, and the high-pressure nitrogen in the gas tank shot out from the nozzle, pushing the heavy power armor to swim toward the battleship.

The power armor is too heavy, and it is impossible to float up when falling into the water. If you don't use auxiliary equipment, you can only sink to the bottom.

The Chinese "jet" propulsion speed is very fast, and the water jet propellers of the American soldiers are not bad. A few people are underwater, like a few torpedoes that are out of their chambers, quickly approaching the alien spaceship from underwater, until they rush to the spaceship three. The propellers were turned off only after a few meters.

Although Ye Han's speed was very fast, the huge resistance of the water caused his speed to drop sharply, and he just threw himself on the alien spaceship, with his arms clinging to the edge of the spaceship to float and sink.

With a clatter, Ouyang Ping got out of the water beside Ye Han, and jumped onto the alien spaceship. After stabilizing his body, he immediately looked at Ye Han.

Ye Han pointed to the thin light emission port that was only a few meters away: "That, are you sure?"

The position where the two people came out of the water is not far from the launch port, but the launch port is as high as one person from the water surface, and the bow of the ship is almost vertical, there is no place to climb at all, and it is not that simple to blow up the launch port.

But Ouyang Ping is very clear, Ye Han is not asking if he can climb up, but if he can put the explosives on it - just kidding, 60 kilograms of explosives can't collapse a launch port?

He immediately took out a few pieces of plastic explosives from his backpack, squeezed them together and plugged in an electric detonator, using his actions to give the best answer.

At this time, the sound of water beside the two continued, and the few American soldiers came out of the water one after another. They were all blasting, and they recognized what Ouyang Ping was holding at a glance, but the most attractive thing was the electric detonator on the explosive.

C4 is a very safe explosive. Not only will it not explode if it is hit by fire, but it will be fine even if it is hit by a bullet. It must be detonated with a detonator.

Ye Han had moved directly below the launch port. He wanted Ouyang Ping to step on his shoulder to place explosives, but the shell of the battleship was not only covered with water, but also had no edges or corners to grasp.

Power armor is inherently heavy. If there is no place to support it, how can Ouyang Ping stand up?

Although the language is not clear, body movements are the common language of all human beings. Several American soldiers immediately understood Ye Han's thoughts, and immediately rushed over to surround Ye Han, some hugging their legs and some waists, swimming in the water like fancy swimming. Hold Ye Han down.

Ye Han was taken aback by the actions of the soldiers, but he immediately understood the intentions of the soldiers, immediately gave a thumbs up, and then patted his shoulder: "Ouyang, come on!"

Ouyang Ping came over immediately, but before he could climb onto Ye Han's shoulder, the American soldiers couldn't maintain the balance of the pedestal. Ye Han only felt that his feet were shaking, and then he fell into the water.

The soldiers have never trained this movement, and it is inevitable that they are unfamiliar, and the spaceship is still spinning, which makes it difficult for the soldiers to maintain their balance.

Ye Han immediately leaned on the battleship after he got out of the water, signaling the soldiers to come back.

The soldiers regrouped and supported Ye Han again. Ye Han put his hands on the battleship, and Yifang adjusted to each other for a while, and finally supported Ye Han.

Ye Han stabilized his state and did not rush Ouyang Ping to act. Instead, he shouted when the spaceship twisted to the far left and turned right again: "Go!"

Ouyang Ping moved lightly, giving the soldiers some time to adapt, and slowly climbed onto Ye Han's shoulder, reaching out and touching the launch port.

At this time, the spacecraft had turned to the far right, and was about to turn left again. Ouyang Ping didn't have time to think about it. He immediately stuck the explosives under the launch port, twisted and jumped into the water, and shouted "gogogo!" while starting the thrusters.

Several people left at full speed, and when everyone reached the safety zone, Ouyang Ping categorically issued the detonation order.

Behind the layers of wreckage, the thin light had cut through the layers of obstacles, and was about to cut through the hiding armored vehicles, but the soldiers nearby watched helplessly.

At this moment the thin light suddenly disappeared, and then there was a thunderous noise on the water.

The soldiers looked at the water subconsciously, only to see smoke filled with gunpowder on the lake and rippling water under the bow of the ship.

Seeing this scene, the fool also knows what just happened.

"Success!" Ye Han was overjoyed and raised his hand to high-five Ouyang Ping excitedly. The American soldiers behind the two waved their fists excitedly, and there was even more cheers on the shore.

However, after a brief silence, three thin beams of light shot out from the bow at the same time, continuing to cut through the wreckage of the armored vehicle.

Everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned, Ye Han quickly swam over, and was stunned to see three new launch ports opened near the blasted launch port.

He gritted his teeth fiercely: "Come on!"

Ouyang Ping immediately prepared explosives, and Ye Han approached the spaceship and signaled the soldiers to help. The two sides continued to cooperate and prepared to blast again.

The aliens are very aware of the situation outside the ship, but the thin light has a limited beam angle and cannot threaten the human beings in the water, but the unknown methods of human beings can threaten the safety of the warship.

They have lost everything on the shore, this ship is the last resort, they can't afford to lose it.

The human frame had just been put up, and Ouyang Ping had not yet climbed up. The ship, which was still invincible, suddenly sank, and the sinking speed was quite fast. It was too late to explode with explosives.

Seeing that the spaceship was about to sink underwater, Ye Han was in a hurry, and put his hands in front of his lower abdomen: "Ouyang, come on!"

Without thinking about it, Ouyang Ping kicked the soldier next to him, kicking the soldier into the water for several meters. With all his strength, Ouyang Ping jumped up to a height of five or six meters, fell on the top of the spaceship and fell on his horse, almost slipping from it.

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