Armor Frenzy

Chapter 780: Blasting (2)

The spaceship was still sinking. Ouyang Ping got up and took out the explosives, sticking them to the spaceship one by one, and inserting a remote control electric detonator for each piece of explosives.

Seeing that the spaceship was about to sink underwater, he simply piled a few pieces of explosives on it, then turned over with his backpack, and slid into the water along the smooth shell of the spaceship.

At the moment of entering the water, Ouyang Ping sent a delayed detonation signal.

After Ouyang Ping entered the water, he turned over neatly, started the propeller with his head down, and dived at a very fast speed.

At the end of the three-second delay, the explosives piled on the top of the spaceship exploded.

The flames shrouded in the explosion enveloped the entire spaceship, and the shock wave swept across the cave. The loud noise shook the walls, and the spaceship seemed to have been slapped hard by an invisible giant palm. It quickly rebounded and jumped out of the water, causing a circle of concentric waves between the ups and downs.

"Did it work?" The same thought appeared in everyone's heart at the same time, whether it was a Chinese soldier or an American soldier.

The explosive flame dissipated, and the smoke filled the ceiling of the cave, finally revealing the blasted spaceship, which was no longer sinking.

The white shell near the blasting point was already charred black, and the closer it was to the blasting point, the darker it became. Even if the spacecraft sank into the water, it could not wash off the slightest bit.

At the center of the explosion, a very irregular hole entered everyone's sight.

"Blasted through..." A surprised voice exclaimed, and then roared sharply, "Blasted through!"

Although I couldn't see what was going on in the hole, there was no doubt that it would blow through the spaceship.

Liu Bin jumped up abruptly and roared in rage: "Come with me!"

Before he could finish the sound, he had already rushed towards the spaceship at the speed of a 100-meter sprint. All the marines jumped out of the bunker and rushed behind Liu Bin.

Not to be outdone, the U.S. military major raised his rifle and shouted hoarsely: "!"

The American soldiers screamed and ran with the major.

The teams of nearly 100 people from China and the United States competed for each other. Ye Han and others who were originally near the spacecraft were even closer to the water. Ye Han took advantage of the opportunity of the sinking of the battleship and jumped on the battleship. He wanted to stand up and rush over, but It was found that the hull was too slippery, and standing up was almost like standing on ice.

The hull of the ship has a certain curvature, and when he stands up, he has to fall there. Ye Han didn't get up at all, and just lay on top of it, his arms and legs tugged like a turtle, and he slid all the way to the hole.

The American soldiers in the back were dumbfounded, and they didn't know why Ye Han didn't get up until they climbed up, so they also learned to get down and slide forward.

At this time, Ouyang Ping surfaced and faced the shore of the lake when he came out of the water. He happened to see the Chinese and American coalition forces rushing towards him. When he turned around abruptly, he realized what was going on. He hurriedly climbed to the battleship.

By the time Ouyang Ping climbed onto the battleship, Ye Han had already reached the edge of the hole, and the main force of the coalition forces also rushed to the shore, jumping into the lake with a puff, which was more lively than dumplings.

Ye Han stopped sliding and lay on the edge of the hole carefully. He was holding the scope to see the situation below, but an alien suddenly jumped out of the hole, which startled Ye Han and instinctively shrank to aside.

After the alien came out of the cave, they flew quickly, and while flying, they fired at the charging coalition forces. Several soldiers who were caught off guard were cut by mercerizing on the spot, some fell on the shore, some fell into the water, and the bright red blood was smeared in the water.

"Cover, cover-"

"coveringfire, coveringfire!"

Different languages ​​have the same meaning. No matter whether it is water or water, everyone raises their guns and shoots at the same time. The dense rain of bullets forces the aliens to run around, but the cave is so big that there is no extra place to hide and break out Only a few seconds after the hole, more than a dozen shots were fired, and the seriously injured alien could no longer fly and fell to the ground.

The soldiers still refused to let him go. Dozens of rifles continued to fire, and dense bullets fell on the aliens. It was not known how many bullets were shot. The shooting did not come to an end until the soldiers lit the gun magazines.

When the first alien was killed, another alien flew out of the hole. Most of the soldiers were changing their magazines and were not able to fire their guns immediately. Only a dozen people fired immediately, and there were a few instincts. pulled out a pistol.

If this alien fought desperately like the previous one, it would definitely cause heavy losses to the coalition forces. However, this alien who just flew out actually plunged into the hole and hid.

what's going on?

The soldiers looked at each other, unable to believe their eyes.

Ye Han, who was beside the hole, took off his grenade and threw it into the hole. He didn't know whether the explosion hit the aliens or not. Anyway, there were several sounds inside.

At this time, a few American soldiers arrived. Without saying a word, they took off the grenades and threw them in one after another. It was a lively scene in the hole. Fortunately, the Americans didn't bring incendiary bombs, or who would throw one down~www.wuxiaspot. com~ This hole has to be sealed with incendiary bombs.

When Ouyang Ping arrived, Ye Han shouted loudly, "Damn it!" He stopped the soldier from throwing grenades, and sent the scope to the hole to observe the situation in the hole.

In line of sight, there is nothing but shrapnel and scorch marks left by the explosion, but you can see that the space below is not small.

Ye Han took out a smoke bomb and gestured to Ouyang Ping, who immediately picked up his rifle.

Seeing Ouyang Ping's actions, the American soldiers were also ready for battle.

Ye Han tore off the pull ring and threw the smoke bomb into the hole. He raised three fingers and put them down one by one. Ouyang Ping stared at Ye Han's fingers, but just flexed two, the American soldier jumped into the hole without warning. Inside, and jumping down in succession, Ye Han didn't let go of the last finger.

The gunshots rang out in the hole, and Ouyang Ping jumped down.

Ye Han narrowed his eyes, retracted his fingers, and jumped into the hole.

The battle was over when it landed. In the corner of the cabin lay an alien with several bullets. The soldier who jumped first was hit by the alien's counterattack. A small hole was pierced through his body between his chest and abdomen. He fell to the ground groaning in pain.

Ye Han nodded at the other soldiers, regardless of whether they understood or not, he directly commanded in Chinese: "Take care of him." As he spoke, his eyes fell on the cabin door and he gestured to Ouyang Ping.

Ouyang Ping nodded, and the two grabbed the two sides of the hatch from left to right, blocking the hatch with crossfire.

No one knows how many aliens are hidden in the spaceship. There are only a few people in the cabin at the moment. It is definitely not the time to rush out. It is the correct strategy to guard the cabin door and wait for reinforcements.

Judging from the performance of aliens, there are not many aliens in the spaceship, but the aliens are familiar with the structure of the spaceship, which is enough to offset the numerical advantage of humans, and it is not as easy to capture the spaceship.

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