Armor Frenzy

Chapter 781: search

Ye Han's thoughts changed and he quickly analyzed the situation he was facing. He immediately said on the radio: "Liu Bin, you bring one group and two groups in, and three groups and four groups stay outside to guard, and immediately kill the aliens when you find them."

The spaceship must have more than one exit. The aliens can escape the second time if they can escape the first time, so people must be kept outside.

"Yes!" Liu Bin responded and immediately conveyed the order. The soldiers who had already rushed into the water were quickly divided into two waves, one wave climbed into the spaceship, the other wave was on the spot, and a few soldiers resorted to sucking milk. With the strength to swim back to the shore, the armored car was driven out and stared at the spaceship.

Upon seeing this, the U.S. military also left a group of people behind, and arranged some people behind the spacecraft. A team of more than 30 people barely surrounded the spacecraft, and even arranged a few people to monitor it underwater.

The large troop finally climbed onto the spaceship, some people surrounded the hole to alert the outside world, others quickly jumped into the cabin, and their weak strength rapidly expanded.

Liu Bin arranged for two soldiers to take over the guard, Ye Han and Ouyang Ping only got up, and Ye Han ordered: "Leave two people here, and the others are ready to go!"

Liu Bin glanced back: "What about the Americans?"

The number of their own team members is too small, and they simply do not have the ability to independently capture the spacecraft. It is simply unrealistic to leave the Americans alone.

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Go, discuss with them."

"Ah? How to negotiate?" Liu Bin was stunned.

Zhang Ruo didn't follow, just his half-hearted English... Well, that's not right, the US military major still speaks half-hearted Chinese, two and a half bottles of vinegar may be filled with one bottle, but two half-hearts together may not be enough. Can become a jerk?

With a mysterious smile on his face, Ye Han walked in front of the major with the firm steps typical of a soldier. He first pointed to himself, then to the hatch, and then to the left; then he pointed to the major, the hatch, and the right in the order.

The whole process is simple and clear, as long as there is no problem with the brain, you will definitely understand what Ye Han means.

Liu Bin grinned embarrassedly, he just couldn't get out of the bull's horn, and he couldn't understand the language just thinking.

The major looked at the hatch and nodded happily.

Ye Han turned his head and said, "Follow me!" After that, he rushed to the side of the cabin door, Liu Bin quickly grabbed in front of Ye Han, and several soldiers grabbed in front of Liu Bin and quickly prepared for battle.

Ye Han, who was pushed away by the soldiers, pointed to the other side of the hatch and made a gesture to the major, meaning that the opposite side was left to them.

The major immediately led a team of American soldiers to occupy the other side. The Americans had just taken their place when Ye Han roared, "Come on!"

The soldier at the front immediately threw a grenade, and a loud noise accompanied by strong light suddenly came from outside the door. The sound was still echoing outside the door, and the leading soldier had already jumped out with a rifle.

The speed of the American soldier on the opposite side was not slow, and he rushed out of the hatch.

As if the two teams had rehearsed thousands of times, you and I staggered and attacked, rushing out of the hatch and quickly occupying both sides of the hatch.

There was nothing in the corridor, the two teams were back to back, and everyone looked ahead vigilantly.

Ye Han lowered his gun and ordered, "Cover and move forward!"

At the same time, an incomprehensible foreign password came from the rear, and the soldiers on both sides began to move at the same time.

If it is a similar scene in a movie and TV series, the advancing soldiers always carry their rifles, with the muzzle facing the front, and they can hit the target in front as long as they pull the trigger.

However, in actual combat, the posture of the soldiers is generally with the **** of the gun on the shoulder, the muzzle pointing forward and downward, and the muzzle will be raised only when a suspected target appears.

The former seems more reasonable, but holding the gun all the time is not only more fatigued, but also blocks the line of sight; the latter not only has a more comprehensive field of view, the muzzle down can also ensure the safety of the teammates in front, and tactical actions such as turning around are also more effective. smooth.

The only trouble is that when encountering an enemy, you must lift the gun before shooting, but this simple action will not affect the shooting speed.

The team marched all the way along the corridor. The soldiers assigned their own tasks. The original seven-person battle group was automatically reduced to a three-person battle group. The front group automatically stopped when they encountered the cabin. They first threw grenades into the cabin and then rushed in. If If the hatch can't be opened, blow up the hatch first and then throw the grenade. The whole process is clean and never sloppy.

The other groups did not stop in the process, keeping moving forward as long as it was safe to do so.

The four combat groups moved forward alternately, working closely together, as efficient and accurate as a sophisticated machine.

The Americans did not fare too badly, with both sides marching along the corridor, rapidly expanding their control.

However, what makes Ye Han strange is that he encountered more than a dozen cabins along the way, but he didn't even catch a single alien hair. The further he walked, the more uncertain he felt.

Ye Han didn't know yet, but the same situation happened to the U.S. military. The U.S. military major, like Ye Han, murmured in his heart.

After advancing more than 20 meters, Ye Han's team encountered the first fork in the road.

There are only fourteen soldiers in Ye Han's hands. This manpower is not enough at all. How dare you divide the troops into two groups?

But just after the search of the passage behind it, doesn't it mean handing it over to the aliens?

In desperation, Ye Han ordered Ouyang Ping to lay mine on another fork after he chose the direction of travel.

The Marine Corps has never been equipped with any kind of standard mines. The so-called mines are C4 plus controllers that are squeezed into various shapes.

The controller is actually a lead plus trigger armor, which is very small in size. There are traditional trigger tripping hairs and advanced red lines. Ouyang Ping uses different fuzes according to different situations to block the fork to the maximum extent.

In order to prevent accidental collision with the auxiliary car Ouyang Ping always finds a prominent place to draw a skull with crossed bones after every mine.

Going all the way in this way, when he encountered a fork in the road a few minutes later, Ouyang Ping actually saw the skull he had drawn. It was only then that Ye Han realized that he had made a circle along the passage.

He immediately corrected the mistake, moved c4 from the fork that he never took to the fork that he had completed, and then the team continued to search.

Soon after, the team encountered landmines again, but not by Ouyang Ping, but by the U.S. military.

Probably the U.S. military saw Ouyang Ping's masterpiece, and a skull was also drawn near the mines they laid.

A 100-meter-long warship is not small for humans, but the aliens are three meters tall. For them, this warship is equivalent to fifty or sixty meters of human beings. The structure of the spaceship is very simple, and there are not many cabins.

Ten minutes later, Ye Han's team encountered the cabin again. A team immediately put the c4 on the door, and the door was destroyed with a bang. Before the grenade was thrown in, a few silk lights suddenly shot out from the cabin. If the soldier who dropped the bomb moved Any faster and you'd have to smash your arm into the shimmer and send it to the door to have it amputated with the shimmer.

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